Standard I
Program Quality: Mission and Governance
The mission, goals, and expected aggregate student and faculty outcomes are congruent with those of the parent institution, reflect professional nursing standards and guidelines, and consider the needs and expectations of the community of interest. Policies of the parent institution and nursing program clearly support the program’s mission, goals, and expected outcomes. The faculty and students of the program are involved in the governance of the program and in the ongoing efforts to improve program quality.
Component / Expected Level of Achievement / Frequency of Assessment / Assessment Methods / Results of Data Collection and Analysis (actual levels) / Actions for Program Development, Maintenance, or Revision
I-A. The mission, goals, and expected program outcomes are:
§  congruent with those of the parent institution; and
§  consistent with relevant professional nursing standards and guidelines for the preparation of nursing professionals. / Mission, goals and expected outcomes are 100% congruent with those of parent institution and consistent with relevant professional nursing standards and guidelines for the preparation of nursing professionals. / Every 5 years or earlier as needed. Next review no later than May 2017 / Review:
1. IU Mission
2. IUK Mission
3. IUK SON Mission/Vision/General Beliefs for congruency.
4. Quality and Safety Education in Nursing guidelines
5. AACN BSN Essentials
6. ANA Code of Ethics / 100% consistent when expected outcomes were last reviewed and revised in February 2012 and Mission/Vision /Beliefs were reviewed and revised in May 2014. / Review again in 2017 or sooner if there is a change in the IU or IUK Mission.
I-B. The mission, goals, and expected student outcomes are reviewed periodically and revised, as appropriate, to reflect:
§  professional nursing standards and guidelines; and
§  the needs and expectations of the community of interest. / The mission, goals, and expected student outcomes are reviewed periodically and revised, as appropriate, to reflect: professional nursing standards and guidelines; and the needs and expectations of the community of interest (as expressed in the Advisory Council). / Every 5 years or earlier as needed. Next review no later than May 2019 / Review:
1.Curriculum committee meeting minutes. (NURS serv drive)
2. Advisory council meeting minutes.
3. Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education standards and guidelines.
4. Quality and Safety Education in Nursing guidelines
5. AACN BSN Essentials
6. ANA Code of Ethics / 100% consistent when last reviewed and revised in May 2014. New IUK Vision statement released in October 2015, also consistent. / Review again in 2019 or sooner if there is a change in the IU or IUK Mission.
I-C. Expected faculty outcomes are clearly identified by the nursing unit, are written and communicated to the faculty, and are congruent with institutional expectations. / 100% of expected faculty outcomes are clearly identified by the IU Kokomo School of Nursing, are available in the Faculty Handbook and are congruent with institutional expectations. / Annually in February /March / Review:
1. Faculty annual reports (Nursing Office)
2. Personnel files (Nursing Office/Academic Affairs Office)
3. Student evaluations of faculty (Nursing Office).
4. Exemplars by rank in Factulty Handbook (NURS serv drive)
5. Reappointment decisions (Nursing Office)
6. Mission, goals, and BSN student outcomes .
7. Faculty Handbook (NURS serv drive)
8. IU Kokomo Academic Affairs Webpage / Most recently reviewed in February/March 2015. All files up to date. Faculty evaluations and reappointment decisions congruent with published expectations/outcomes. / IUK SON Faculty Affairs committee revised faculty didactic and clinical evaluation by students to make previous tools more helpful in terms of informing faculty of how to improve teaching/better meet outcomes. New evaluation forms utilized for first time in spring 2015.
I-D. Faculty and
students participate
in program
governance. / BSN faculty and students have opportunities for representation in governance activities of Indiana University, Indiana University Kokomo and the Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing and the BSN program. / Annually in May / Review:
1. Council of Nursing Faculty (CNF) minutes. (NURS serv drive)
2. CNF standing committees’ rosters and meeting minutes. (NURS serv drive)
3. Nursing Leadership Council (NLC) meeting minutes. (NURS serv drive)
4. Faculty annual reports/CVs (Nursing Office)
5. IUK Faculty Senate minutes
6. IUK Faculty Senate/ Administrative committees’ rosters / May 2015 new slate of CNF officers elected. NLC and CNF meeting minutes demonstrate faculty input into decisions in school of nursing and related to program. Students provide input through their student nurse leaders (2-3 leaders from each student cohort. Most recently pre-licensure students chose new school uniform. SNLs also review the nursing student handbook through focus group participation, most recently March 2013 and April 2015. See Student Affairs Committee meeting minutes. / Continue to find ways to increase faculty participation in Faculty Senate and student input in program governance. Next review of BSN Student Handbook scheduled for spring 2016.
