Healthcare Science Technology


Alexander High School

Teacher: Mrs. Angela Palmer Room: 53

E-mail: Office #: 770-651-6054

Textbook: Introduction to Healthcare Science Technology, Louise Simmers, 2004.

Fall semester 2017

Department Philosophy: The Career Technology Education Department believes that education’s most important function is to provide all students with the skills needed for post-secondary education and careers. This is accomplished by providing interest-based programs that meet industry standards.

Course Description:

Introduction to Healthcare Science is the foundational course for all Health Science pathways and is a prerequisite for all other Healthcare Science pathway courses. This course will enable students to receive initial exposure to the many Healthcare Science careers as well as employability, communication, and technology skills necessary in the healthcare industry. Course Code: 25.52100
Course Pathway: Therapeutic Services-Allied Health and Medicine Pathway
The Health Science Career Cluster includes planning, managing, and providing services in therapeutics, diagnostics, health informatics, support areas, and biotechnology research and development.
Course unit schedule HS-IHS-1 trough HS-IHS-14
GPS Standard: the Introduction to Health Care Science Standards are found at:
CCGPS: Douglas County teachers, along with educators across Georgia, will begin teaching the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) in mathematics, English language arts, as well as literacy in science, social studies, and technical subjects within the curriculum. The goal is to establish a uniform set of expectations for student achievement no matter where they attend school and to ensure that students are ready for college and careers after high school graduation.


Textbooks and other materials are supplied by the county school system and are paid for by tax dollars. They are issued to students as borrowed property; consequently, students will be held responsible for damage and/or loss of books issued to them. Board Policy Descriptive Code: IFAD

The student will be charged full replacement cost for any textbook lost, regardless of condition.

The amount to be charged for a textbook damaged by a student will be the responsibility of the principal.

Required Materials

• Pens / Pencils

• Crayons / Markers & Scissors

• Poster Board (2)

• Glue Sticks (2)

• Spiral Bound Notebook

Anticipated Classroom Format

Teacher demonstration, power-point presentations, displays on overhead projector, hands-on assignments, worksheets, written reports, and oral presentations.

Classwork and Assignments will be kept in your notebook and turned in during the class period.—listen for instructions.

Projects will be both group and individual. I will assign groups. —listen for instructions.

Tests & Quizzes: Tests will be announced in advance; quizzes may or may not be announced in advance.

EOPA (End of Pathway Assessments) Georgia, like many other career and technical education programs around the nation, has worked in recent years to establish a measurement mechanism to ascertain the level of technical skill attainment on behalf of its career pathway completers.

End of pathway assessments (EOPA) for DCSS Health Science is National Health Science Assessment. Information regarding the assessment may be found here:

Our CTSO: HOSAis a national student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of ACTE. HOSA's two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA's goal is to encourage all health occupations instructors and students to join and be actively involved in the HSTE-HOSA Partnership. Membership fees are $45 and due date is TBA.

*Grading Scale:

Summative Grades= 50%: Test/CDA’s- 30%; Dress Days- 10%; Projects- 10%

Formative Grades= 30%: Labs-10%; Classwork-10%; Quizzes = 10%

EOCT/Final Exam/SLO = 20%

Grading Scale:

A 90-100 Exceeds expectations

B 80-89 Meets standards and expectations

C 71-79 Passing grade, does not meet some standards

D 70 Passing, but only meets minimum standards

F below 70 Failing, not meeting minimum standards

Parental Involvement: Please know that your help makes all the difference in your child’s education. As concerned parents, you may wish to contact me about your child’s progress. My office phone number is (770-651-6054). My email address is

Make-up policy:

IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN AND COMPLETE MAKE-UP WORK. If you have an excused absence, you will be allowed the same number of days as your absence in order to make up work missed. Make-up work must be done after or before school, NOT during class time. Unexcused absences will receive make-up work if the teacher deems appropriate and students will have one day to turn missed work in.

I will not pursue the student for missed and/or late assignments or class notes or any missed quizzes or tests. It is the student’s responsibility to check the calendar, check with a fellow classmate, or check with me outside of class hours to find out what was missed. The student will receive a zero for any assignment, test, or quiz not made up in the allotted time.


Classroom Expectations: Please respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and school property.

1. Personal grooming (makeup, comb/brush, fingernail polish, etc.) should be done prior to arrival into the classroom.

2. Food is allowed in the classroom if you can clean up after yourself!!! ONE WARNING ONLY!! Refrigerator or microwave not for student use ---

3. Raise your hand to ask a question or to ask permission to leave your seat. Sharpen pencils at the beginning of class.

4. Cell phone or other electronic devices for instructional purposes only. Students are strongly encouraged to not charge electronic devices. The student is held solely responsible for his/her electronic device. I will not conduct an investigation if a device is misplaced or stolen.

5. Profanity will not be used in the classroom.

6. Headphones and ear buds are not allowed unless they are being used for instructional purposes.

Professional Dress Day: Students are required to learn professionalism in the healthcare setting. The method chosen to teach our students this requirement is Professional Dress Day; our classes will be graded each month. The students will be required to dress in scrubs (can be purchased at Walmart,, etc.) or Professional/Sunday clothes.

Academic Honesty: Morals and ethics are a critical part of the medical field. Students are expected to maintain a high moral/ethical code of conduct. Copying another student’s work and cheating on test or projects will result in an automatic zero. Parents will be notified if either incident occurs. Students are expected to participate in lab activities, complete projects, as well as daily participation in classroom activities.

Internet Usage Guidelines the AHS staff recognizes the value of Internet use in an educational setting and acknowledges its tremendous potential to enhance the total learning experience. Health Science follows AHS Student Handbook Policy regarding Internet Usage.

Hall Pass Policy

-Permission is required to leave the classroom for any reason.

- Passes are only to the restroom or water fountain.

- You will not be allowed to go to another teacher’s class without a prior pass and I must approve you leaving the classroom.


Discipline Policy

All policy breakers will receive:

1. Redirection

2. Name written on board

3. A check mark next to their name

4. Phone Call Home

5. Detention

Healthcare Science Professional Behavior Contract Acknowledgment of Receipt:

The Healthcare Science Technology class is designed to simulate a healthcare environment as closely as possible. It is important for students and parents to understand that the curriculum covers all areas of anatomy and physiology, human growth and development and infectious diseases. This situation will require the instructor to discuss related information from a clinical standpoint. Please understand that mature and professional behavior will be expected from all students. By signing below, the student and parent/guardian acknowledge that they have read and understood the contents in the Introduction to Healthcare course syllabus.

Student Signature ______Class period______

Parent Name (Print) ______Date______

Parent Signature ______

Parent Email ______

Parent contact #’s ______HOME



Your signature will give your child permission to view an occasional curriculum-related PG-13 film during class. If you have any questions please let me know.

Parent Signature______Date______

Please turn this portion into Mrs. Palmer by __August _2017__.

**This will count as your child’s first test grade for my class…Thank you**

The Douglas County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, disability or age in educational programs or activities, or employment practices.