7th Grade - MUSIC II

Keith Valley Middle School

Mrs. May – - x5068

Course Description: The seventh grade General Music curriculum is designed to develop performance, practice, composition, and listening skills. Students will have music for 12 weeks and will explore the following:

1. Popular/Classical Music genres and history

2. Reintroduce and reinforce staff notation, rhythm and musical elements

3. Practice and perform on bells, keyboards and guitars

4. Listen to and analyze various types of music including (but not limited to), multicultural music, world music, pop music, classical music, etc.

5. Use various technological tools to create, arrange, and compose music

6. Culminating technology/research project with our Pop Music unit

Grading: In class assignments, tests/quizzes, bells/keyboard/guitar playing tests, projects/group work, and classroom participation/behavior.

Please refer to Power School to access student grades

Expectations and Policies:

· All assignments must be completed by the due date given, including

playing tests, unless other arrangements have been discussed

· Be prepared to listen, discuss, write, and create!

· Students who are absent are RESPONSIBLE for making up any work/info

they may have missed



My parents/guardians and I have read and we understand the expectations and policies of 7th Grade Music Class.

This form is due by _____________________.

_________________ _________________

Student Signature Parent Signature