The Healing Codes 03.05.2009 7

Thursday Q&A Kaye Spooner

Kaye Spooner: This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Kaye Spooner and I welcome you to the call. This evening is March 5, 2009.

The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any mental or physical condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart.

This call is being recorded and you heard that announcement I’m sure, when you came on the line.

Tom is doing family things this evening and has asked me to sit in for him and I am delighted to do so.

We would like to hear form you about your questions, your comments, your situations. If we have opportunity we’ll be glad to do some Custom Coding this evening for those on the call. Is there someone who would like to be first?

Participant: (Gail) The Healing Codes are really fantastic for me in making shifts. I now have a current challenge that in the past would have scared me and I would have been in real negative. And I really can see that this may be a new opening. I’ve just been fined and my Social Security has stopped without any notice because I earned too much money a couple of years ago. I could be facing not having a place to live at this point. I’m getting that it’s probably time for me to be much more moving forward in the gifts and talents that I have.

I’d like a Custom Code to really, really believe in myself. I am doing lots of volunteer work with my work and should be “should” really, given how much ability I have to be of service, supporting myself this way again.

Kaye Spooner: Okay.

Participant: Something like “I can do it.” All of a sudden to be able to make up that income plus finishing paying off my medical debt.

Kaye Spooner: You’ve done it before.

Participant: I have been self employed before and have done it, but usually with a partner. This is sort of just a Gail thing. That’s just how it seems to be.

Kaye Spooner: Is that the scary part, “by myself”?

Participant: By myself is scary and I don’t like marketing myself at all. Other people have always marketed me. I have a client who is marketing me quite a bit right now. I need to really, and I have a minister who is having me teach with him, but that’s a non-profit. So I do a lot of that. There is something about profiting myself and believing I can make a comeback financially doing what I love and really having that energy and vibration of “I believe in myself and I am really good at this.” That is true. I’m coming to be without a doubt – well, not without a doubt.

Kaye Spooner: Evidently. (Laughter) Your head knows but your heart is not sure yet. Got it.

Can I just speak to myself for just a second here?

Participant: Absolutely.

Kaye Spooner: I want to just be really up front with you right now. I had a major loss in my family this past week and a half. My 36-year old daughter died. I want very much to do this call and I’ve asked God to use me as a clean funnel. I appreciate your patience if I brain is not working as quickly, or my tongue, as it would normally. I hope that’s not a bad thing. I hope that’s a good thing. I will try not to say thing that, that are my own. Therefore it could take me a second or two to speak to the issue. I appreciate your patience and I want very much to do this. It’s just as good for me as it is for you, I hope.

I know it’s good for me. I hope it’s just as good for you. Thank you very much.

“I can do it.” When I say “I can do it” then the “by myself” comes us and “I don’t like marketing” and …. “I can do it with the gifts God has given.” “I can do it with ….

Participant: It keeps coming “I believe in myself” which I never have. “I believe in myself and I’m unstoppable.” “I believe in myself and I’m …” Now if I were in relationship or taking care of one of my kids or I hadn’t lost everything I owned – I can always provide for other people but when this is “just me”, there is some female issue in there. I’ve always been taking care of people since five years old.

Kaye Spooner: I believe in myself for myself?

Participant: Whoa!

Kaye Spooner: Is that good?

Participant: That would be a miracle.

Kaye Spooner: Is there any truth in that at all?

Participant: I believe in myself for myself – it’s coming.

Kaye Spooner: I want to believe in myself for myself?

Participant: Oh, I want to so much.

Kaye Spooner: I almost believe in myself for myself? I’m beginning to believe in myself for myself?

Participant: I’m beginning to believe in myself for myself. I can feel that. Wow.

Kaye Spooner: I am believing in myself for myself? Not quite yet, huh?

Participant: There’s something about “I’ll give up.” I love the statement although it’s a double negative, “I want to be able to not not do it” and give that to myself and leave that legacy. It’s like I want to be unstoppable, not negatives in there.

