Imperialism and WWI

Chap ter 23 FQ 1

What was the Second Industrial Revolution, and what effects did it have on European economic and social life? What roles did socialist parties and trade unions play in improving conditions for the working classes?

Second Industrial Revolution

· The stage of the IR taking place in the mid-1800s in which steel, chemicals, electricity and petroleum play a major role

Economic Effects

· Steel substituted for iron making it possible to create things that were smaller, lighter and faster

· Germany became a major industrial power and challenged Britain’s supremacy, esp in chemicals

· The use of electricity led to new inventions such as the light bulb, the telephone, conveyor belts etc

· The internal combustion engine also led to new inventions and led to the rise of the importance of petroleum (oil) and inventions such as the car and airplane

· Increases in production in Britain and Germany led to huge increases in real wages and living standards

· Intense competition between industrialized countries led to the introduction of protective tariffs, or taxes which make imported goods more expensive than domestic goods

· Cartels formed in countries in which companies in the same industry worked together to control prices (ex: if airlines got together to decide how much to charge for tickets)

· Factories became more mechanized in order to save money

· Better transportation led to a greater amount of trade between countries

· The expansion of government services and larger industrial plants meant more white-color jobs for women as clerks, secretaries etc

· With low wages and unstable employment, working-class women ended up working as prostitutes

Social Effects

· Socialist political parties

o Germanys Social Democratic Party (SDP) espoused Marxist theory but ran for office in Germany’s Reichstag (Parliament)

o Evolutionary socialists, or revisionists, argued that Marx was wrong in that revolution was unnecessary and that socialist changes could be brought about through the election of socialists as members of parliament

· Trade unions

o Unions used strikes and threats of strikes to gain concessions from employers and bring about many of the changes Marx talked about without revolution

· Anarchists believed that because people were inherently good, they needed no government or social institutions. Some advocated revolutionary means to achieve anarchy, for instance assassinating the Tsar of Russia, the President of the US etc

Chap ter 23 FQ 2

What is a mass society, and what were its main characteristics? What role were women expected to play in society and family life in the latter half of the nineteenth century, and how closely did patterns of family life correspond to this ideal?

· Mass society is one in which there were new patterns of industrial production, mass consumption, working-class organization, a vastly improved environment, new patterns of social structure, gender issues, mass education, and mass leisure

· Women were expected to be dependent, domestic, family-centered

· They married because of economic necessity, couldn’t control their own property, could not divorce (this changes in late 1800s)

· In reality, working class women worked and their kids often worked

· Upper middle class women generally conformed to the ideal but many middle class women could not afford the number of servants needed to reach this ideal and worked extremely hard in their own homes

· Birthrates declined due to condoms, abortion, infanticide and abandonment

· Wealthier families had fewer children

· Higher paying jobs for men allowed more women to stay home

· Working class girls worked until marriage

Chap ter 24 FQ 2

What gains did women make in their movement for women’s rights? How did a new right wing political affect the Jews in different parts of Europe? What political problems did Great Britain, Italy, France, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia face between 1894 and 1914, and how did they solve them?


o Throughout the 1800s, women advocated for more rights. They gained the right to divorce their husbands and own their own property

o They also entered new professions such as nursing and teaching

o Suffragists pushed for the right to vote, in some cases using hunger strikes and other militant means. They gained the right to vote after WWI


o Extreme right-wing political movements were extremely nationalistic and anti-Semitic which led to pogroms (mass killing of Jews)

o Theodor Herzl started the Zionist movement (Jewish nationalism) – aim of which was to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine (now called Israel)

Great Britain

Politically, liberals were forced to make concessions to the working class because of pressure from unions and socialist parties. Fabian Socialists argued for the need to use the vote to capture the House of Commons (Parliament) and get social reforms without revolution. Reforms such as the National Insurance Act of 1911 provided workers with benefits in case of sickness or unemployment. Workers over 70 got small pensions. Prime Minister David Lloyd George weakened the power of the House of Lords (in favor of the House of Commons. HOL members were all aristocracy who inherited their position. They have almost no power now).


