MONDAY 6:30PM Raymond Kotara & Ann Medley; Conrad & Victoria Dugi

TUESDAY 6:30PM Martina Pruski


6:30PM Alfonso Duran & Frank Ponse; Bina & Emil Pruski & Ray Betz

THURSDAY 7:00AM Leroy & Geri Gorzell

FRIDAY 7:00AM Juanita DeLaZerda

SATURDAY 5:30PM Alfredo, Rita, & Braulio Guevara

SUNDAY 7:30AM John & Frances Gorzell

9:30AM Parish Family

CONFESSIONS: Before Masses

MARRIAGE: Contact Pastor at least 6 months ahead for preparation and a date.

BAPTISM: Contact Pastor for Pre-Baptismal class and to set a date.

INTERESTED IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH? Contact Father or Marilyn Millikin at 484-2871.

ALTAR FLOWER COORDINATOR: Linda Moczygemba-484-2351


Dates Lector Eucharistic Greeters Altar

Times Commentator Ministers Ushers Servers

8/30 Rookie Nelson Barbara Burleson Robert Billimek All present

5:30pm Gladys Billimek Ed Zolkoski at Mass

8/31 Rose Maris Carol Dziuk Harvey Maris All present

7:30am Lauren Flieller Patrick Hosek at Mass

8/31 Patty Seidenberger Alan Crosby Santana Montez All present

9:30am Marilyn Zolkoski Willie DeHoyos at Mass

Last Week’s Collection: $ 3585.05; Assumption: $ 202.75

In today’s reading, St Paul remind the Romans – and us – that all things come from God: “For from Him and through Him and for Him all things are.” Good stewards understand that all is gift and share generously the gifts of time, talent, and treasure with which they’ve been blessed.

THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church. The process is concerned with the total formation of the person into believing with the Church community (doctrinal formation), living with the Church community (practical formation), praying with the Church community (liturgical formation), and serving with the Church community (apostolic formation). This gradual development culminates in the celebration of the initiation sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist at Easter time. Classes will begin again on Sunday, September 7, 2008 in the Parish Hall at 8:30am.

FOOD FOR THE POOR PROJECT - $1054.72 COLLECTED: VBS and Youth Ministry are still participating in the project to build a house for a family in another country that is badly in need of proper shelter. Through Food for the Poor, a house can be built for only $2,600. We are requesting that all kids in our parish and those that attended VBS, participate in this project by earning and donating money for the house to be built. Donations can be submitted in a marked envelope address “Food for the Poor Project” and place in the weekend collection basket. For further information, please see flyer in the entrance of the church or by contacting Stacie Albert at 830-391-0283.

SECOND COLLECTION: This weekend, a Salvatorian Brother will be joining us. He has worked for 19 years as a missionary in Tanzania, Africa. We will have second collections during the Masses to support the missionary work of Salvatorians in Africa. Please be generous. Brother Bogdan Koza, SDS will be staying in Falls City as the guest of Holy Trinity for a month.

SENIOR CITIZENS MASS & LUNCHEON: This Wednesday is our monthly Senior Citizens Mass and Luncheon at 10:30am in the Parish Hall. Please bring your favorite covered dish to be shared by all. Everyone is welcome to come.


B. I. B. L. E (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth) – Make plans to attend a 24-week, “The Great Adventure – A Journey through the Bible” study program that will be offered on Tuesday evenings beginning on September 9 from 6:30 to 8:30 in the parish hall. Deacon Alan Crosby will be the facilitator for these classes. You do not need to be a member of the parish to attend. The suggested “investment” for this program is $50 which will cover the cost of books and materials. Financial assistance may be available. To register and/or obtain more information, contact Deacon Crosby at 216-4271 or . Additional information is also available at where you can view a sample video. The books that will be used are scheduled to be available for pick up after weekend Masses.

