The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Bryan School of Business and Economics
Department of Business Administration
Dr. Channelle D James
Fall 2009
Dr. James’ Office Hours (online):
Mondays from 3:30pm – 4:45pm (Using the Elluminate Online system)
You may also schedule an individual appointment with her if the above office hours will not work. Please contact her in 327 Bryan or by email. You can send an email to . In the subject heading please put your name (first and last) and BUS/ENT 240 along with your course section number.
In BUS/ENT 240 we will explore the idea of entrepreneurship from three perspectives:
· Creating, establishing and maintaining new business ventures.
· Viewing entrepreneurial thinking and development as a key employment skill.
· Exploring the interconnected relationship of sustainability (from a holistic lens) and entrepreneurship.
BUS/ENT 240 takes an interdisciplinary view of entrepreneurship. The theories and concepts used not only have a business foundation, but incorporate knowledge from many disciplines that use entrepreneurship to serve clients, customers, and communities. Particular to the development of the course is the understanding of how entrepreneurship is a connector between people and cultures. Entrepreneurship is a mechanism for the not only the advancement of the economy, but supports the development of cultural and social relationships, emphasizes care and concern for our community, and is key to the development of public policy.
In your BUS/ENT 240 course we will see:
· How entrepreneurship helps to rebuild an African Village or an Appalachian town.
· How an artisan incorporates entrepreneurship in the furtherance of their work.
· How a medical supplier realizes his dream of creating new technology that makes surgical processes more efficient.
· How a small natural food grocery store uses entrepreneurship to bring organic, nutritious foods to local customers.
· How a non- profit uses entrepreneurship to breathe new life into the community.
The course format for BUS/ENT is simple. We will use cases, discussion boards, interviews, web technology, and research to deliver source content.
Course Materials:
· Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice 8th Edition
· Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution--and How It Can Renew America, By Thomas Friedman,
ISBN-10: 0374166854
ISBN-13: 978-0374166854
(You might find copies online for less than $10.00)
· Course readings book. This can be purchased in the book store.
· Marketplace simulation – I will provide you information on how to purchase your participant’s license for the simulation. The simulation will start in mid October. However you must purchase your license during the first week of the course. Failure to purchase your license during the first week of the course will result in your being withdrawn from the course by the instructor. The simulation will cost approximately $15.00 and all students must make a purchase. It is impossible to perform well in this course if you do not purchase this simulation when required for the course. You must purchase during the first week of class.
· Access to a computer with Broadband capabilities. You may be required to complete assignments online for this course. If you do not have Broadband capabilities at your home, you can come to campus to complete your work. Students must use a computer microphone/headphone set in order to participate in weekly online lectures. (For more information, refer to the BUS/ENT 240 Guide to Course Technology.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, successful BUS/ENT 240 students will be able to:
· Demonstrate an understanding of the entrepreneurial process and key concepts.
· Develop, practice and evaluate the student’s propensity for entrepreneurship.
· Practice innovation and creativity as a part of the entrepreneurial process.
· Expand their awareness of perma-cultures and issues of sustainability and how entrepreneurship plays a central role in developing working global communities.
· Understand an approach for identifying/analyzing ideas and opportunities in business.
· Prepare a venture concept plan that details the student’s research and analyses of an entrepreneurial venture.
· Present a “Pitch” that gains approval for an entrepreneurial idea.
Course Pedagogy/Methodology:
A college course is a learning workshop where individuals can develop intellectual abilities and build a tool kit of resources for use in their personal, professional, and civic lives. My role as the instructor is one of a facilitator who is available to help course participants maximize the benefit of course materials and the activities that occur during the course. I will provide students with structure through the use of course materials and activities.
In BUS/ENT 240 we will use a variety of teaching techniques including lectures, cases, role plays, self-assessment instruments, homework assignments, group activities and exercises to help participants grasp course content. Each unit of course material is designed to help students gain a practical perspective of the entrepreneurial experience. Class exercises are designed to help the student gain hands-on experience: (1) identifying innovative ideas for an entrepreneurial venture and (2) converting those ideas into ventures that have the potential for success.
In order to get the most out of this learning experience, students should do the following:
· Read course materials.
· Actively participate in and contribute to class discussions.
· Examine and reexamine course materials and personal notes.
· Act as a productive and responsible team member during group assignments.
· Ask questions to stimulate course discussion and when further explanation is needed.
· Remain flexible when course plans change per the instructor.
