Meeting Minutes Nov 30th 2010


- Deans office funding came in

- Joe got one big check made out to illumination

- At AGM last Friday.


- Seconded last weeks meeting minutes.

- Nobody really has submitted exams.

- Motion to adjourn

Curtis and Craig:

- Motion to accept last weeks minutes

- Started working on the website with Kyle.

- Crohn's and Colitis are probably going to be able to do it.

- Seconded motion to adjourn.


- Send email

→ about food credit for submitting exams, get in by Monday.

→ Ask for people to submit shirt ideas.

→ Promote Illumination, talk about shuffle.

→ Pizza Sale

→ Edmonton trip is full now.

- 20 people going on the trip,

- 15 person and 7 person van.

- All the tours are booked.

- Picking up vans at 7 in the morning on Thursday.


- Big brothers big sisters 1-2:30 Saturday Dec. 4th.

- Show up by 12:20

- We have a Santa.

- Friday 3rd popcorn and gift wrapping party at 5:30, everybody bring a popcorn making machine(Craig, and Rebecca)

- Start the popcorn wrapping party

- Itinerary

→ Dodge ball.

→ Science show 1B71 like 20minutes max talk to Sol about doing it.

→ Then Santa for like 30minutes and they play with their toys.

→ Popcorn fight.

- Going shopping Thursday Crystal and Graeme.

→ Get popcorn

→ look for cheap Santa suit

→ Get wrapping paper and cool stuff like bows and ribbon.


- Sol wants monsters.


- Travelodge is probably going to go with.

- Has not found anyone to do the speeches

- Pizza sales this week


- Needs to write $800 dollar check to IEEE branch.

- $400 of that is for robotics but bank account is not yet set up.

- Gordon Sparks going to meet and set up to possibly make it a larger more general engineering conference.

- Need to buy ticket by this week to possible win the 2gb shuffle.

- 2C40 for that grad thing to talk about Illumination.


- Thanks for getting the food.

- Clothing sale next semester. (any particular preference for the place). MidWestern.

- Jackets should be coming in soonish.


- Trying to talk to Johanson about a tutorial about 301

- Ask if anyone wants to volunteer for the big brothers big sisters.


- Presentation workshop last week

- Tomorrow is the Airport tour 3 open spots.

- Constitution needs to be updated from last years changes. Should also add revision history and issue date so we know the changes that have happened.

- Finding out if we need to ask AGM for a revision history section.


- Last official meeting this week.

- Looking into going to Calgary and San Fransico cause they did well in Toronto.


- Sparks wrapped up last week

- its going good same guys are coming out to work on it.

- Possibly look into getting some pic kit 3's for next year, put it into your report.