We still need one more catechist for 9th grade. We also need assistants for Grades 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12. The schedule of classes is: Kindergarten 2:30 – 3:30; 1st through 3rd grades 3:30 to 4:45; 4th through 6th grades 5:30 – 6:45 and 7th through 12th 7:00 – 8:00. Eighth grade class will meet at the Parish Hall. All other classes will meet at the Faith Formation Building at 509 Titcomb. Contact Margie Crosby @ 216-4271 for more information.

COMPUTER EQUIPMENT NEEDED – The Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Programs are in need of a laptop with a compatible LCD projector and printer. If you or your company are updating laptops and have surplus equipment that needs a good home, please let us know.

REGISTRATION FOR FAITH FORMATION CLASSES Registration for Faith Formation classes will again be held after all Masses this weekend. Please be aware that:

* Even if you are a registered member of our parish, you must register your children for Faith Formation classes.

* Even if you previously sent you children to Faith Formation classes in our parish, you need to register them again for the new catechetical year.

Registration forms are also available on the parish website – If you download the form from the website, be sure to complete both sides of the form. The suggested donation is $20 for the first child, $15 for the second child and $10 for the third child, however, no one should fail to send their child/children because of the inability to make a donation. The faith formation of all children and adults is the responsibility of every baptized Catholic and is a primary mission of our church.

YOUTH MINISTER We are looking for a Youth Minister to work primarily with our youth in grades 6 through 12. The mission of Youth Ministry is “to grow and strengthen disciples of Jesus Christ to help them become more integrated, empowered and actively visible in the life of their parish community.” The Youth Minister will be responsible for coordinating all youth activities sponsored by our parish and by the Archdiocese. These activities may be for the youth or activities sponsored by the youth. The Youth Minister must be familiar with and enjoy working with teenagers and pre-teens. Most work is done on weekends or evenings and averages 10 to 12 hours per week. This is a salaried position and is separate from the Coordinator of Faith Formation position. For more information contact the rectory.

PARENT GATHERING – Sunday, September 7 after 9:30 Mass at the Parish Hall - Some changes have been made to the Faith Formation Program. Come hear about the changes, meet the catechists and classroom assistants, and look at the materials your children will be using in their Faith Formation classes. For more information or to offer your assistance, contact Margie Crosby @ 216-4271

DO YOU KNOW HOW TO USE A PAINTBRUSH? A few of the blackboards at the Faith Formation Building need to be painted or resurfaced. If you are able to take on this project, we’d love to hear from you.

PRAYER FOR THE SICK: May the Lord of Love and Mercy send the grace of healing and consolation upon all our sick in the Parish and in our community, especially: Connie Kollodziej (8/11), Wayne Wallace (8/11), James Pawelek (8/6), John Brandesky (7/2), Eunice Laskowski (6/1), Marleen Moczygemba (6/2), Hilario (Larry) Garza (5/11), Chester Yosko (5/9), Willie DeHoyos (4/30), Juanita Delgado (3/12), Richard Janek (3/5), Louis Flores (2/20), Alene Pruski (1/23), Elizabeth K. Wiatrek (1/16), Russell Mutz (12/5), Kyle Wiatrek . May He bless all who are in need of strength? For this, we pray to the Lord. Lord hear our prayer. Please call the rectory to add or remove someone from our list.

Unresolved guilt and grief from abortion can interfere with God’s loving plan for your life. Raphael’s Way to Healing, a retreat for men and women, will lead you on the simple steps of recovery from the wound in your heart. The retreat will be held on Sept 20 from 8:30 to 8 at a convenient and secluded location. The fee of $35 includes meals and all materials. Call Project Rachel at 342-4673 for more information.


