K4 objectives - unit on Transportation As Tools – 2nd grade

#1: MATH DASP 4.1

TSW will collect, organize and display (line plots, bar graphs, etc.) data in a variety of formats (physically, pictorially, and with written symbols) so that, given data on the EPA estimates of fuel use for at least 4 different cars, tsw display the data provided. The display should be an appropriate format for the data provided, should accurately reflect the data provided, and should be correctly and completely labeled.

#2: Social Studies TCC 2.2

TSW will explain how changes in technology have influenced various traditions so that, when given an example of an improvement in they types and/or access to transportation available to people in their community from 1900 to 2000, tsw describe how transportation has changed a typical practice or tradition for their community or family. The description must clearly relate to the example provided, must describe the change in the practice/tradition as related to the change in technology in transportation, and must be logical and reasonable.

#3: Social Studies PDC 1.6

TSW will recognize and identify the difference between goods and services so that, given a list of goods and services related to transportation (including mass transit, personal usage of transportation and economic uses of transportation) tsw will identify which examples are goods and which are services with at least 80% accuracy.

#4: Social Studies PDC 1.9

TSW identify specialized jobs in the school, community, and state so that, given descriptions of jobs related to transportation within the community, tsw state the job described with at least 75% accuracy.

#5: Social Studies TCC1.1

TSW will explain the contributions of famous Arkansans and Americans in history so that, given a list of inventions related to transportation and the inventors, tsw will match inventors and inventions with at least 80% accuracy.

#6: LA IR.12.2.5

TSW locate information from a variety of print, non-print, and technological resources (dictionaries, magazines, pictures, informational texts, people, and technology/Internet) so that, given access to resources and a series of questions about transportation used for personal and economic purposes, tsw will identify at least two different resources that provides information to answer each question. TS must correctly reference the identified sources.

#7: LA IR.12.2.4

TSW access information from such sources as charts, maps, graphs, and directions so that, given a chart or graph depicting data about different modes of transportation used in the US and a series of questions with choices that interpret the data, tsw will choose the correct answer for at least 80% of the questions.

#8: LA W.4.2.5

TSW create well-developed paragraphs that include introduction, details, and conclusion so that, when asked to write a paragraph about their favorite mode of transportation, tsw will write a paragraph. The paragraph should clearly reflect the assigned theme, should include a clearly written and accurately placed topic sentence, should include at least 3 relevant details in the body of the paragraph, and should include a clearly written and accurately placed concluding sentence.