2014 Math Standards K – 2

September 16 & October 2, 2014

K-2 CCRS Math Standards

Problems We See:

·  Use of “compose” and “decompose”

·  Large jumps from 1st to 2nd

o  1.CA.1

o  1.CA.5

o  1.CA.7

o  2.NS.1

o  2.NS.2

o  2.NS.3

o  2.CA.4

o  2.CA.7

·  MCLASS Testing #ID in Kindergarten (0 – 100) Standard 0 – 20

·  Kindergarten Standard – Introduction to money

·  For measurement – at what grade level is “on the hour” taught?

o  No standard on document


Day 1

Number Sense

·  New

o  K.NS.6

o  K.NS.10

·  Student Challenges

o  Ability to identify sets of objects to 10 without counting

·  Teacher Challenges

o  Mastery of skills

·  Potential Resources

o  Everyday Math Games

o  Teachers Pay Teachers

o  Pinterest

Computation & Algebraic Thinking

·  New

o  Written equations not required to decompose number

o  Patterns

·  Teacher Challenges

o  Interpretation of Standard


·  Nothing new

·  Student Challenges

o  Creativity needed to construct real world pictures using shapes

·  Fluency

o  Position words


·  New

o  Concepts of time

o  Clocks and calendars measure time

·  Student Challenges

o  Vocabulary

·  Progression

o  1st and 2nd – Money

o  Kindergarten – No standard for money

Data Analysis

·  Nothing new

·  Student Challenges

o  Different ways to sort

·  Materials

o  Manipulatives

First Grade

Day 1

Number Sense

·  New

o  Ordinal numbers

o  Counting by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s – not capped at 120

o  Counting by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s from any given number

·  Challenge for Students

o  Counting by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s

o  Counting by 1’s 5’s, 10’s from any given number

o  Explain thinking process NS.5

o  Mentally 10 more/10 less NS.5

·  Challenge for Teachers

o  Explain thinking process NS.5

o  Mentally 10 more/10 less NS.5

·  Progression

o  NS.1 – 120 in 1st grade *not good

o  NS.1 – 1,000 in 2nd grade *not good

o  NS. 3 – ordinal to 10 in 1st grade *good

o  NS.3 – ordinal to 30 in 2nd grade *good

o  The rest are good

·  Resources

o  Everyday Math games

o  Envision Reteaching pages

o  TPT checklists

o  Games for individual centers

Computation & Algebraic Thinking

·  New

o  CA.3 – Create real-world problems (add/subtract to 20)

o  CA.7 – Create, extend, give rule for # pattern (add to 100)

·  Student Challenge

o  CA.3 – Real-world connection

·  Teacher Challenges

o  Drill computation for fluency (above Everyday Math)

o  Model real-world computation

·  Fluency

o  CA.1 – add/subtract to 20

o  Bad

§  CA.1 – Addition 1st grade to 20 à2nd to 100 fluent

§  CA.5 – Two digit addition 1st grade to 100 à2nd grade to 1,000

§  CA.7 – Pattern to 100 1st grade à 2nd grade 1,000 and subtraction

·  Resources

o  Everyday Math games

o  Fastt Math

o  Rocket Math

o  TPT

o  Manipulatives


·  New

o  G.1 – 2D/3D shapes with attributes

·  Student Challenges

o  Vocabulary

·  Teacher Challenges

o  Vocabulary

o  K.G.1 – Position words

§  Not standard in 1st grade at all

·  Resource

o  Real objects


·  New

o  M.1 – Compare/order, area, capacity, weight, temperature

o  M.3 – Money

§  Penny, nickel, dime

o  M.2 – Read digital clock to min & hour

·  Student Challenges

o  M.3 – Count collection of pennies, nickels, dimes


·  M.3 – No money even ID in Kindergarten

o  1st grade – value of collection

·  M.2 – Skips – days, weeks, months (calendar)

Data Analysis

·  New

o  Divided into own strand

·  Student & Teacher Challenge

o  How many more/less – interpret

·  Resources

o  Vary graphs for exposure

Second Grade

Day 1

Number Sense

·  New

o  2.NS.4 – Ordinal numbers

o  2.NS.3 – up to 1,000 now

·  Student Challenges

o  Going above 120

o  One object left over when adding odd numbers (pairing)

·  Resources

o  Number scrolls

o  Math Facts

§  Rocket Math

§  Fastt Math

§  Math Facts in a Flash

Computation & Algebraic Thinking

·  New

o  2.CA.7 – Create, extend, and give an appropriate rule for number patterns

·  Student & Teacher Challenges

o  2.CA.1 – Get the students to learn their math facts accurately and efficiently (to 100)

§  “How I got the answer”

o  2.CA.4 – Explaining is a challenge

§  Terminology compose and decompose

o  3 digit addition and subtraction – regrouping

o  2.CA.1 – needs to do fluently

§  Adding up to 100 à 1,000 now

·  Resources

o  Math Facts


·  New

o  2.G.2 – Create squares, rectangles, triangles, cubes…using app materials

o  2.G.3 – Investigate & predict result of composing & decomposing 2D/3D shapes

·  Student Challenges

o  Visualizing – especially 3D

o  Predict results of composing & decomposing 2D/3D shapes

o  Portioning shapes – fractional parts

§  Vocab – fraction word

·  Resources

o  Tangrams

o  Hershey bars

o  Manipulatives

o  Literature/Trade books


·  New

o  2.M.1 – Describe relationships among inch, foot, yard, centimeter and meter

o  2.M.4 – Estimate and measure volume using cups and pints

o  2.M.6 – Describe relationships of time, including: seconds in a minute; minutes in an hour; hours in a day; days in a week; and days, weeks & months in a year.

