Unit: “FBLA Fridays”
Lesson Title: Professional Dress / Lesson 1of 36Duration: 50 minutes / Teacher/Student Ratio: 1/30
Lesson File Name: FBLA Fridays Lesson One
STANDARD: Workplace Employability Skill 5
5. Professionalism: Conducts oneself in a professional manner appropriate to organizational expectations.
Measurement Criteria: Adheres to organizational protocol, such as behavior,
appearance, and communication.
Student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate how to tie a Half Windsor Knot with a necktie
2. Analyze how to dress for success in a professional workplace
3. List the FBLA dress code do’s and don’ts for competitions and conventions / Half Windsor Knot-a formal necktie knot popular for business attire
JOS-Job Operational Sheet
FBLA-Future Business Leaders of America, the premiere business student organization
Business Protocol-- the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette in business.
Teacher will ask students to answer the following questions in their Bellwork Log: What does dressing professionally mean to you? What does an office professional, like a banker or stockbroker, NOT wear or show to clients?
1. After students have had a few minutes to complete their thoughts in their Bellwork Logs, the teacher will ask students to work in pairs to share ideas. Non-volunteers should be ready to share. / 1. Students will fill in their Bellwork Log for the day, answering the two questions in complete sentences and then share their ideas with a partner.
2. Teacher will select non-volunteers to share what the partners came up with for answers. / 2. Students will share out, saying things like to dress professionally means dressing appropriately for your workplace (a mailman wears a certain uniform and a banker wears a suit). What not to show might include tattoos and body piercings, midriff, and under garments.
3. Teacher will hand out a tie and the JOS to each student, explaining that a Job Operational Sheet is seen often in the workplace. Teacher will ask which industries might use JOS the most often? / 3. Students will share ideas with the class on which industries might use the Job Operational Sheets as they look over the JOS.
4. Teacher will show the less than two minute YouTube video titled How to Tie a Tie and then personally demonstrate for the students how to tie a tie. The teacher will then lead the class in step-by-step how tie a tie as the students follow along. / 4. After students have watched the video and the teacher demonstrates how to tie a tie, the students will try to follow along as the teacher ties the tie again slowly. As a group, the students will all try to tie the Half Windsor Knot along with the teacher until the instructor feels the students have some confidence—perhaps two to three times.
5. The teacher will now divide the class into teams of 3 or 4 so they can practice tying their ties. / 5. Students will practice with team mates until they can tie their ties. Students are expected to help one another, demonstrating team work.
6. The teacher will go around and give 5 points to students who can tie their tie. / 6. Students will demonstrate ability to tie their own tie.
7. Teacher will now bring up the FBLA website, explaining a little bit about FBLA, and pass out the FBLA dress code handout. The teacher will put the dress code PDF on the screen. The teacher will ask students to analyze in pairs why the dress code items include things like not leaving toes and heels bare for women, not showing body piercings, and not showing under garments. Helping to guide a discussion, the teacher will ask students to share out their analysis. / 7. Students will review the FBLA dress code handout with a partner and analyze why certain rules are in place. Students will share out their thoughts.
8. Teacher will ask students to place their Bellwork Log, their JOS sheets, and their FBLA Dress Code Handouts into their binders. Teacher will ask students to put back the ties and get out their Closing Reflection Logs. / 8. Students will put all handout materials in their binders and put back the ties according to the teacher’s instructions. Students will get out their Closing Reflection Logs to write the closing thoughts for the day.
Using complete sentences, students will answer the following into their Closing Reflection Log: Thinking about “business protocol” (the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette in business), why is it important for a young person today to know what is professional dress? Name at least 5 things you should wear and 5 things you shouldn’t wear or show in the office.
Demonstration of tying a tie—assessed by instructor for 5 points
Teacher observation during discussions of what not to wear for FBLA competitions
At the end of the week, participation points will be given for the Bellwork and for the Closing Reflections Logs.
Think about the local bank officers in your own town and what they are wearing. Students can watch the news and see what politicians are wearing—suits, ties, and dress shoes. Homework can be assigned to watch the news and write down observations or clip photos and advertisements from magazines to show appropriate, professional office dress.
1. During FBLA competitions, which of the following is allowed per the dress code:
a. Jewelry in visible body piercings, other than ears
b. Lacey, sheer blouses that might show just a little under garment straps
c. Bolo tie in place of a necktie, showing pride for our Southwest heritage
d. Denim jacket over a pretty dress, stylish and appropriate
e. None of the above is allowed
EQUIPMENT / Projection screen or Smartboard
Computer for YouTube video
LCD projector
Computers for students or teacher can lead FBLA website exploration / MATERIALS
SUPPLIES / Ties—31 ties, one for each student and the instructor
JOS—31 instructional handouts, 2 sided
FBLA Dress Code—31 copies of the FBLA dress code to handout
FBLA-PBL Dress Code in PDF ready to show students on the screen (do not have to make copies)
Bellwork Log—30 handouts
Closing Reflection Log—30 handouts
FBLA Website--
YouTube Video suggested—How to Tie a Tie: Half Windsor know by
FBLA Website--
YouTube Video suggested—How to Tie a Tie: Half Windsor know by / Written handout of instructions with visuals to help all students understand how to tie a tie.
PDF visual of FBLA dress code may be copied and handed out to visual learners and ELL students.
JOS—How to Tie a Tie Handout
FBLA Dress Code Handout updated 2009 (added “no visible tattoos”) Handout
FBLA-PBL Dress Code in PDF to show on screen
Bellwork Log
Closing Reflection Log
Compiled by Lori Stuckman and Lauri Dreher, Prescott High School
2 / Mountain Institute JTED: LESSON PLAN Updated 8/21/2012