Grading Policy:
Activity / PercentageNing Blog Entries / 15%
Case Studies (3) / 30%
Entrepreneur Simulation and evaluation / 20%
Final Project - Concept Model / 35%
Total / 100%
Grading Scale:
A / 100-90
B / 89.9- 80
C / 79.9-70
D / 69.9- 65
F / 64.9 and below
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to abide by the UNCG Academic Integrity policy. Students may view the UNCG Academic Integrity policy on the University website. (
Course Requirements
Ning Blog
For each lesson of the course of the course, you are expected to complete a blog entry that reflects your understanding of course content and learning. The address for our course blog is You can go to that address and set up a profile. You must add a picture of yourself so other class members can get to know you. You will get an email invitation asking you to join on online social network on Ning before the semester starts. You are expected to join NING by August 24, 2009 at 11:00pm.
For each entry you should write a well developed paragraph about the each lesson you complete in the course. You should show that you understand course content, and you should reflect on how what you are learning might affect you as a potential entrepreneur. You will also be asked to reflect on particular questions in the blog. Please answer the questions asked in order to receive the best grade on the blog. Once you have posted your response to the weekly topics, you should respond to the comments made by other students in their entries. You should also write a well written reflective paragraph as your response. Poorly developed submissions will not be graded. Please check your grammar and sentence structure. Your entries to the blog are due by Sunday night at 11pm. Your first entry is due August 31, 2009 at 11:00pm.
Case Studies
Students will complete 3 case studies during the semester. Case studies will help students to better understand and apply the topics discussed in class. Here is a list of the cases that you must complete for the semester. Once you have completed each case you should submit your assignments in the assignments area of Blackboard.
Case 1: Homeboy Industries:
An Incubator of Hope and Business Due September 15, 2009
Page 107 in Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice
Case 2: Dealer Trade Group:
High-Tech Venturing in a Low-Tech Industry Due October 15, 2009
Page 239 In Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice
Case 3: ElectroChem, Inc.:
Energy for a Clean Planet Due November 15, 2009
Page 511 In Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice
You should view the link labeled “Cases” in the Learning Area for our course in Blackboard. Please pay particular attention to the instructions as presented in Blackboard as these instructions my give you addition questions to consider in your write up of the case. In addition to instructions for each case you will find a grading rubric. Use this grading rubric to make sure that you have included everything for each case assignment. In your responses you should use course materials and readings to support your responses to the questions. Students often lose points because they fail to use course concepts, themes, and topics as reflected in the learning area and in readings. Students also forget to properly cite the sources they use costing them more points. If you do not offer support for your analysis of the case you will receive low grades for your case responses. You should use APA style to document your sources in the case responses. In the section in the Learning Area on Cases you will see information on how to correctly use the APA format. Also you have access to the UNCG Writing Center online. Use the following link to get to the Writing Center online resources:
Students are also encouraged to discuss cases with other students in the course as a way of developing your stream of thought in your case response. Just make sure that you write your final response independently.
Marketplace Simulation:
You will work in teams to complete a set of decisions for an online game called Marketplace Live. This game will help to simulate the running of a computer company. You will be assigned a team of 2 or three people. Your instructor will assign you to a team. You must find time to meet with your team during the semester to work on your simulation decisions. Lectures included in the course will help you to make the best decision for your company. Students can work in their teams with the help of Elluminate, email, and the online social network. At the end of the semester you will be graded based on completing 6 simulation decisions and an evaluation of your participation efforts with your team. The decisions that we will make with start in the second part of the semester, however students must purchase their simulation access during the first week of the course. Failure to purchase your simulation access will result in your being dropped from the course.
Final Project – Concept Paper
The central assignment for this course is the development of a concept paper. This final project encourages students to develop a venture idea based on their own creativity and research. Students are required to work in groups of four members. Your team must develop a contract for operating together on the development of your project. Because this is an online course your team will develop a mechanism for working virtually, including the use of email, telephone and internet to communicate during this process. One way to meet with your group is to schedule a time to use Elluminate system for your group meeting. You can schedule this time with your instructor. Your group will agree on the kind of venture you would like to create for the project. Throughout the course students will be encouraged to develop aspect of their business model in preparation for the completion of the group’s concept paper. At the end of the semester your group will present your concept paper, which includes the development and presentation of an “elevator pitch” that sells your idea. See schedule for the dates for the concept paper presentations.
Again every student in the course must work in a team for their concept paper. You are allowed to choose the team mates that you want for this project. Use the online social network to get to know individuals in the course that you might work within the team. At the end of the semester your grade will include an evaluation from your team mates concerning your performance in as a group member. You need to inform the instructor of your choice of team members by September 30, 2009.
You will be introduced to the Business Model during the first week of class. This will give you a chance to gather resources for your paper as we move along through the course. Please see the course Learning Area in Blackboard for information on the concept paper. You will see a link titled, “The Entrepreneur’s Challenge”. In addition to information on how to successfully complete the paper, this section includes a copy of the grading rubric that will be used with the class. Please pay careful attention to the items listed on the grading rubric. Remember that it is your responsibility to support your ideas for the concept paper with references from course readings and materials. Lack of reference for your ideas will result in a less than enjoyable grade.