
Jeana L. Magyar-Moe

5641 Jefferson Street

Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481

(715) 342-0962 (h); (715) 346-3958 (w)


Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. August 2003.

Dissertation: Predictors of Therapy Outcome: An Attempt to Explain More of the Variance. Chair: Shane J. Lopez, Ph.D.

Master of Science in Counseling Psychology. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. May 2000.

Project: Effects of Client-Chosen Background Music on the Working Alliance. Chair: Shane J. Lopez, Ph.D.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology. University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. May 1998. Summa Cum Laude.

Minor: Communication

Emphasis: Human Services

Professional Licenses

Licensed Psychologist. License number 2652. Granted by the State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing on December 12, 2006.

Licensed Master’s Level Psychologist. License number LMLPT 668, Granted by the State of Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board on July 11, 2000.

Current Employment

Associate Professor of Counseling/Clinical Psychology. Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Responsible for teaching multiple undergraduate psychology courses, student advising, conducting scholarly research, and engaging in university service activities. Current Courses: Abnormal Psychology; Theories of Personality, Positive Psychology, Counseling Skills Practicum. Current Research Interests: Positive Psychology, Therapy Process and Outcome, Sport Psychology, Multicultural and Diversity Issues, Teaching Strategies in the College Classroom, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Department Chair: P. Sudevan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor from August 2003 – August 2008; Early Promotion to Associate Professor, August 2008 – Present.

Pre-Doctoral Psychology Internship

Kansas State University Counseling Services Psychology Intern. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. APA-Accredited, Pre-Doctoral Psychology Internship. Conducted individual, couples, and group therapy sessions with college students on a variety of presenting problems. Conducted personality, career, learning and ADD assessments, and provided daytime and after hours on-call crisis services. Worked with various sports teams and individual athletes on sport-related issues and attended weekly sport psychology seminars. Provided outreach presentations to various campus groups, participated in and presented at case conference meetings, supervised master’s level counseling practicum students, and taught multiple courses at the university. Participated in several research projects and attended weekly research meetings. Served as the intern representative on the internship training committee and assisted in training director activities, including the internship selection process. Primary Supervisors: Sherry Benton, Ph.D., John Robertson, Ph.D., Dan Wilcox, Ph.D. August 2002 – May 2003 (3000 hours). Concentrations In: Assessment, Sport Psychology and Interventions with Athletes, Teaching and Research, and Training Director Assistant.

Clinical Experience

Psychologist. Family Counseling Clinic, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Provide counseling and psychotherapy to a variety of clientele in individual and couples formats, utilizing a positive psychological perspective. Conduct psychological evaluations utilizing a variety of psychodiagnostic, personality, cognitive, and intelligence tests. June 2009 – Present.

Psychologist. Portage County Health and Human Services, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Provided counseling and psychotherapy to a variety of clientele in individual and couples formats. Administered and interpreted a variety of psychodiagnostic, personality, cognitive, and intelligence tests. Participated in weekly staffing meetings and obtained weekly supervision. Supervisor: Terry Kaddatz, Ph.D., January 2004 – May 2006.

Sport Psychology Consultant. University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Provided consultation on sport-related issues for the UWSP Women’s Volleyball team. Worked in both large and small group formats with full team, team captains, and coaching staff. Provided individual athlete counseling and consultation when needed. Supervisor: Terry Kaddatz, Ph.D., February 2004 – present.

Sport Psychology Consultant. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Provided consultation on sport-related issues for the KSU Women’s Rowing Team. Worked in both large and small group formats with the full team, team captains, coxswains, and coaching staff. Provided individual athlete counseling and consultation when needed. Supervisors: Fred Newton, Ph.D., and Adrienne Leslie-Toogood, Ph.D., August 2002 – August 2003.

Fee-For-Service Master’s Level Psychologist. Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center, Lawrence, Kansas. Provided individual therapy, group therapy, and integrated psychological assessments to community residents. Supervisor: Ronda Oswalt-Reitz, Ph.D., July 2000 – November 2000.

Counseling Practicum Student Therapist. Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center, Lawrence, Kansas. Counseled outpatient clients in individual and group settings, conducted in-take interviews, psychodiagnostic testing and assessment activities, and treatment planning. Supervisors: Ronda Oswalt-Reitz, Ph.D. and Ephi Baton, Ph.D., January 2000 – January 2002.

Dialectical Behavior Therapist. Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center, Lawrence, Kansas. Provided individual and group dialectical behavior therapy to clients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Participated in and co-lead weekly therapist training team meetings with clinical staff committed to the dialectical behavior therapy treatment model. Supervisor: Ronda Oswalt-Reitz, Ph.D., May 2000 – January 2002.