Kaiser Wilhelm (Emperor William) was unstable and aggressive and ran Germany as an authoritarian and conservative state. At the same time, industrialization led to a strengthening of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). There was tension between large landowners who wanted to hang onto tradition and others who wanted Germany to modernize and become more democratic.


Numerous nationalities pressured the government for independence. This produced an extreme form of German nationalism in response. The Magyars (Hungarian ethnic group) wanted complete separation.

Liberals had greater problems than Great Britain.

Chapter 24 FQ 2 & 3

What were the causes of the new imperialism that took police after 1880, and what effects did European imperialism have on Africa and Asia?


o Social Darwinism and Racism: Social Darwinism is the believe that in the same way that organisms have evolved, so have cultures and the idea of “survival of the fittest” also applies and European culture has shown itself to be the “fittest”.

o Religious Motives: Christians believe that non-Christians are going to hell and therefore they have an obligation to try to convert them

o Economics: Industrialization meant that there was a need for more resources and new markets.



Chap ter 25 FQ 1

What were the long-range and immediate causes of World War I?

Long Range

o Nationalism led to rivalries over colonial and commercial interests which intensified due to imperialism. In addition, some ethnic minorities were frustrated that they still were not independent

o Militarism – armies had grown huge, meaning that when war came it would be huge. At the same time, military leaders had more influence over political leaders.

o Fearing war, everyone made alliances with other countries. This also ensured that a war would be huge


o Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by members of the Black Hand, a Serbian terrorist organization. Austria sent Serbia an ultimatum which was rejected by Serbia. Both sides were emboldened by promises from their allies (Germany and Russia respectively) to support them in a war. Because of other alliances, France, Britain and the Ottoman Empire also became involved, as did the US eventually.

Chapter 25 FQ 2

What did the belligerents expect at the beginning of World War I, and why did the course of the war turn out to be so different from their expectations? How did World War I affect the belligerents’ governmental and political institutions, economic affairs, and social life?

Belligerents expected that since armies were huge and weapons were fierce, the war would be decided in months, if not weeks. Consequently, both sides were very enthusiastic. Socialists saw the war as “imperialist” and against the interest of working people. However, nationalist sentiment overrode this feeling and tended to unite countries behind the war effort.

o The war became a stalemate because both sides were equally matched. Germany looked to the Schlieffen Plan to defeat first France and then Russia but this did not work out because they spent too much time defeating the French and the Russians mobilized more quickly than expected. In addition, because of the machine gun, trench warfare was used which made defense easy, but offense extremely difficult. Both sides waited for the other to tire and quit.

o At the eastern front, trench warfare did not play a role. However, there was still a stalemate. Russia had the advantage of huge numbers and while they lost the most soldiers, they had many to replace them. Germany had technological superiority. Both sides were therefore well matched. Russia’s exit from the war after the revolution of 1917 tipped the balance in Germany’s favor since they were now able to fight a one front war (instead of 2 which was another reason why Germany was unable to break the stalemate). However, the US’s entrance in the war tipped the balance back in the favor of the allies and the war ended with an Allied victory.

Governmental and political institutions, economic affairs and social life:

o Total war, or war in which all of a countries resources are devoted to the war, had a great impact on governments, economies and societies

o Government power was extended in order to create a draft

o Governments took greater control of the economies including controlling prices, wages, rents, imports and exports. In addition, food was rationed. Some industries were nationalized, meaning the government took control (for instance, in the US, the government controls Amtrak)

o Propaganda was used to mold public opinion in favor of the war. However, there were periods of labor protests. As the war dragged on, opposition increased

o Trade unions became more accepted

o Women got many more opportunities and were rewarded with the right to vote in Britain

o War deaths hit the aristocracy and the working classes hardest. The junior officers who led the attempts to break through no man’s land came from the aristocracy.

o Economically, owners of heavy industry benefitted from the wartime economy while many others suffered because of high inflation