DUE: March 15, 2016
The purpose of this project is to create an informational booklet or movie with a script describing the reasons for the seasons. In the informational booklet you are going to describe the motions of the Earth in relation to the Sun and how these motions create the different seasons. If you do a movie you must cover the same sections that you are required in the informational booklet and provide a script for the movie. A movie will include demonstrations on video in place of diagrams that may be in the booklet. The booklet must be a narrative and not a list of bullet points.
Contents of the Booklet:
1. Cover
2. Table of Contents
3. Introduction
4. Content for Each Topic
5. Conclusion
6. Bibliograpy
1. Cover
The cover must include the title of the booklet, your name and graphics.
2. Table of Contents
The Table of Contents must describe the content for each page and include the page number where each new topic begins.
3. Introduction
The introduction must provide an explanation of what you intend to prove in the informational booklet. This includes the key points of the booklet.
4. Content for Each Topic
Each of the following topics must be provided on separate pages:
a) What is Earth’s rotation and revolution around the Sun. Be sure to discuss:
1. What rotation and revolution is, provide graphics showing how it looks.
2. The direction/orientation in which the Earth is tilted and how it orbits the Sun. You must provide graphics.
3. Also discuss what an ellipse is and what type of elliptical path the Earth makes around the Sun.
b) What is the Summer Solstice (means Summer “Sun Stop” ).
1. What is the Summer Solstice (why do you think solstice means “sunstop”)
2. Where is the Earth in its orbit around the Sun at this time (graphic)?
3. How is the Earth tilted in relation to the Sun?
4. Must provide graphics showing tilt, orbit and intensity of insolation (where EXACTLY is it the most direct/perpendicular).
5. Must discuss relative temperatures on Earth during Summer Solstice and why.
c) What is the Autumnal Equinox (means Equal).
1. What is the Autumnal Equinox?
2. Where is the Earth in its orbit around the Sun (graphic)?
3. How is the Earth tilted in relation to the Sun?
4. Must provide graphics showing tilt, orbit and intensity of insolation (where EXACTLY is it the most direct/perpendicular).
5. Must discuss relative temperatures on Earth during Autumnal Equinox and why.
c) What is the Winter Solstice (means Winter “Sun Stop”).
1. What is the Winter Solstice, why is it called Winter Sun stop)?
2. Where is the Earth in its orbit around the Sun (graphic)?
3. How is the Earth tilted in relation to the Sun?
4. Must provide graphics showing tilt, orbit and angle of insolation (where EXACTLY is it the most direct/perpendicular).
5. Must discuss relative temperature on Earth during Winter Solstice and why.
d) What is the Vernal Equinox (means Equal).
1. What is the Vernal Equinox?
2. Where is the Earth in its orbit around the Sun (graphic)?
3. How is the Earth tilted in relation to the Sun?
4. Must provide graphics showing tilt, orbit and intensity of insolation (where EXACTLY is it the most direct).
5. Must discuss relative temperature on Earth during Vernal Equinox and why.
5. Conclusion
Provide statement describing the “Reason for the Seasons” and compare the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere to those in the Southern Hemisphere.