Kaye Spooner: I just had something and then it slipped. I’m sorry. I believe I can keep on…

Participant: What about “I believe I will keep on”? I believe I will keep on for myself. That’s almost a stronger will, too. My will will come in. I believe I will keep on for myself. That’s pretty powerful.

Kaye Spooner: Let’s test that and see what we get. (Kaye tests for and delivers Custom Code). I believe I will keep on.

Participant: For myself.

Kaye Spooner: … will keep on for myself. Okay. All those people who are on your coat tails will be affected positively by that.

Participant: Lot’s of people.

Kaye Spooner: “Myself” is not a selfish thing. Myself is a whole lot of things. Right?

Participant: Thanks for really pointing that out. Yes. Exactly. Thank you.

Kaye Spooner: Thank you for starting this off.

Participant: (Cynthia) I’m having a hard time hearing you. I can hear Gail but I can’t hear you.

Kaye Spooner: Is that not funny. I’ve had that same problem some other times and I don’t know what the issue is. Could you hear me, Gail?

Participant: (Gail) Absolutely. Very clear.

Kaye Spooner: Are there others having that problem?

Participant: (Candy) I can’t hear you either, Kaye. I could hear Gail and the other caller, but I can’t hear you at all.

Kaye Spooner: I’m going to change to the handset. Hold on everybody. We’ll see if that helps. Can you hear me now?

Participant: (Cynthia) It’s a little better. Thank you.

Participant: (Candy) It’s better.

Kaye Spooner: We’ll use the handset then. You’ll have to be patient with me as we do the switching back and forth, but we’ll do it. Thank you, Cynthia, for that help. Is there anything else we can help you with?

Participant: I just wanted to tell you that I just love you because I’ve gone through the very same experience that you’re experiencing right now. I feel such love and compassion for you. That’s all I have to tell you. It’s a hard journey but I know that there’s some purpose. It’s just so mysterious, but there is some purpose that is greater than this loss in your life. I just wanted to tell you I love you.

Kaye Spooner: Thank you very much. Are there others who would like to speak? If you don’t talk it’s going to be a short call. If I start talking about myself it’s not going to be a pleasant deal. We would like to work with you and get Codes for you and whatever we need to. Candy, how are things going with you?

Participant: Okay. I have picked up either a bad sinus cold or something worse than that. Patricia gave me a Code earlier. I was doing the Code and drinking water and throwing the fluids down and eating well. I think I’m through the worst part of it.

Kaye Spooner: That’s good. Do you need further coding or do you think you’ve got it.

Participant: I think I could use some further coding. I did pick up an eye infection. I can’t wear my contacts for a couple of days. She gave me some eye drops that she wants me to use. The overall part of my eye looks better. It has the outer layer near my cornea broke down a little bit. She’s trying to figure out what I had gotten into. She doesn’t have a clue either. I think probably being over in the care home. I try so hard to keep my hands and everything clean, perfectly clean and help my mom keep her hands clean. I don’t know. I am so grateful for The Healing Codes because I now that’s what has helped me stay out of the hospital.

Kaye Spooner: Alright. Good. Candy, do you have an emotion that goes with this? How do you feel when you’re talking about it? How does it make you feel inside when you’re talking about this?

Participant: I don’t know if there are emotions. I feel a little bit on the tired side. I’ve always been pretty much a healthy person. When I’m sitting doing the Codes even for this eye infection I just reflect about things. I don’t think I have a negative emotion about it.

Kaye Spooner: Can I ask you, Candy, are the things you are seeing at the care home upsetting you?

Participant: Ah, there probably is some stress there. As far as the overall care – I see some patients that are getting better than others. The overall care that my mom is receiving is good. There was something that was not right I’d be on it in a heart beat. In the state of Kansas there are two hot line numbers. If it was that bad I’d be hitting those buttons.

