Staff Officer (Grade V)
Information Brief
Closing date 17:00 on 3rd June 2016
The Institute of Technology Tallaght is a diverse and dynamic educational establishment. It provides a range of educational opportunities and both taught and research programmes which reflect current and emerging knowledge and practices of relevance to the regional economy and society. Our aim is to make a major contribution to the economic, social and cultural development of the Region.
The Institute serves a diverse and multi-cultural learner community on its full-time and part-time programmes. The Institute has developed a wide range of educational programmes at all levels from Higher Certificate to Masters Level in taught mode and from Masters to Doctoral Level in research mode, while also providing vocational training in the area of electrical trades and hospitality and catering areas. It has established partnerships with professional bodies and has developed close links with industry located in the region. Tailored academic programmes to meet the needs of business and industry have also been developed. Joint education initiatives have been running for more than ten years and short programmes are continuously being developed to meet specific skills shortages in local industry. The Institute sees direct engagement in the economic activity of the region as a core activity, and strives to maximise its impact through the provision of quality and relevant higher education programmes.
The Institute has set up a wide range supports and services; facilitates flexible options of delivery and has forged links with business and industry in relation to customised training, up-skilling and workplace developments.
The Institute has been at the forefront of national initiatives to improve access and retention of students. It works closely with 2nd level schools, adult education groups,community groups and welfare agencies, to promote third level educationin areas where participation rates are low. Over the years a number of initiatives have been developed to enhance the teaching and learning process, improve flexibility of access and improve student retention. The Centre for Learning and Teaching has evolved from these initiatives and offers learner supports and access to new learning technologies and also provides staff training and development programmes in teaching styles and pedagogy.
The mission of the Institute of Technology, Tallaght is to be the centre of higher education and knowledge creation within South Dublin County and its environs, to broaden participation in higher education in the region, to be recognised as a leader in supporting research and commercial innovation, and to assist in the advancement of the economic, social and cultural life of the region.
The Institute places great emphasis on professionalism and excellence in all areas, in particular with respect to the quality of the services provided to its stakeholders. These include students, employers, the business community, graduates, parents, schools, state agencies, local development and community organizations.
The Institute of Technology, Tallaght will ASPIRE to build the best higher education institution it can through fostering and encouraging a core set of values across all the activities of the Institute. The Institute will:
These values reflect the Institute’s commitment to excellence in the provision of its taught and research programmes, to the enhancement of the student learning experience and to its support of local business and industry.
Further information on the Institute can be found at :
We now seek to create a panel from which permanent positions at Staff Officer Grade 5 may be filled over the next year. Staff may be assigned to any part of the Institute.
General Job Description
The appointee may be assigned to any of a very wide range of areas or activities carried out in an Institute, in any of its campuses.
Appointees at this grade would have supervisory responsibility and would normally work under the direction of a higher grade or senior officer for a section of the Institute’s activities. The section would normally have a moderate size staff of two or more levels. The jobholder would be responsible ultimately for most of the decisions taken in the section. The work of the section would be reasonably complex and broad in scope.
Alternatively, the appointee may be assigned as a secretary, involving the provision of a range of supportive services, including typing and audio typing, to a senior officer/committee/school/department, and involving access to and processing significant confidential information. It could also involve supporting staff in research, collection and collation of reasonably complex material and the preparation of reports and submissions. The job would involve regular contacts with students, staff, the public and organizations and individuals at all levels where discretion, tact and courtesy would have to be constantly exercised. The jobholder would be required to take decisions involving the conscious exercise of judgement.
All jobs demand a good knowledge and skill in the use of Information and Communication Technologies and appointees will be expected to use new techniques and technologies as they arise. The Institute will provide the necessary training as appropriate.
Following appointment, the appointee will be assigned to a particular location and post –institutes may operate a number of different locations in addition to the main campus. On assignment to the particular post, the Institute will provide a detailed list of duties and responsibilities applicable to the post.
Eligibility for Posts at Staff Officer Grade 5 level
Please note that candidates must be a serving member in an organisation that is a member of the Common Recruitment Pool and have at least two years experience at a Clerical Officer Grade 111 level or higher.
The relevant “Common Pool” organisations are; a Local Authority, Health Board, VEC, Institute of Technology, the General Medical Services (Payments) Board, St. James Hospital, Beaumont Hospital Board, An Bord Altranais or the Local Government Computer Services Board. The experience may have been gained in a part-time, temporary, contract or permanent capacity.
Please note that it is planned that three institutions in the Dublin region – Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown (ITB) and Institute of Technology, Tallaght (ITTD) will merge into a single institution to form the new Dublin Institute of Technology, prior to seeking designation as a Technological University for Dublin. Thereafter staff may be assigned or re-assigned to any of the buildings / centres in the new Dublin Institute of Technology, at the discretion of the Institute.
The salary scale for this post is as set out below
1/1/10Grade V / € 40,213
€ 41,524
€ 42,836
€ 44,147
€ 45,458
1st Long Service Increment / € 46,977
2nd Long Service Increment / € 48,495
Hours of work are 37 hours per week and annual leave is 25 days per annum including Institute closure days.
