2015-16 Application
2016 Spring Recruitment
Thank you for applying to ICISTS. You may use either Korean or English to complete the form. You are not required to fill all the spaces provided. There are no limits on the length of your responses and you may exceed the spaces provided. Please submit your application to by Sunday, March 6th. For any inquiries, please contact us via .
The interview will be held between March 9th and 11th. A more specific schedule for the interview will be announced individually.

I.  Applicant Information

Name / Phone
Date of Birth / E-mail
Student ID / Major

II.  Extracurricular Activities

Activity Name / Activity Period / Details (e.g. positions held, honors won)

III.  General Competency

Category / Skills / Great / Good / Not Bad / Bad / Unable
Linguistic Abilities / English Presentation Skills / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Korean Presentation Skills / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Foreign Language (please specify any test scores.) / Language(s):
Test Score(s):
Writing Abilities / Korean Writing / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
English Writing / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐

IV.  Questions

1) Please check on the divisions you wish to apply for. You may choose one or more divisions.
☐ Coordination and Planning / ☐ Finance / ☐ Global Partnership
☐ Public Relations / ☐ Media and Design
2) What motivated you to apply for ICISTS?
3) Why did you apply for the division(s) of your choice? What do you hope to accomplish?
4) If you chose more than one division, please state your preference, if any.

Are you reading?

5) Choose one of your extracurricular activities and elaborate on the roles that were meaningful to you.

You have a keen eye.

6) Reflect on your character, strengths, and weaknesses. Explain how they can contribute to your performance as a member of ICISTS.

If you find this message, send us a sign during your interview. Be Creative!

7) Are there any additional comments you wish to make?

V.  Optional Questions

You may choose not to respond to this section.
1)  Coordination and Planning: Please write a paragraph on one of the following topics. You are strongly encouraged to write in English.
A.  Are current markets moving away from company/conglomerate-based central systems?
B.  What are the effects of science and technology on society? Include examples.
2) Public Relations: Please write a proposal to a broadcasting system PD explaining why ICISTS should be broadcasted on TV.
3) Global Partnership: Please write your plan to promote the conference to foreigners in Korea and foreigners abroad (separately). You are strongly encouraged to write in English.
4) Media and Design: Please attach any videos, posters, or any other relevant graphics/artwork that you have produced.
5) Finance: Please write a letter advertising the merits of ICISTS.
Thank you for your interest in ICISTS.