1. Arrange an interview with an individual who is, or has recently been involved in planning, evaluating or implementing a strategy.
2. The interviewee can be a person in the student's current organization, or anyone outside the student's organization, provided he/she fits the foregoing qualifications.
3. The interview should focus on a specific event, rather than strategies in general. It can be about a strategy for the organization, or it can be on a micro-level, such as strategy for a business unit, a marketing strategy for a product line…etc. Some questions you may want to consider: Who initiated the strategy? How was it planned? Was it realized? How well was it executed? If this was not the corporate/organizational strategy, how did it fit in with the larger organizational strategy? Were there any specific problems in this process? What advice could you give to someone who is trying to plan or implement a strategy?
4. You will share the findings of your interview in class. It will be an informal, and hopefully fun, report. Nothing written needs to be handed in. Plan on about 5-7 minutes for the presentation.