Institute of Technology TallaghtStaff Officer (Grade V)
Application Form
Closing date 17:00 on 3rd June 2016
First Names
Correspondence Address
Email Address
Telephone (Home / Mobile) Telephone (Business)
Present Occupation
Leaving Certificate or Equivalent
Year in which qualification was obtained:______Subject / Honours Level Paper / Pass Level Paper / Grade Obtained
Other Qualifications
Course Title / GradeAwarded / Date Awarded / Awarding Institution / Subjects
Computer Experience
Please give examples of your current day to day use of software in each of the following; Word; Excel; Access; Outlook, Databases
Database systems used
Training Courses Attended
What Courses have you attended & when? / Where was training done? / What Skills did you acquire ?EXPERIENCE - Employment Record
Present or most recent employment
Position Held / From - to / Name & Address of Employer / Reason for leavingDuties & Responsibilities:
Relevance to the post applied for:
Position Held / From - to / Name & Address of Employer / Reason for leaving
Duties & Responsibilities:
Relevance to the post applied for:
Position Held / From - to / Name & Address of Employer / Reason for leaving
Duties & Responsibilities:
Relevance to the post applied for:
Please add additional information on Employments
Please provide additional detail of your relevant experience in the following areas:
Level and number of staff supervised in current rolePlease provide examples where you have managed the performance of staff reporting to you
Overseeing the delivery of projects / programmes of work which have been assigned to you or your staff
Experience of collection, collation and manipulation of reasonably complex material, and delivering subsequent outputs to an agreed quality standard
Experience of preparing reports / submissions for others
Experience of developing and / or improving workflow processes
Additional Information (Please submit additional information on a separate page if needed)
Common Recruitment Pool
Are you employed in an Organisation within the Common pool as listed above,Name of Employing Authority and Grade at which employed there:
Do you have at least two years service with the Employing Authority?
Please state employment dates
From : ______To: ______
Name and address of two independent persons, not related to you, who can attest to your professional competence.
At least one of these should have supervised your work in the recent past.
If appointed please indicate the earliest date at which you would be available to take up duty
I certify that the information given in this application form is correct
Signature ______Date ______
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TALLAGHT - CANDIDATES SHOULD NOTE THE FOLLOWING All particulars asked for should be given on the application form. Reference to Curriculum Vitae is not sufficient, though you may, if you wish, submit a curriculum vitae and further information in support of your application. The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is not later than 17:00 hours on 3rd June 2016. Completed application forms should be returned to: The Human Resources Manager, Institute of Technology, Tallaght, Dublin 24
(Please ensure that the proper postage is applied, as under stamped envelopes may not be delivered in time)
If you wish you may send in your application by fax (01 4042883), or e-mail it to
to ensure that your application is in before the deadline. You should also send in your original signed application form. Please note however that it is Institute policy not to accept late applications.
If you have any queries, you can contact the Human Resources Department at
4042120 or 4042705. Canvassing will disqualify.
Applicants may be shortlisted for interview on the basis of the information supplied in their application form.
Applicants may be notified of the intention to call them for interview via e-mail or by phone or in writing.
Please note that you may be required to produce documentary evidence to support any statement made by you on this form. Original copies of qualifications, Birth Certificates etc. will be requested from the successful applicant(s)
The successful candidate will be required to undergo Garda Vetting.
Under our Freedom of Information policy, application forms and any other documentation in respect of applicants who are not offered positions will be kept for two years from the date of receipt.
The Institute advises that incorrect information provided by applicants during the selection process may invalidate any consequent appointment. This will apply no matter when the correct facts are established
If you are called for an interview and are a person with disabilities who would require any special facilities at the interview, please make contact with this office at that time to discuss what arrangements are necessary.
Citizenship / Permit Requirement:
Eligibility to compete is open to candidates who are citizens of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. The EEA comprises member states of the European Union along with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Other candidates may be eligible to compete subject to their having or obtaining an appropriate work permit for the nature and duration of the position.
Former Public Service employees:
Eligibility to compete may be affected where applicants were formerly employed by the Irish Public Service and previously availed of an Irish Public Service Scheme including:
- Incentivised Scheme for Early Retirement (ISER)
- Department of Health and Children Circular (7/2010)
- Collective Agreement: Redundancy Payments to Public Servants
Applicants should ensure that they are not precluded from re-engagement in the Irish Public Service under the terms of such Schemes. This is a non-exhaustive list and any queries should be directed to an applicant’s former Irish Public Service Employer in the first instance.
The appointee will become a member of the appropriate public service pension scheme. Broadly, if the appointee:
(a) served in a public service body as a pensionable public servant on 31 December 2012, then the terms of the Education Sector Superannuation Scheme shall apply to the appointee; or
(b) first serves in a public service body as a pensionable public servant on or after 1 January 2013 or has not, prior to appointment, served in a public service body as a pensionable public servant, then the provisions of the Public Service Pensions Single Scheme will apply.
As the rules relating to membership of these schemes contain a number of exceptions, if the appointee has any queries as to which pension scheme provisions apply to them, these should be raised as soon as practicable after appointment with the HR Manager. The appointee shall be obliged to make pension contributions in accordance with the rules of the applicable scheme and the appointee shall be subject to the applicable scheme’s provisions as amended from time to time.
Please note that the rate of remuneration may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government pay policy.
Further information
Check out the Institutes web site at or contact or telephone 01 4042120