I-E. Documents and publications are accurate. A process is used to notify constituents about changes in documents and publications. / 100% of documents and publications are accurate and constituents are notified about changes in documents and publications prior to when they take effect. / Ongoing / Review:
1. IU Kokomo bulletin
2. IU Kokomo website
3. IU Kokomo Nursing website
4. MSN student handbook
5. IU Student Code of Conduct, Rights & Responsibilities
6. CNF minutes / April 2015 bulletin reviewed and revised. Handbooks reviewed on an ongoing basis and are consistent. / Revisions are made as needed. Students notified of changes through BSN and MSN course management system (Oncourse or Canvas) student centers. Anticipated change to concept-based curriculum has been communicated to students via Canvas, email and on IU Kokomo SON Nursing website.
I-F. Academic policies of the parent institution and the nursing program are congruent and support achievement of the mission, goals, and expected student outcomes. These policies are:
§  fair and equitable;
§  published and accessible; and
§  reviewed and revised as necessary to foster program improvement. / 100% of BSN student nursing policies are congruent with those of IU Kokomo (except for health/safety
requirements), These policies support achievement of the mission, goals, and expected student outcomes. These policies are fair, equitable, and published and are reviewed and revised as necessary to foster program improvement. These policies include, but are not limited to, those related to student recruitment, admission, retention, and progression. Exception: Nursing has its own criteria for admission and progression in the program. / Annually in June. / Review:
1. IU Kokomo bulletin
2. IU Kokomo website
3. IU Kokomo Nursing website
4. MSN student handbook
5. IU Student Code of Conduct, Rights & Responsibilities
6. MSN Committee minutes
7. CNF minutes / 100% of policies are congruent (with exception of health/safety requirements) publicly accessible, non-discriminatory and are consistently applied. Nursing has more rigorous standards for admission and progression in the program. / Revisions are made as needed. Results of review are used to enhance accessibility, usability, and clarity.
Standard II
Program Quality: Institutional Commitment and Resources
The parent institution demonstrates ongoing commitment to and support for the nursing program. The institution makes resources available to enable the program to achieve its mission, goals, and expected outcomes. The faculty, as a resource of the program, enable the achievement of the mission, goals, and expected program outcomes.
Component / Expected Level of Achievement / Frequency of Assessment / Assessment Methods / Results of Data Collection and Analysis (actual levels) / Actions for Program Development, Maintenance, or Revision
II-A. Fiscal and physical resources are sufficient to enable the program to fulfill its mission, goals, and expected outcomes. Adequacy of resources is reviewed periodically and resources are modified as needed. / Fiscal and physical resources are 100% sufficient to enable the program to fulfill its mission, goals, and expected outcomes. Adequacy of resources is reviewed periodically and resources are modified as needed. / Annually in January / Review:
1. IU Kokomo School of Nursing Budget
2. Salary listing for faculty and administration.
3. AACN survey of faculty salaries
4. Blueprints of facilities
5. Room seating capacity listing
6. Room scheduling process
7. Diagram of faculty office
8. Simulation Center/Learning Laboratory equipment inventory
9. IT list of classrooms (Next Generation and Smart) equipment
10. Center for Teaching, Learning and Assessment / Adequate levels of resources available when reviewed in January 2015 in preparation for budget hearings. Nursing faculty salaries by rank are higher than most schools/departments at IUK (with exception of School of Business salaries which are consistently higher) and are close to the means for AACN salaries by rank/educational preparation and to means of core IU schools of nursing campuses. / Need to verify each year that faculty salaries don’t fall behind other regional campuses. As we implement MSN-FNP track will need to make sure we do not drain resources of other SON programs. Working with health facility partners to engage them in helping to support faculty lines for MSN-FNP. Dean has created (and shared with campus administration) a plan for increasing salaries for faculty completing doctorates in 2016 and beyond, for searching for new faculty as faculty retire and for keeping all faculty salaries competitive.