National Testing Coordinator. Testing Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Supervised the national testing program at the University of Kansas, including preparation of testing materials, hiring and training of associate supervisors and test proctors, knowledge of and adherence to strict guidelines for each standardized test administered, and empathic communication with anxious student test takers. August 2000 – August 2002.

National Testing Associate Supervisor/Test Proctor. Testing Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Supervised the administration of standardized tests. August 1998 – August 2000.

Counseling Practicum Student Therapist. Dwight D. Eisenhower Veterans Administration Medical Center, Leavenworth, Kansas. Counseled homeless veterans in the VA Domiciliary setting, formulated case conceptualizations, planned and implemented treatment goals and strategies, and wrote progress notes to be used by a multi-disciplinary treatment staff. Supervisor: Lyman Rate, Ph.D., August 1999 – December 1999.

Mental Health Student Intern. St. Michael’s Hospital In-Patient Mental Health Unit, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Observed and assisted staff, interacted with patients, reviewed charts, participated in group therapy sessions and relaxation sessions, observed ECT sessions, and assisted patients in filling out intake questionnaires and inventories. Supervisor: Dennis Elsenrath, Ed.D., January 1998 – May 1998.

Crisis Counselor. Stevens Point Family Crisis Center, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Answered crisis-call hotline and counseled clients residing in shelter facilities. Supervisor: Dennis Elsenrath, Ed.D., January 1996 – December1997.

Practicum Student Support Group Facilitator. Stevens Point Family Crisis Center, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Co-lead weekly group therapy sessions for women in abusive relationships. Supervisor: Dennis Elsenrath, Ed.D., January 1996 – December 1997.

Trained Legal Advocate: Assisted in restraining order filings/hearings for women in abusive relationships. Supervisor: Dennis Elsenrath, Ed.D., August 1997 – December 1997.

Consulting Experience

Organizational Consultant. Adventure 212 Fitness Center, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Provide consulting services to owners, managers, and employees of Adventure 212. Help to organize and create corporate vision, values, and goals, as well as a system for employee expectations and evaluations. Create and deliver employee training sessions, evaluations, and follow-up services to improve the work environment and to maximize the potential of employees in order to maximize the customer experience. January 2008 – September 2008.

Conference Planner/Lead Presenter. Allied Health Chiropractic Centers, Wausau, Wisconsin. Organizer of Spring Conference on Positive Psychology for 300 Allied Health Employee Participants, Hospital and School Administrators, and other community leaders and their families. Creation, preparation, and delivery of keynote, multiple separate break-out sessions for adults, children ages 5-10 and ages 11-15, and closing sessions. Responsible for training UWSP student assistants to co-lead children’s break-out sessions. January 2008 – April 2008.

Conference Planner/Lead Presenter. Allied Health Chiropractic Centers, Wausau, Wisconsin. Organizer of Fall Conference on Positive Psychology for 300 Allied Health Employee Participants, Hospital and School Administrators, and other community leaders and their families. Creation, preparation, and delivery of multiple separate break-out sessions for adults, children ages 5-10 and ages 11-15. Responsible for training UWSP student assistants to co-lead children’s break-out sessions. July 2008 – November 2008.

Organizational Consultant. Greenheck Fan Corporation, Wausau, Wisconsin. Complete psychological evaluations (based on structured interviews and a variety of self-report measures) to assist human resources personnel in the employee selection or promotion process. Conducted through the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point Center for Leadership and Economic Development. June 2008 – present.

Organizational Consultant. Wausau Homes, Wausau, Wisconsin. Complete psychological evaluations (based on structured interviews and a variety of self-report measures) to assist human resources personnel in the employee selection or promotion process. Conducted through the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point Center for Leadership and Economic Development. June 2008 – Present.

Teaching Experience

Assistant/Associate Professor of Counseling/Clinical Psychology, Counseling Skills Practicum. Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Designed course syllabus, lectures, class activities, exams, and assignments for multiple sections consisting of 10 advanced undergraduate students per section. Content of the course centers around counseling skills (including in-depth analyses of videotaped analog counseling sessions by students) and cultural, ethical, and legal issues in the helping professions. August 2006 – Present.

Assistant/Associate Professor of Counseling/Clinical Psychology, Positive Psychology. Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Designed course syllabus, lectures, class activities, exams, and assignments (including service-learning projects) for multiple sections consisting of 35-40 undergraduate students per section. Responsible for creation and University curriculum committee approval of this course as an official part of the psychology curriculum. August 2004 – Present. (Large-scale service-learning project incorporated for Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, & Summer 2008.)

Assistant/Associate Professor of Counseling/Clinical Psychology, Abnormal Psychology. Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Designed course syllabus, lectures, class activities, exams, and assignments for multiple sections consisting of 35-40 undergraduate students per section. August 2003 – Present.

Assistant/Associate Professor of Counseling/Clinical Psychology, Theories of Personality. Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Designed course syllabus, lectures, class activities, exams, and assignments for multiple sections consisting of 35-40 undergraduate students per section. August 2003 – Present.

Visiting Faculty Instructor, Career and Life Planning. Department of Education, Counseling and Educational Psychology Program, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Designed course syllabus, lectures, class activities, and assignments for 20 undergraduate students. Provided evaluations of student work and conducted group interpretations of the Strong Interest and Skills Confidence Inventory and Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator career assessments. Supervising Faculty: Dan Wilcox, Ph.D., August 2002 – May 2003. (Two sections total)

Visiting Faculty Instructor, Counseling Internship. Department of Education, Counseling and Educational Psychology Program, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Provided weekly individual supervision to master’s level school psychology students working with clients at internship sites. Provided feedback to the students on their counseling skills, assisted the students in case conceptualizations, and evaluated their competency in working with clients. Also participated in weekly supervision seminars. Supervising Faculty: Fred Bradley, Ph.D., and Sherry Benton, Ph.D., August 2002 – May 2002. (Two sections total)

Guest Lecturer, Foundations of Clinical Psychology. Department of Education, Counseling and Educational Psychology Program, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Prepared and presented lecture and discussion to 35 advanced undergraduate students on Women’s Issues in Counseling and Psychotherapy. Also served as a guest panelist member on an in-class discussion of graduate training in psychology. Supervising Faculty: John Robertson, Ph.D., November 2002.

Visiting Faculty Instructor, The Study of Well-Being: Who is Happy and Why? Department of Education, Counseling and Educational Psychology Program, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Assisted in the development of course syllabus and planning and implementation of lectures, class activities, and assignments on the topic of well-being and related positive psychology constructs. The class consisted of 15 undergraduate and graduate students during the 2003 winter intersession term. Supervising Faculty: Dan Wilcox, Ph.D., December 2002 – January 2003. (One section total)

Visiting Faculty Instructor, Career and Life Planning for Athletes. Department of Education, Counseling and Educational Psychology Program, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Designed course syllabus, lectures, class activities, and assignments for undergraduate student-athletes. Provided evaluations of student work and conducted group interpretations of the Strong Interest and Skills Confidence Inventory and Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator career assessments. Supervising Faculty: Dan Wilcox, Ph.D., January 2003 – May 2003. (One section total)

Head Graduate Teaching Assistant, Studying Children and Adolescents in the Schools. Department of Psychology and Research in Education, Counseling Psychology Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Prepared and taught weekly lectures on human development from infancy through late adolescence, designed course syllabus and class tests, graded tests and papers, held office hours with students, provided materials, training, and support to instructors of other sections of the course, served as contact person with field placement coordinator and supervising professor. Supervising Instructor: Neil Salkind, Ph.D., August 1998 – May 2002 (Twelve Class Sections Total).

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Freshman Summer Institute Orientation Seminar. Department of Psychology and Research in Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Assisted in the construction of the course syllabus and developed lectures, course exams, and other evaluation projects. Lectured to 50 first-semester freshmen on personal and academic adjustment. Provided campus tours and information on campus and community resources. Co-led twelve “career day” sessions in which group interpretations of the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator and the Strong Interest Inventory were provided. Supervising instructor: Kathryn Nemeth Tuttle, Ph.D., May 2001 to August 2001; May 2002 to August 2002 (Four Class Sections Total).

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Counseling Practicum I. Department of Psychology and Research in Education, Counseling Psychology Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Provided group and individual supervision to master’s level counseling psychology students working with clients at various practicum sites. Provided feedback to students on their counseling skills, assisted students in case conceptualizations, and evaluated student competency in working with clients. Also presented lectures on various topics related to counseling such as suicide assessment, boundary issues, grief and bereavement, and relapse prevention. Supervising Instructor: Sherry Borgers, Ph.D., January 2001 - May 2001.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Counseling and Consultation Skills for Teachers.

Department of Psychology and Research in Education, Counseling Psychology Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Assisted in construction of course syllabus, class handouts, and examinations. Assisted with lectures and facilitated discussion groups, supervised 20 students in communication skills and consulting skills training activities, graded weekly assignments and exams, and evaluated student competency of conducting helping interviews. Supervising instructor: Gary Price, Ph.D., August 2000 – December 2000 (Two Class Sections Total).