Investigation # 8 Biotechnology: Bacterial Transformation

(75 points)

Read pages 97-110 in 2012 lab manual

Also refer to lab 6A in 2001 lab manual

Hand out On- Laboratory procedure for pGreen

Fill in the hand for pGreen- this will replace the flow chart and procedure of your lab report.

Page 105 in your 2012 lab manual – Analyzing Results

#4 – What barriers might hinder the acquisition of plasmids?

#5 – How can the procedures descried above(in the procedure) (addition of Cl2 and “heat shocking”) help facilitate the introduction of plasmids into the E. coli cells?

Page 106 # 4 – What advantage would there be for an organism to be able to turn on or off particular genes in response to certain conditions?

Page 110” In terms of what you have learned about biotechnology, how would you respond to the quote from Michael Crichton’s novel and film. Jurassic Park:
“Just because science can do something doesn’t mean that it should?’

Discuss your plasmid assigned to your group. Where is it found, what is the natural history of the plasmid in nature?

Relate the NIH(National Institute of Health ) activities to your understanding of biotechnology.

Lastly – Write, describe and or draw about your experience in trying to extract DNA from the salivary glands of Drosophila melanogaster and the removal of testes and then sperm from an adult male fly. (25 points)