1st Ticket Drawn - $500.00 Savings Bond – Allen & Vee Collins

Every 10th ticket wins $100.00 Gift Certificate or Cash

10th Ticket-Bill & Marilyn Millikin

20th Ticket- Jane & Daniel Hosek

30th Ticket- Joyce & Henry Manger

40th Ticket-Debo & Gerald Eckel

50th Ticket-Pat & Jerry Felkins

60th Ticket-Kassidy, Sydney, Karlee, & Baby Kroll

70th Ticket-Jim & Elaine Wiatrek

80th Ticket-Keith & Sally Lyssy

90th Ticket-Pat & Bernice Moczygemba

110th Ticket-Adrian & Regina Foegelle

120th Ticket-Darren & Dawn Dylla

130th Ticket-Roy & Kathy Frazier

140th Ticket-Melvin & Sara Dallmeyer

150th Ticket-David Wiatrek

160th Ticket-Julian Moczygemba

170th Ticket-Darlene Beutnagel

180th Ticket-Carol Dziuk

190th Ticket-Father Henning

210th Ticket-John & Patsy Warzecha

220th Ticket-Vernon & Brandy Meyer

230th Ticket-Mariam, Levi, Noah, & Abram Wiatrek

240th Ticket-Alvin & Shirley Lyssy

250th Ticket-Llyod Pruski

260th Ticket-Sandra Kilgore

270th Ticket-Edwin John Dziuk

280th Ticket-Henry & Otillia Montez

290th Ticket-James & Mary Miller

310th Ticket-Steve Smith

320th Ticket-Ann Moore

330th Ticket-Sylvia Keller

340th Ticket-Charles & Delores Dziuk

Every 100th ticket wins $1000 Savings Bond

100th Ticket-Ervin & Joan Laskowski

200th Ticket-Albina Flieller

300th ticket-$700.00 Cruise & $300.00 Cash -Floyd & DeAnn Lyssy

348th ticket-$100.00 Cash- Archie & Debbie Wiatrek

349th ticket-$500 Savings Bond – Robert & Connie Pruski

350th ticket-$5,000 Savings Bond-Roy & Delores Cruz

Catholic Daughters Quilt-Barbara Burleson

Additional Raffle Winners:

Ticket # 350-Joe Devora, Jr

$200.00 Lipscomb Plumbing-John Edwin Dziuk

Whispering Hills Day Spa-Francine Dugi

1 night stay @ Gruene Mansion Inn-Dana Moczygemba & Debo Eckel

Crochet Doilies-Jackie Kutac

4 Tires w/mounting & balancing-Gary Laghkin & Mark Dziuk

Pallet of Grass- Rose Reininger & Jackie Moczygemba

14X20 Photo of LaBatt Bridge-Shelby Koehler

CHI-Valerie Kroll

Olivia’s Dinner for two-Joan Laskowski

Chuy’s Dinner for two-Audrey Respondek

Lasso Golf Game-Dana Moczygemba

Oak Tree-Alan Crosby

Oak Tree-Denny Wiatrek

3 mo membership to Triple E-Jennifer Wiatrek

Ornamental Iron Mirror-Tony Guevara

Washerboard Game-Rose Reininger

1 month membership to Curves-Maxine Albrecht

2 Fiesta Texas Tickets-Jennifer Wiatrek

Jewelry Set-Mrs Flieller

Carved Blessed Mother Statue-Ruth Vontur

Maverick Golf for 4-Gerald Eckel & Gladys Dziuk

Lawn Mower-Judy Pruski

Decorative Table-Mary Raabe

***BarBQ Pit***-Ben Kotara

Patio Set-Brandy Meyer

*** Our apologies to Felux Metal Works, the BarBQ Pit that Gary Felux donated is valued at $1500.00. ***


Let us Pray for those in our Military: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen. Gregory Jarzombek, Nancy Chapa, Lucas Trinidad, Willie Fluitt, Payton Pawelek, Steven Scheppler, Timothy Pena, Raymond J. Griego, Michael A. Griego, Elden Skloss, Tony Garcia, John Jacob Gaona, Frank Rotter, Steven D Felux, Jessica Castillo, Joe Luna, Federico “Fred” Silva Jr., Derek Kotara, Scott Lopez, Matthew Ramirez, Samuel E. Garcia, Wilfred Chapa, Anthony Rodriguez, Dustin Sieger, Christopher Rocha, Patrick Soule, Henry Idar, Marvin Frazier, Zachary Williams, Pamela Honeycut, John Daniel Arevalos, Juan Padilla Jr., Russell Moore, Dale Arnold, Jason Flores, Anthony Blackburn.