II-B. Academic support services are sufficient to ensure quality and are evaluated on a regular basis to meet program and student needs. / Academic support services are 100% sufficient to ensure quality and are evaluated on a regular basis to meet program and student needs. / Annually in January (when preparing budget for next academic year). / Review:
1. IU Kokomo bulletin
2. IU Kokomo website
3. Student Accessibility Services
3. BSN Student Handbook
4. Office of Student Support Services and Tutorial Services materials
5. CNF minutes (NURS serv drive)
6. Syllabus template
7. University Informational Technology Services webpage
8. Financial aid webpage / Academic support systems are 100% sufficient. / Addressed as deficits are identified.
II-C. The chief nurse administrator:
§  is a registered nurse (RN);
§  holds a graduate degree in nursing;
§  holds a doctoral degree if the nursing unit offers a graduate program in nursing;
§  is academically and experientially qualified to accomplish the mission, goals, and expected program outcomes;
§  is vested with the administrative authority to accomplish the mission, goals, and expected program outcomes; and
§  provides effective leadership to the nursing unit in achieving its mission, goals, and expected program outcomes. / Dean is a doctorally prepared registered nurse with a graduate degree with a major in nursing. Dean is experientially qualified, meets Indiana University and Indiana State Board of Nursing requirements for dean of a school of nursing/director of a nursing program and is vested with the administrative authority to accomplish the mission, goals, and expected student and faculty outcomes. / Upon appointment and annually. / Review:
1.Indiana State Board of Nursing education/experiential requirements for director of a nursing program
2. Dean of SON’s CV, certifications and transcripts
3. Dean’s position description
4. Evaluation by Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. / Dean holds doctoral degree in education/MSN in nursing. Certified as Nurse Educator in 2012/Nurse Executive Advanced in 2013. Dean meets requirements of Indiana University and of the Indiana State Board of Nursing. Completed the AACN Leadership Academy for Nursing in 2008 and AACN-Wharton School of Business Nursing Leadership Program in August 2015. / Evaluation annually by Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. Every 3 years stakeholders provide feedback about dean’s effectiveness. Next review in 2015-2016 academic year.
II-D. Faculty members are:
·  sufficient in number to accomplish the mission, goals, and expected student and faculty outcomes;
·  academically prepared for the areas in which they teach; and
·  experientially prepared for the areas in which they teach. / Full- and part-time faculty members are
sufficient in number to accomplish the mission, goals, and expected student and faculty outcomes; academically and experientially prepared for the areas in which they teach. / Annually in January (when budget being prepared for next academic year) and as needed due to retirements/
program changes / Review:
1.Course schedules
2. Faculty productivity reports (found in Nursing Office)
3. Curriculum
4. Faculty CVs, full-time faculty annual reports (found in Nursing Office) / All positions are full. Adequate full-time and part-time faculty are available for pre-licensure and RN to BSN tracks. / Working with local hospitals to create partnerships to help provide and support faculty for MSN-FNP track. Dean shared plan with campus administration in spring 2015 to address faculty needs beginning in 2016-2017 due to anticipated retirements.
II-E. Preceptors, when used by the program as an extension of faculty, are academically and experientially qualified for their role in assisting in the achievement of the mission, goals, and expected student outcomes. / 100% of preceptors are academically (BSN preferred) and experientially qualified (at least 3 years’ experience) for their role in assisting in the achievement of the mission, goals, and expected student outcomes. 100% are oriented, mentored and evaluated. / Upon selection as a preceptor / Review:
1.Preceptor CVs (Nursing Office)
2.Preceptor orientation and mentoring records including documented roles and responsibilities. (Nursing Office)
3. Records of emails and in person meetings between course instructor and preceptors. / Expectation met each semester. / Continue to monitor.
II-F. The parent institution and program provide and support an environment that encourages faculty teaching, scholarship, service, and practice in keeping with the mission, goals, and expected faculty outcomes. / IU Kokomo and IU Kokomo School of Nursing provide and support an environment that encourages faculty teaching, scholarship, service, and practice in keeping with the mission, goals, and expected faculty outcomes. / Annually in January as budget for next academic year is prepared. / Review:
1. IU Kokomo website
2. University IT Services (UITS) resources
3. Library website
4. Center for Teaching, Learning and Assessment website and e-mail newsletter
5. Budget (input from Council of Nursing Faculty and Nursing Staff, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, and Budget Director; vetted in Campus Budget Hearings, Chancellor’s Cabinet and Deans’ Council).