AC Explorers (3-D Art)


Insulation Board Portraits

After your home or corps does a remodeling project, you may have some high density insulation board lying around. It is the pink, light weight foam board used to insulate dry wall and is really fun to use to make art projects.


· High density insulation board (pre-cut into desired size for portraits.) We used 20” by 24” which made for a really nice size portrait.

· Colored electric or duct tape (any color you choose)

· Tempera paints and brushes

· Wood Glue

· Scraps of tile, old jewelry, fabric…anything you might want to glue on your portrait.


· Start the portrait with tempera paint. Paint the background any way you choose. If you have really young ones, you might choose to just use paint for your portraits.

· The next step is a bit more difficult. After the paint is dry, you can start gluing on the scrap pieces to create an amazing portrait of yourself, your leader or whomever you choose.

· The final step is to create a frame around the board with the colored electric tape. Cut one long strip per side. Fold them over to cover part of the front, all of the side and part of the back of the portrait. This really makes the portrait look professional and framed.



“If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation. The old things have gone; everything is made new!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NCV)

Isn’t it so cool how things which were popular a long time ago (like when your parents were kids) often come back into style all over again? I remember my brother playing with those crazy transformer toys (and that was like 30 years ago! Yeah…I’m old!) They were the coolest! Now you guys have them and they have even made a movie!

Transformers are so cool. The dude starts out looking like a totally regular plastic hero…then you pull this arm and move this leg and suddenly it is TRANSFORMED into this amazing rocket shooting, jet fighter.

Wouldn’t that be the best if we could do that? ...Totally change who we are? Well … guess what? We totally can. You ARE a transformer! Really. I’m not kidding.

Take a look at 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NCV). It says, “If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation. The old things have gone; everything is made new!”

Now…if you are anything like me…or most people…this idea is fabulous. The idea that this goofy person that I am, can actually be changed! This person who always seems hurt people’s feelings by talking about them or can’t seem to remember to read my Bible every day or gets in fights over stupid things...can CHANGE! How can I be re-made into something better? Really…I wanna know!

Well…that’s the cool part. It’s totally easy!

All we have to do is ask Jesus to help us. Admit that we mess up…a lot. Say we are sorry. Ask God to forgive us of all that bad stuff we’ve done. And then ask Him to help you every day to be that better, transformed person you (and He) want to become. You can do it…and He can help.


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for allowing me to come to you with my mistakes. And thank you for not yelling at me and making me feel bad about them. Thank you for helping me to transform into the person you want me to be. Please be with me every day as I try to be the good Christian person you want me to be. I love you. Amen.

Submitted By:

Dawn Crowell

Divisional Character Building Director

Northern Division

USA Central Territory