(Credits vary - minimum of 12 required)
121 The Healthy Lifestyle / 3
173 Foundations of Kinesiology / 3
**216 Anatomy / 3
250 Measurement in Kinesiology / 3
310 Physiological Bases of Phys Activity / 3
330 Biomechanics of Phys Activity / 3
360 Physical Growth/Motor Behavior / 3
365 SensoriMotor Control / 3
345 Sport and Exercise Psychology (W)
445 Sociocult Analysis (W) / 3
125 First Aid/Personal Safety / 3
217 Anatomy Cadaver Lab (P: KIN216) / 1
371 Intro Research Methods in KIN / 3
411 Lab Experiences in Exercise Physiology / 2
465 Adapted Physical Activity / 3
KIN 493 (3-6 credits, 3 minimum) / 3-6
Tier I W (minimum GPA 2.0) / MTH - MATHEMATICS
(Based on placement but minimum MTH 103 and 114)
MTH 1825 Intermediate Algebra / 3
WRA / 4 / **MTH 103 College Algebra and
MTH 114 Trigonometry / 3
OR MTH 116 College Algebra & Trig / 5
IAH - ARTS/HUMANITIES (8 Cr) / OR MTH 124 Survey of Calculus I / 3
IAH 201-210 I / N / D / 4 / OR MTH 132 Calculus I / 3
IAH 211 and higher I / N / D / 4
** PSL 250 Intro Physiology / 4
ISS – SOCIAL SCIENCES (8 Cr) / **CEM 141 General Chemistry 1 / 4
ISS 200-level I / N / D / 4 / CEM 161 Chemistry Lab 1 / 1
ISS 300-level I / N / D / 4 / **PHY 231 Intro Physics 1 / 3
PHY 251 Intro Physics Lab / 1

**These classes must be completed with a 2.0 before 56 credits, JUNIOR status

Kinesiology Website: Use the Undergraduate Students link.

Pre- Professional
The Pre- Professional cognate will prepare students to work in clinical settings. The cognate will be especially useful to students who want to work in health related careers such as physician, physician assistant, physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractor, pre dentistry, pre-optometry, and pre-pharmacy. Students who develop an interest in Nursing should consider an Accelerated BSN program after graduation.
Due to the complexity of admission to the pre-professional graduate schools, students must work closely with a Kinesiology advisor to ensure appropriate preparation and scheduling.
Course / Cr / Title / Course / Cr / Title
ANP 270 / 3 / Women and Health / PHM 350 / 3 / Introduction to Human Pharmacology
ANP 370 / 3 / Culture, Health, and Illness / PHM 431 / 3 / Drug Abuse
ANTR 350 / 3 / **Human Anatomy / PHY 232 / 3 / Introductory Physics II
BMB 401 / 4 / Basic Biochemistry -or- / PHY 252 / 1 / Introductory Physics Laboratory II
BMB 461 / 3 / Biochemistry I – and - / PLS 100 / 3 / Introduction to American National Government
BMB 462 / 3 / Biochemistry II / PSL 431 / 3 / Human Physiology I
BS 161 / 3 / Cell and Molecular Biology / PSL 432 / 3 / Human Physiology II
BS 171 / 2 / Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory / PSL 449 / 2 / Developmental Neurophysiology
BS 162 / 3 / Organismal and Population Biology / PSY 101 / 4 / Introductory Psychology
BS 172 / 2 / Organismal and Population Biology Laboratory / PSY 209 / 3 / Brain and Behavior
CEM 142 / 3 / General and Inorganic Chemistry / PSY 235 / 3 / Social Psychology
CEM 162 / 1 / Chemistry Laboratory II / PSY 236 / 3 / Personality
CEM 251 / 3 / Survey of Organic Chemistry / PSY 244 / 3 / Developmental Psychology: Infancy – Childhood
CEM 252 / 3 / Organic Chemistry II / PSY 295 / Data Analysis in Psychological Research
CEM 255 / 2 / Organic Chemistry Laboratory / PSY 280 / 3 / Abnormal Psychology
COM 100 / 3 / Human Communication / PSY 320 / 3 / Health Psychology
CSE 101 / 3 / Computing Concepts and Competencies / PSY 344 / 3 / Developmental Psychology: Adolescence – Youth
EPI 390 / 4 / Disease in Society / PSY 346 / 3 / Developmental Psychology: Adulthood and Aging
HFDS 225 / 3 / Ecology of Lifespan Human Development in the Family / PSY 409 / 3 / Psychobiology of the Lifespan
HNF 150 / 3 / Introduction to Nutrition and Food Science / SOC 241 / 3 / Social Psychology
HNF 260 / 3 / **Principles of Human Nutrition / SOC 322 / 3 / Sociology of Work
MMG 201 / 3 / **Fundamentals of Microbiology / SOC 100 / 4 / Introduction to Sociology
MMG 301 / 3 / Introductory Microbiology / STT 200 / 3 / Statistical Methods
MMG 302 / 1 / Introductory Microbiology Lab. / STT 201 / 4 / Statistical Methods with lab
MMG 431 / 3 / Microbial Genomics / ZOL 141 / 3 / Introduction to Human Genetics
MMG 463 / 3 / Medical Microbiology / ZOL 320 / 4 / Developmental Biology
MMG 451 / 3 / Immunology / ZOL 328 / 4 / Comparative Anatomy and Biology of vertebrates
MT 434 / 3 / Clinical Immunology / ZOL 341 / 4 / Fundamental Genetics
MTH 124 / 3 / Survey of Calc. I or MTH 132 Calc. 1 and MTH 133 Calc. 11 / ZOL 402 / 3 / Neurobiology
NUR 300 / 4 / Pathophysiology / ZOL 408 / 3 / Histology
OST 401 / 1 / Selective Topics in Osteopathic Medicine
PHL 344 / 4 / Ethical Issues in Health Care