Kaye Spooner: Right. I’m not talking necessarily about things that are harmful. I just know from being there with my mother somewhat over the year preceding this one that there were a lot of things that were just unpleasant to see. You just regret seeing them.

Participant: Oh yes. I would agree. I’ve seen some of those things. Yes, ma’am.

Kaye Spooner: It doesn’t have anything to do with somebody doing something wrong. It just gets sometimes too much to see.

Participant: Right.

Kaye Spooner: Your attitude is being so wonderful with your mother. I just really appreciate it. But I suspect there might be a little stress just in the length of time and how much of your life that takes. Not that you would do it any other way, but there is a stress issue there I would think, from having been through it somewhat myself.

I would like to say that there might be some emotions under that which you hadn’t really either allowed yourself to consider or that just hadn’t surfaced for you yet. There might be things like that to consider as you are doing this Code, okay? (Kaye tests for and delivers the Code.)

Participant: Thank you.

Kaye Spooner: We appreciate you.

Participant: I appreciate you, too. I was just wanting to say that I’m thinking about you, too, in this situation. God bless you.

Kaye Spooner: Thank you very much. God is blessing. There are things that are being healed and helped and I appreciate that. Thank you very much.

Somebody else have a situation, a question, a statement, an answer, something you’ve learned lately that we’d like to learn?

Participant: (Lisa) I had asked Tom a few weeks ago, but I think I stumped him. Since you’re in this situation as well, if there was a code for grief specifically?

Kaye Spooner: No. We manifest in various different ways. You know there are various steps to grief, right? In those different steps there are various emotions involved. I would be glad to Code you for that if that’s what you would like. Maybe it will be good for multiple steps if we do you a Custom Code, we can do it with that intention, that it be good for multiple steps of your grief process. One of the first, anger is one. Unforgiveness is one. All that stuff. Self-blame and all the things that go with that.

Let’s just test, Lisa. Would you like to talk more about it? Is there a particular emotion that is….

Participant: I’ve lost other people. It’s just this one and it’s been eleven years now. It was my college roommate and her two kids. She was pregnant with a third child that I was going to adopt. It was a fire that took them all. I just can’t let go of any of them. That’s my hardest thing. I’ve lost a favorite grandmother and a cousin and stuff like that. I’m fine with that. It’s just this one that I can’t get past. I don’t know if it’s the multiple…

Kaye Spooner: Well, I would think yes. It was a lot of people. It was your best friend. It was your child.

Participant: It’s such a bundle of emotions.

Kaye Spooner: Really, that’s an amazing, amazing thing to be dealing with. The multiplier for me today is that it’s the 11th anniversary of my husband’s death. That’s the multiplier for me today. Anyway, Lisa, we’ll be glad to Code for you. When you think of it, what’s the first thing that comes to you. When you think of it, what’s the first thing you say?

Participant: Sadness.

Kaye Spooner: Is there any joy statement at all that you can make about this issue, that is true for you?

Participant: A resulting joy from it?

Kaye Spooner: Not necessarily a resulting joy. Maybe a joy in spite of it.

Participant: I think that’s part of my issue.

Kaye Spooner: This is not what this call is about with The Healing Codes, but I’m here so I’m going to do it. Do you have a belief in what happens after death?

Participant: I’m working a lot on the spiritual side of life. I do believe in a higher power. I do believe sometimes that she’s out there. I’m very confused about that as well. I know I’m spiritual, I just don’t know exactly what happens after.

Kaye Spooner: Let’s not worry about joy then, let’s focus on comfort. Is it possible for you to picture any or all of these precious ones comfortable together somewhere?

Participant: Yes. I can do that.

Kaye Spooner: Can you picture yourself with them, comfortable there?

Participant: In a make-believe setting?

Kaye Spooner: Yes. Like under a tree picnicking or something.

Participant: Yes.

Kaye Spooner: Does that feel good?

Participant: I never thought of doing it. Yes.

Kaye Spooner: Let’s talk about comfort and them and you being comfortable. They are comfortable.