AGENDA – Regular Meeting Board of Education
Judge Una Keenon - President East Cleveland City School District
October 12, 2009
Board President – Judge Una Keenon
Shaw High School– 7:00 P.M. Monday, October 12, 2009
I. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
II. Roll Call By Treasurer
III. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting September 14, 2009
IV. Communications
V. Open Discussion of Agenda Items
VI. Reports of Committees
VI. Reports of Committees
A. Buildings and Grounds Ms. Pamela McClarin
Mrs. Barbara Jeffries
1. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Johnson Controls, Inc., for HVAC Preventive Maintenance & Repair ServicesWhereas, the East Cleveland City School District has previously submitted a maintenance plan that includes a business plan for preventive maintenance and facility operations to the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) for approval; and,
Whereas, the OSFC has approved these plans at a previous Commission meeting held on March 23, 2006 [Resolution 06-167]; and,
Whereas, the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District hereby authorizes the procurement of HVAC preventive maintenance and repair services from Johnson Controls, Inc. at an amount not to exceed $60,000.00 through the Ohio Department of Administrative Services Cooperative Purchasing Program; and,
Whereas, the contract will provide preventive maintenance and on-call services for the East Cleveland City School District's heating, ventilating, air conditioning, refrigeration and water treatment equipment at Shaw High School; therefore, be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $60,000.00 for said services from the Classroom Facilities Maintenance Fund-034.
2. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Johnson Controls, Inc., for HVAC Preventive Maintenance & Repair Services
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District has previously submitted a maintenance plan that includes a business plan for preventive maintenance and facility operations to the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) for approval; and,
Whereas, the OSFC has approved these plans at a previous Commission meeting held on March 23, 2006 [Resolution 06-167]; and,
Whereas, the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District hereby authorizes the procurement of HVAC preventive maintenance and repairs services from Johnson Controls, Inc. at an amount not to exceed $45,700.00 through the Ohio Department of Administrative Services Cooperative Purchasing Program; and,
Whereas, the contract will provide preventive maintenance and on-call services for the East Cleveland City School District's heating, ventilating, air conditioning, refrigeration and water treatment equipment at Heritage Middle School; therefore, be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $45,700.00 for said services from the Classroom Facilities Maintenance Fund-034.
3. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Brobst Landscaping, Inc.
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Brobst Landscaping, Inc., to provide labor, materials and equipment for the removal of stone, gravel and concrete up to 6” in depth, level area, install geo-fabric playground mulch, install landscape timber reseed, lawn area, all to be performed at Heritage Middle School around the Fitness Zone area from October 28, 2009 through November 30, 2009 at a cost not to exceed $24,900.00; therefore, be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $24,900.00 for said services from the Capital Facilities Fund-010.
4. / Resolution to authorize OSFC Form Agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) for Locally Funded Initiatives (LFI), i.e., Doan Avenue Apartments
WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District is engaged in a district-wide capital improvement program, which is being designed and constructed as part of the Ohio School Commission’s Classroom Facilities Assistance Program; and
WHEREAS, the Board's Architect prepared the construction documents phase drawings and related documents for the Building Project and included certain other improvements outside the scope of the Ohio School Design Manual (which are referred to as locally funded initiative items or LFIs), and the Construction Manager for the project reviewed the construction documents, drawings and related documents prepared by the Architect and provided comments on the drawings and documents for conformity with the OSFC design phase submission requirements; and
WHEREAS, the Construction Manager prepared the OSFC Form Agreement for Locally Funded Initiatives (LFI) document required by the OSFC to describe the locally funded initiative items included in the demolition of Rozelle Elementary School; and
WHEREAS, all of the comments have been reviewed and resolved with respect to the construction documents for the project, and the Construction Manager recommends approval of the construction documents phase submission notebook;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District as follows:
1. The construction documents phase submission notebook dated July 2006, which has been assembled by the Construction Manager, is hereby approved by the Board, subject to approval by the OSFC.
2. The Superintendent and Treasurer are authorized to sign the OSFC Form Agreement for Local Funded Initiatives (LFI) document prepared for the construction documents design phase, which includes the Locally Funded Initiative Funding Plan.
3. The Board authorizes the Treasurer to work with the Construction Manager to prepare and place the required advertisements to solicit bids for the specified work.
AGENDA – Regular Meeting Board of Education
Judge Una Keenon - President East Cleveland City School District
October 12, 2009
VI. Reports of Committees
B. Education Ms. Chantelle Lewis
Ms. Pamela McClarin
1. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Deborah Stoner-RichardsonWhereas, the East Cleveland City School District will provide Child Abuse/Neglect Training Certification for the Early Childhood Education and Criminal Justice programs from October 28, 2009 through June 7, 2010 at a cost of $3,864.00, therefore, be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $3,864.00 for said services from the Career-Technical General Fund (001)
2. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Bryan R. Phinazee
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Bryan R. Phinazee, who will provide students with culinary knifing skills, sautéing skills, and banquet set-up skills for the 2009-2010 school year at a cost of $4,500.00, therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $4,500.00 for said services from the Career Technical Education General Fund (001)
3. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Jacqueline Bowman
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Jacqueline Bowman to provide forty hours (40) at $26.00 per hour of instruction to Shaw High School Criminal Justice / Criminal Science students in Legal Matters Career Path / and Private Security Certification at a total cost of $1,040.00, therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $1,040.00 for said services from the Career Technical Education General Fund (001).
4. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Stephanie N. Hall
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Stephanie N. Hall to provide forty hours (40) at $26.00 per hour of instruction to Shaw High School Criminal Justice / Criminal Science students for State Certification, Private Security and in Legal Career Path at a total cost of $1,040.00, therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $1,040.00 for said services from the Career Technical Education General Fund (001).
5. ?. / Resolution to Approve Transportation Schedules and Routes for the 2009-2010 School Year
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education must adopt and put into force transportation schedules and routes prior to the beginning of the school term; and
Whereas, copies of the transportation schedules and routes are available for public review in the offices of the Superintendent, Business Manager and the Transportation Department.
Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, under the provisions of ORC 3327.01, the transportation schedules and routes are hereby approved as presented hereto as Exhibit A; and
Be it Further Resolved, that should changes in such transportation schedules and routes become desirable for safety, cost-effectiveness, or other reasons, the administration shall make recommendations for Board action. However, if an unsafe condition is made known, the administration shall act prior to Board action to ensure the safety of students, staff, and other persons.
6. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to America’s Choice
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with America’s Choice, Inc. for services which will include materials, technology, supplies, professional development and building level support specific to literacy, math and science at Prospect, Chambers, Caledonia, Mayfair, Superior Elementary Schools and Heritage Middle School for the 2009-2010 school year, therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $600,000 for said services from Title I-572 Fund.
7. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Black Lemonade
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Black Lemonade to perform services that will empower parents as primary stakeholders in their children’s future. The objective will be to provide professional development in order to reinforce effective parenting skills for home and school; to promote effective home-school communications techniques; to introduce student performance monitoring routines; to empower parents; and to commit participants to model routines for other parents for the 2009-2010 school year, therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $12,000 for said services from the Title I-572 Fund.
8. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to A Cultural Exchange
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with A Cultural Exchange to provide book clubs for students in grades K-12 as a means to promote literacy at Caledonia, Chambers, Mayfair, Prospect, Superior Elementary Schools, Heritage Middle School and Shaw High School, therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $116,344.00 from Title I-572 Fund.
VI. Reports of Committees
C. Finance Mrs. Barbara Jeffries
Dr. Patricia Blochowiak
1. / Resolution to Adopt the H.B. 412 Five Year ForecastWhereas, it is mandatory for a Board of Education to adopt a revised Five Year Forecast by May 31st and October 31st of each fiscal year, therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board of Education authorizes the Treasurer of the East Cleveland City School District to file such Five Year Forecast with the Ohio Department of Education as required. (See exhibit #1.)
2. / Resolution to Amend Resolution #124-09 to Enter Into an Agreement with the Ohio Auditor of State for the Audit of the Basic Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2004, 2005 and 2006.
Whereas, it is necessary to amend the agreement with the Ohio Auditor of State per their engagement letter for the audit of the basic financial statements following generally accepted auditing standards and the Comptroller General of the United States’ standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, and the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996, and the provisions of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations for the fiscal years 2004, 2005 and 2006, and
Whereas, the cost of these services were not expected to exceed the aggregate of $70,000 for all years 2004, 2005 and 2006, however after further consideration, it was determined that the cost for testing additional federal programs will result in an additional $15,000.00 charge, therefore be it
Resolved, that the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District authorizes the Treasurer to engage said services and execute the letter of engagement. (See exhibit #2.)
3. / Resolution to Approve the Re-payment of Funds from the Parent Mentor Grant #516-9902 That Were Not Spent in Accordance with Grant Regulations for Fiscal Year 2009 and Increase the Appropriation.
Whereas, the Parent Mentor Grant #516-9902 had been awarded to the East Cleveland City School District in the amount of $25,000.00 and received its automatically generated 10% distribution of funds in the amount of $2,500.00, and
Whereas, this program was not enacted within the District for the 2008-2009 school year necessitating the return of the 10% allocation, therefore be it
Resolved, that the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay said amount ($2,500.00) to the Ohio Department of Education, Office of Grants Management in accordance with their demand letter for payment, and increase the appropriation. (See exhibit #3.)
4. / Resolution to Accept the ARRA Cafeteria Equipment Assistance (CFDA 10.579) Grant.
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District has been selected to receive funding through an ARRA Cafeteria Equipment Assistance (CFDA 10.579) grant in the amount of $13,000.00 for a Rethermalization Oven for Chambers Elementary School and $16,000.00 for a Combination Oven/Steamer for Shaw High School has been awarded, and
Whereas, this funding is intended for the purchase of school cafeteria equipment which supports participation in the National School Lunch Program and is awarded through the Ohio Department of Education, Office of Safety, Health and Nutrition, therefore be it
Resolved, that the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District accepts said ARRA grant award and authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay said obligation from the Food Service Department #006-932N fund. (See exhibit #4.)
5. / Resolution to Amend the Permanent Appropriation.
Whereas, it is necessary to amend the permanent appropriation for the East Cleveland City School District for the year ending June 30th, 2010 and file it with the Cuyahoga County Auditor, therefore be it
Resolved, that the appropriation is within the parameters of the estimated revenues and carry-over balances, also to be filed with the Cuyahoga County Auditor’s office, and further be it