·  Progressions

o  2.M.1 = New

o  2.M.2 = New

o  2.M.3 = New

o  2.M.4 = New

o  2.M.5 = Extended from 1st grade (hour and half hour), 2nd grade (nearest 5 min and time intervals ½)

o  2.M.6 = New

o  2.M.7 = Extended from 1st grade (pennies, nickels, dimes), 2nd grade (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars)

·  Resources

o  Coins

o  Judy Clock and St. Clocks

o  Measuring tools

o  Everyday Math

o  Trade books

o  Games

Data Analysis

·  Nothing new

·  Student Challenges

o  Labeling

o  Drawing graphs

o  Solve simple put together-take apart and compare problems using information from graphs

·  Progression – Good

·  Resources

o  Grid paper

o  Everyday Math

K - 2

Day 2

Rigor is NOT:

·  Slow and easy

·  Repetitive

·  Memorization

·  Busy work

·  Drill and practice

·  Recalling

·  Right or wrong

·  Answers are not always in the back of the book

Rigor IS:

·  Thinking deeply

·  Taking it further

·  Difficult

·  Explicit teaching

·  Consistent and fast paced

·  Thinking creatively

·  Thinking critically

·  Problem solve

·  Teachers need to consider in all planning

·  Embrace messiness

·  Challenge * kids take responsibility

·  Formative assessment process and practice

·  Clear connections

·  Entry points for all

·  Getting all kinds involved in math discussions

·  Credit for thinking

·  Persistence

Make sense of problems and persevere / Explain Plan
Simplify Solve
Check Connect
Make sense / Understand the problem, plan, solve, check and make connections / ·  Model
·  Provide practice / ·  Draw
·  Plan
·  Use various manipulatives
Reason abstractly and quantitatively / Decontextualize
Quantitative reasoning
Coherent representation / Identify problem; solve; be able to apply process again / ·  Model
·  Think alouds
·  Creating various situations
·  Walk the talk
·  I do, we do, you do
·  Provide practice time / ·  Thinking out loud
·  Collaborate with peers
·  Trial and error
·  Focus
·  Many opportunities
·  Explain and teach
Construct viable arguments and critique reasoning of others / Data Logical
Analyze Compare
Justify Question
Communicate / Analyze, question, and justify the reasoning of others (self K-2) / ·  Model the process
·  Give opportunities for questioning
·  Check for understanding / Use data to support their arguments and question the reasoning of others
Model with Math / ·  Everyday life problems
·  Apply
·  Communicate
·  Identify
·  Analyze
·  Interpret / Students apply/problem solve, while using concepts and tools they’ve acquired / Teacher models, teaches and thinks aloud everyday problems. Students can construct knowledge based on model. Teacher involves kids and allows their approximations. / Guided practice stage – kids learn by doing! They problem solve and are engaged in self-monitoring and attacking problem using multiple approaches.
Use appropriate tools strategically / ·  Tools
·  Decision-making
·  Technology
·  Pose
·  Explore
·  Solve / Students explore with tools and technology to solve and pose problems / ·  Make tools available to choose
·  Allow opportunity to explore with tools and technology
·  Model process / ·  Gain knowledge and experience of tools and technology
·  Pose and solve problems
·  Make decisions
Attend to precision / ·  Communicate
·  Precisely
·  Definitions
·  Express / Understand and communicate mathematical terms and solutions / Hold class discussions using correct mathematical terms / ·  Clearly explain their methods and solutions
·  Use correct mathematical terms in the explanation
Look for and Make use of structures / ·  Patterns
·  Properties
·  Geometric shapes
·  Operations / Understand patterns and geometric thinking / ·  Provide hands-on exploration of geometric figures
·  Model patterning / ·  Find patterns
·  Understand the properties of geometric shapes
Look for and express regularity in reported reasoning / ·  Proficient
·  Evaluate
·  Regularity
·  Formula
·  Looking
·  Attending
·  Short cuts / Students are self-monitoring, constructing, attacking the problems, finding the rule and then evaluating. / Teachers are giving instruction explicitly and modeling the short cuts while attending to details awhile working the problems and evaluating the results / Students have to continually monitor their work and formulas to solve the problems they have to show the details and evaluate their thinking to demonstrate that it makes sense

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