Keeping your Word
Keeping your word is probably the most difficult thing many people have the hardest time with in this day and age. We have learned to accept the inferior from each other and so we fall short on our word.
Keeping our word is one of the primary concerns that God have for us. If we do not learn to keep our word to each other we will soon fall for anything, and we do. This is the same standard we bring to God. This one standard is inferior and serves no purpose. Failing to keep one’s word is the reason why Israel fell into captivity. They inherited the Promise Land on the basis that they will keep all of God’s commandments. We are no different. If we fall short of God’s glory so will we also fall short with our fellow man, especially with the lost.
Keeping our word is falling short because we are so far from keeping the great commission. On this point we have failed miserably. We find every justification why we ought not to soul-win. We build great edifices unto God so we can make excuses not to go into the utmost parts of the world. We say, “Well Lord, the church is here, they can come in any time they want.” But the church house does not have an open invitation on it. No one is waiting outside in the parking lot waving the sinners in. Yet the signs in the parking lot states for members only. We have denominational signs up that conveys to others of different denominations that this is not the place for them. So we fail to keep our word even to the very body of Christ.
So, how do we keep our word? Start with the smallest things. Grow your word. Grow it first with God and then your word with man will come to pass. It is important that the lost knows that the body of Christ is capable of keeping its word. God spoke and He kept His word. When we speak God’s word we too must keep His word. At work, at school, at church, at home, with God, with friends, with co-workers, and with family we must learn to keep our word. We are building a kingdom that will not fall. Do you think this is an impossible task to ask? “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26.
We keep His word by clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, ministering to the widows and orphans, and taking care of the body. We must witness to the lost and meet the needs of the impoverished. Bring back to the church the works we were commanded to do. Take on the responsibilities once again and behold the salvation of the Lord. Let us keep our word on all these parts and the world will believe us when we speak the word of God.
Copyright © 2007 Founder Catch the Wave Ministries