Keck Undergraduate Research Program at Occidental College
Summer Research Fellowship Program Application 2015
Faculty Recommendation Form
Please send this form to by 4pm on Thursday, February 12, 2015
The Keck Undergraduate Research Program at Occidental College is pleased to be offering four summer research fellowships in 2015 to support student research projects in the arts, humanities, and social sciences that make use of archives, museums, and other local arts and cultural institutions. Students who are selected will participate in the ten-week Summer Research Program offered by the Undergraduate Research Center.
Faculty Mentors are expected to be available to the Summer Research Fellow on a continuing basis, to meet regularly with them in person or via Skype, and to provide support and guidance in carrying out the research project and preparing a final report, poster, or other culminating project. Please submit the recommendation directly to the URC by e-mail ().
Questions about the Keck Undergraduate Research summer fellowship program should be directed to the Prof. Lisa Sousa, Keck Undergraduate Research Program, Project Director at .
We would appreciate your assessment of his/her attributes listed below. For each of the following attributes please rank the applicant on a scale of 1 (Excellent) – 5 (Poor-bottom 10%), and add substantive comments that will help the selection committee evaluate the applicant’s qualifications. The following is a detailed outline of the assessment code:
1 = Excellent
2 = Above Average
3 = Average
4 = Less than Average
5 = Poor-bottom 10%
? = Insufficient data to render an opinion
Strength of the research proposal and methodology: _____
Comments (please comment on the match with art/cultural institution for research project as well as overall strength of the proposal):
Relevance of summer research to the applicant’s academic program and career aspirations: _____
Intellectual curiosity with regard to the research project: _____
Academic motivation and overall scholastic ability, especially in terms of analytical and oral and written communication skills: ______
Relevance of previous coursework to summer research project: _____
Reliability, maturity, and ability to work independently:_____
How often will you meet with the student over the summer? Discuss your role as a faculty mentor to the student and your interest in this project.
How long and in what capacity have you known this student?
Other comments: