Iowa State University Culinary Science Club Constitution
Written: October 29, 2008
Last Revised: January 10, 2015
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be Iowa State University Culinary Science Club.
Article II - Purpose & Goals
The purpose of Culinary Science Club is to provide a group where students interested in culinary arts, science, and food production can meet, interact and build community. The meetings are designed to fill a number of functions including: providing a way for students and staff to get to know one another, to become acquainted with the program, to develop professional skills and acquaintances, and learn more about the opportunities in the food industry and related culinary fields. The Culinary Science Club will abide by Iowa State University rules and regulations along with State and Federal laws.
Article III Statement of Compliance
Culinary Science Club abides by and supports established Iowa State University policies, State and Federal Laws and follows local ordinances and regulations. Culinary Science Club agrees to annually complete President’s Training, Treasurer’s Training and Adviser Training.
Article IV Non-Discrimination Statement
“Iowa State University and Culinary Science Club do not discriminate on the basis of genetic information, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, race, ethnicity, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or status as a U.S Veteran”
Article V - Membership
Membership shall be open to all registered students at Iowa State University. Non-registered students, including the faculty advisor may not vote. The Culinary Science Club does not discriminate on the basis of color, age, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity sex, marital status, disability or military status. To obtained active membership, club dues are required. Due requirements are described in the Bylaws.
Section 1-Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is comprised of the elected student officers and the faculty advisor. Elected officers of Culinary Science Club include President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Social Chair, College of Human Sciences Representative, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Representative, Special Events Chair, Webmaster, and Faculty Advisor.
Section 2-Eligibility. The officers of this organization must meet the following requirements:
(a) Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) as stated below and meet that minimum GPA in the semester immediately prior to the election/appointment, the semester of election/appointment and semesters during the term of office. For undergraduate students, the minimum GPA is 2.00. In addition, at least six hours (half-time credits) must have been taken during the semester of election.
(b) Be in good standing with the university and enrolled: at least half time (six or more credit hours), if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) during the term of office.
(c)Students are not eligible to run for any office in which the term of office extends beyond their planned graduation date. Officers may not be on temporary enrollment and must not be on conduct probation.
(d) Are an active member of the club and intend on being an active member of the club throughout their term.
Section 3-Term of Office. Officers are elected during the last meeting in October and serve a one-year term. Officers begin their term of office immediately after being elected.
Section 4-Vacancies. If a position becomes open during the academic year, the Executive Committee may choose to hold a special election or it may choose to leave the office vacant until the regular elections. If the office is left vacant, the duties of the office will be shared among current members of the Executive Committee.
Section 5-Duties. The specific duties of each office are described in the Bylaws.
Section 6-Removal from Office. Officers may be removed from office for failure to perform their duties. Procedures for removal from office are described in the Bylaws.
Article VI: Risk Management:
The role of the risk management officer is to [a] help minimize potential risks for club activities, [b] recommend risk management policies or procedures to Culinary Science Club, [c] to submit documentation to ISU’s Risk Management Office and [d] to ensure that Iowa State University policies are followed at all of the organization’s events and [e] to ensure that proper waivers and background checks are on file with Risk Management for events (if applicable). The social chair will be responsible for Risk Management responsibilities.
Article VII - Elections
Officer elections will be held in late October and officer transitions will occur following election. Elections will be by secret written ballot, unless otherwise specified. Election procedures are described in the Bylaws. Information regarding officer duties must be presented at a regular meeting at least one month prior to the election.
Article VI - Meetings
Meetings vary in content and include both social events and more formal sessions. Meeting times also vary with the date and times set by the Executive Committee. Meetings are advertised through e-mail postings to all Culinary Science Club members. In addition, occasional reminders will be sent out to other FSHN students regarding meetings. Meetings are generally scheduled about 2 weeks apart with about 8 scheduled each semester.
Article VII - Finances
All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Campus Organizations Accounting Office and/or approved institution/office (must receive authorization via Campus Organizations Accounting Office and the Student Activities Center). All funds must be deposited within 48 hours of collection. If the amount to be deposited is over $100, it must be deposited within 24 hours. The Adviser to this organization must approve and sign expenditure before payment. Members can be reimbursed for club related purchases as long as the total for reimbursement is greater than $25.
All winnings from cooking competitions in which the members are competing on behalf of the Culinary Science Club shall be divided as such: The winnings shall be split equally among the all members of the team with the Culinary Science Club acting as one additional member. An example is as follows: A team containing 4 members wins $250 for a cooking competition. The money shall be divided by 5 (4 members of the team and one member to represent the Culinary Science Club). Each party would receive $50. The winnings shall be distributed to the team members in the form of a gift card to Hy-Vee, Target, Wal-Mart or the Iowa State University Bookstore.
Article VIII - Amendments & Ratification
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by any active member of the Culinary Science Club. The steps in the amendment process are as follows:
1. Amendments and ratifications must be introduced in writing to the Executive Committee. With the Executive Committee’s approval, the proposed changes will be introduced after the third club meeting of the semester. The proposed amendments and ratifications will also be distributed electronically via e-mail after the meeting to allow club members to consider the changes and make comments.
2. The proposed amendments and ratifications of the Constitution will be voted on at the club meeting following the proposal to the club. The changes shall be passed by simple majority of active members present at the meeting, unless otherwise specified.
3.If a member is unable to attend the club meeting, the member can inform a member of the Executive Committee with their decision via a written document (paper or electronic). The written document will be tallied in with the other votes at the club meeting.
4. Amended or ratified constitutions will be submitted to the Student Activities Center within 10 days for final approval.
________________________________ __________________
Culinary Science Club President Date
________________________________ __________________
Culinary Science Club Adviser Date
________________________________ __________________
Assistant Director of Student Activities Date
Iowa State University Culinary Science Club Bylaws
Written: October 29, 2008
Last Revised: November 3rd, 2014
Article I - General Bylaws
Section 1 - Dues
Dues will be $10.00 per semester. All money will be collected at meetings and given to the treasurer only.
To be an active member, dues need to be paid by the third club meeting of the semester. If an individual becomes interested in the club after the third meeting of the semester, exceptions can be made by the Executive Committee on a case by case basis.
Section 2 - Finances
As a departmental club, the Culinary Science Club is eligible for funds through CHS Council and CALS Council. The Executive Committee is authorized to spend club funds on standard activities including: club meetings, other club activities (i.e. club trip), and helping members of the club attend professional conferences. The Culinary Science Club budget will be proposed and voted on the semester before the budget will be in effect. If unseen purchases are required after the budget is approved, the Executive Committee will discuss and pass those purchases by a simple majority vote. The Executive Committee will notify the club of these purchases at the next club meeting.
The Culinary Science Club has the privilege to be issued two purchasing cards (p-cards) through Campus Organization Accounting. The cards can be issued to any two Executive Committee members, as voted on by the club. It is the responsibility of those two executive officers, Treasurer, and Faculty Advisor to attend the training session and abide by all p-card policies and regulations. At the end of the two executive officers’ term, their p-card needs to be turned into Campus Organization Accounting to be deactivated.
Section 3 - Motions
The procedures for approving motions shall be as follows:
1.Motions shall not be made until after the third club meeting of the semester.
2. All motions shall first be presented to the Executive Committee. If the Executive Committee approves the motion, an e-mail notifying all club members that voting will occur at the next club meeting.
3. Active members present at the specified club meeting will be able to vote. The motion shall pass by simple majority rules, unless otherwise specified.
4. If a member is unable to attend the club meeting, the member can inform an Executive Committee member of their decision via a written document (paper or electronic). The written document will be tallied in with the other votes at the club meeting.
5. In the case of a more pressing motion, an emergency vote will be organized by the Executive Committee. The motion shall pass by a simple majority of Executive Committee members.
Section 4 - Bylaws
New bylaws and amendments to current bylaws may be proposed by any active member of Culinary Science Club. The procedure for action is as specified for motions in Section 3.
Section 5 – Active Member Credit Policy
This policy is to reward CSC active members for dedicating their time to the club. A $1.00 monetary value will be credited to active club members’ accounts for every half hour of service. The procedures for approving motions shall be as follows:
1. The event organizer is responsible for to providing and monitoring a Time Sheet throughout the event. The Time Sheet should be submitted electronically to the Treasurer within 48 hours of the event.
2. The Treasurer will provide electronic monthly statements which will include all hours dedicated and current balance for all active members. It is the responsibility of all participating club members to confirm that monthly statements are correct.
3. Built up credit can be used for club apparel, club fees (with the exception of Dues), End of Semester Club Dinner, and any other expenses agreed upon by the Executive Committee.
o The club will sponsor one dinner a semester in which a pre-set dinner price will be covered by the club for those members who have a credit balance. For any member’s meal exceeding the pre-set price amount or an alcoholic purchase, that member will be expected to pay the difference in cash/check to appointed member at the time of payment.
o The appointed member will be responsible for providing the Treasurer an itemized receipt within 24 hours of the dinner.
4. Activities which qualify for club credit are promotional events (ClubFest, Welcome Back Picnics, FSHN Day, etc), fundraising preparation, fundraising events, assisting another professional organization on behalf of CSC, and other circumstances approved by the Executive Committee.
5. Club activities which would not qualify for club credit are social events, time served on a committee, and Executive Meetings.
Article II - Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
Section 1 - Elected Offices
The elected officers of Culinary Science Club include president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, social chair, College of Human Sciences representative, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences representative, special events chair, webmaster, and faculty advisor.
Section 2 - Attendance Requirement
Attendance at all club and executive meetings is required of all officers. If circumstances prohibit an officer's attendance, then that absence will be excused. One unexcused absence is allowed per semester
Section 3 - General Duties of All Members of the Executive Committee
1. Officers represent the club membership. They should be positive role models displaying enthusiasm, dependability, and dedication.
2. All officers are expected to assist other executive members when needed.
3. Due to the yearly change of officers, newly elected officers need to be trained and prepared for the transition of leadership. Current officers should thoroughly explain all duties to the new officers.
4. All officers must maintain notebooks and/or USB flash drive containing relevant information concerning their respective offices. These notebooks and/or USB flash drive must be passed along so that new officers are comfortable with their duties and responsibilities. Before officer transition, each officer is responsible for setting up a meeting with the faculty advisor to update the server with new documentation accumulated over the past year.
Section 4 - President
The president has primary responsibility for the operations of the club. The president calls to order all meetings and is generally responsible for scheduling club events. The duties of the president include:
a. Establish times and locations for meetings
b. Arrange for facilities for meetings and programs
c. Determine an agenda prior to the meeting
d. Confirm with faculty advisor(s) and treasurer that accounts have been paid
e. Preside over all meetings, announce the agenda, introducing speakers, and make sure that all members have the opportunity to participate
f. Lead members in defining and pursuing the goals and objectives of the club and keep a list of objectives with origin dates and projected deadlines
g. Delegate responsibilities
h. Maintain good communication between the executive officers