I nominate Debbie Ogata, Clerk Typist III for Auxiliary Services, as employee of the quarter April-June 2007.
Debbie is an excellent roll model for other state workers. She comes to work WAY early every day. Thus the state gets about 9 hours of work for only 8 hours of pay.
Debbie is ultra organized, dedicated and hard working. She keeps our office files impeccable. This improves our customer service because all her co-workers are able to quickly find and access needed information.
Debbie is also very proactive and sympathetic to other=s needs. She automatically prepares Aregular monthly@ requisitions way in advance which helps with the Business Office=s work crunch. Debbie prepares the Aone time@ requisitions within seconds, and get=s urgent PO numbers within minutes. And once a product or service has been received, the vendor=s accounts are cleared right away, so there payment can be sent quickly.
Debbie has EXCELLENT interpersonal skills. She gets along with everyone, and works well with all the other department=s staff and students. Her relationships with key support people (like Moku, Teri, Sandy, Lydia, Annette, etc.) helps to resolve needs for Auxiliary Services quickly.
Accuracy is critical for maintaining the department=s fiscal and personnel records. Debbie keeps track and regularly updates 16 different spending accounts, 4 different purchasing card accounts, 60+ personnel position numbers, and 50 active employees. She automatically reconciles our fiscal accounts on time EVERY month, and prepares all required personnel updates without being asked/reminded.
Debbie likes things neat and frequently does additional cleaning, which improves the work atmosphere in the office. She quickly learned how to operate all the office equipment, often clears equipment jams, and is helpful in showing others how to do things on the computer, cell phone, etc.
But most important, Deb is simply the most decent person you would ever care to know.