Individual Specific Training Form (Addendum B)
Direct Support Staff: __________________________________________________________________
Family Living Provider ____________________________ Date ________________
Person Served _________________________________________________________
Is there a fire escape plan in the home? If so, where? ____________________________________
What assistance would the individual need in case of a fire? _______________________________
Does the individual need assistance with knives or cutting food? ____________________________
Are there any chewing or swallowing difficulties? _______________________________________
What are the individual’s street safety skills? ___________________________________________
Is assistance required for mobility? ___________________________________________________
Preference and Choice
Review of CDE, Inc. Individual Preference Assessment.___________________________________
If no preference assessment, what are the individual’s likes and dislikes? _____________________
Does the individual participate in regular community activities? What are they? _______________
Are there activities that the individual or guardian would like to see avoided? _________________
Is the Individual able to be alone for any periods of time (if yes, for how long)? _________________
Does the Individual have alone time? ___________________________________________________
Does the individual take medication? _____________
If so, what are the medications, purpose, dose & side effects? (A current MAR can be attached to this training form) ____________________________________________________________________________
Does the individual have any allergies? _________________________________________________
Are there any other health concerns? ___________________________________________________
Who are the individual’s doctors and other health care professionals? _________________________
Are there any special dietary or nutritional needs? ________________________________________
Does the individual have a specific mealtime plan? _______________________________________
Are there any Physical or Occupational Plans? ___________________________________________
Is there a Healthcare Plan. (Required if HAT score is 4, 5, or 6)______________________________
Are there any Speech Therapist Plans? _________________________________________________
Behavior Supports
Does the individual have a behavior plan? If yes, please review it.___________________________
Is there a crisis intervention plan? _____________________________________________________
Are there any behavioral issues? ______________________________________________________
If yes, what techniques work or don’t work when supporting the individual.____________________
How does the individual communicate? ________________________________________________
What physical, mental and environmental factors influence the individual’s behavior? ___________
Are there any personal space and touch preferences or issues? ______________________________
If yes, what techniques work or don’t work when supporting the individual.____________________
Are there any assistive Technology aids or a communication dictionary? ______________________
Who is the guardian if the individual is not his/her own guardian? ___________________________
What are the individual’s motivators? _________________________________________________
What is the best time of day for learning? ______________________________________________
What are the individual’s strengths and capabilities? ______________________________________
Review Emergency phone numbers.___________________________________________________
Is assistance required for bathing or personal hygiene? ____________________________________
Is there anything important on the Addendum B or in the ISP that has not been covered? _________
Family Living Providers, please do not let this form restrict you. If there is important information that needs to be relayed and is not covered by this form then be sure to include it in the training.
_____________________________________ ___________________
Family Living Provider Signature Date
_____________________________________ ___________________
Direct Support Staff Date
______________________________________ ___________________
CDE, Inc. Representative Date
I, ________________________________, certify that on the date indicated below I received Case de
Esperanza, Inc. in-service training regarding INDIVIDUAL SPEC9IFIC TRAINING.
____________________________________ _________________________
Trainee Date
____________________________________ _________________________
CDE, Inc. representative Date