How to Uninstall Desktop Apps and Windows Apps in Windows 10


If you no longer want or use an app, then you could uninstall the app to remove it and free up space on the drive.
When you uninstall a desktop app (program), it will uninstall it for all users on the PC.
When you uninstall a Windows app (ex: from Store), it will uninstall it for only your user account since each Microsoft account owns their own modern apps like a smart phone. There are options in the tutorial to uninstall Windows apps for all users and new users.
This tutorial will show you different ways on how to uninstall Windows apps and desktop apps in Windows 10.


1.  Option One: To Uninstall Desktop Apps and Windows Apps in Settings

2.  Option Two: To Remove Specific Windows Apps from Current Account in PowerShell

3.  Option Three: To Remove Specific Windows Apps from All Accounts or New Accounts in PowerShell

4.  Option Four: To Remove All Windows Apps Except Store from Specific or All Users in PowerShell

5.  Option Five: To Uninstall Desktop Apps in Programs and Features

6.  Option Six: To Uninstall Desktop Apps in Program Files folder

7.  Option Seven: To Uninstall Desktop Apps in Command Prompt

8.  Option Eight: To Uninstall Desktop Apps and Windows Apps in Start Menu

  • To Uninstall Desktop Apps and Windows Apps in Settings

1. Open Settings, and click/tap on the System icon.
2. In System settings, click/tap on App & features on the left side. (see screenshot below)

3. On the right side, click/tap on a Windows app or desktop app that you want to uninstall, and click/tap on the Uninstall button. (see screenshot below)

4. Click/tap on Uninstall to confirm. (see screenshot below)

5. If this is a desktop app, then follow the rest of the onscreen instructions for that program's uninstaller. This will vary per program.


To Remove Specific Windows Apps from Current Account in PowerShell

1. Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog, type powershell.exe, and click/tap on OK.
2. Do step 3 (built-in apps) or step 4 (specific app) below for what you would like to do.

3. To Remove a Built-in Windows 10 App from Current Account

A) Copy and paste the command below for the app you want to uninstall into PowerShell, press Enter, and go to step 5 below. (see screenshot below)
(To remove 3D Builder app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *3dbuilder* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Alarms and Clock app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *windowsalarms* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Calculator app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *windowscalculator* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Calendar and Mail app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *windowscommunicationsapps* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Camera app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *windowscamera* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Get Office app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *officehub* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Get Skype app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *skypeapp* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Get Started app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *getstarted* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Groove Music app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *zunemusic* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Maps app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *windowsmaps* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Microsoft Solitaire Collection app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *solitairecollection* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Money app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *bingfinance* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Movies & TV app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *zunevideo* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove News app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *bingnews* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove OneNote app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *onenote* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove People app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *people* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Phone Companion app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *windowsphone* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Photos app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *photos* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Sports app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *bingsports* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Store app from current account only - NOT RECOMMENDED)
Get-AppxPackage *windowsstore* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Voice Recorder app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *soundrecorder* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Weather app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *bingweather* | Remove-AppxPackage
(To remove Xbox app from current account only)
Get-AppxPackage *xboxapp* | Remove-AppxPackage

4. To Remove a Specific App from Current Account

A) In PowerShell, use either command below for what you want, and press Enter to see a list of all installed Windows apps for the current user account. (see screenshot below)

(outputs to text file on your desktop)
Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName >"$env:userprofile\Desktop\Apps_List.txt"
(outputs inside PowerShell)
Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName

B) Scroll through the list of installed apps, and look for the PackageFullName of the app (ex: Facebook) you want to uninstall. (see screenshot below)

For example: Facebook.Facebook_1.4.0.9_x64__8xx8rvfyw5nnt

C) Type the command below in PowerShell, press Enter, and go to step 5 below. (see screenshot below)

remove-appxpackage PackageFullName


Substitute PackageFullName in the commands above with the app's actual PackageFullName like below from step b above.
For example:
remove-appxpackage Facebook.Facebook_1.4.0.9_x64__8xx8rvfyw5nnt

5. Repeat step 2 above if you wanted to remove another app.
6. When finished, you can close PowerShell if you like.


To Remove Specific Windows Apps from All Accounts or New Accounts in PowerShell

1. Open an elevated PowerShell.
2. Copy and paste the command below for the app you want to uninstall into PowerShell, and press Enter.

(To remove 3D Builder app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*3dbuilder*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove 3D Builder app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*3dbuilder*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Alarms and Clock app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*windowsalarms*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Alarms and Clock app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*windowsalarms*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Calculator app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*windowscalculator*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Calculator app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*windowscalculator*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Calendar and Mail app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*windowscommunicationsapps*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Calendar and Mail app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*windowscommunicationsapps*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Camera app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*windowscamera*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Camera app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*windowscamera*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Get Office app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*officehub*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Get Office app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*officehub*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Get Skype app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*skypeapp*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Get Skype app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*skypeapp*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Get Started app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*getstarted*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Get Started app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*getstarted*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Groove Music app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*zunemusic*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Groove Music app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*zunemusic*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Maps app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*windowsmaps*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Maps app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*windowsmaps*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Microsoft Solitaire Collection app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*solitairecollection*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Microsoft Solitaire Collection app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*solitairecollection*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Money app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*bingfinance*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Money app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*bingfinance*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Movies & TV app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*zunevideo*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Movies & TV app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*zunevideo*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove News app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*bingnews*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove News app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*bingnews*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove OneNote app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*onenote*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove OneNote app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*onenote*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove People app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*people*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove People app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*people*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Phone Companion app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*windowsphone*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Phone Companion app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*windowsphone*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Photos app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*photos*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Photos app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*photos*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Sports app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*bingsports*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Sports app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*bingsports*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Store app from all current accounts - NOT RECOMMENDED)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*windowsstore*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Store app from new accounts created afterwards - NOT RECOMMENDED)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*windowsstore*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Voice Recorder app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*soundrecorder*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Voice Recorder app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*soundrecorder*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Weather app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*bingweather*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Weather app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*bingweather*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

(To remove Xbox app from all current accounts)


Get-appxpackage -allusers | where-object {$_.packagename -like "*xboxapp*"} | remove-appxpackage

(To remove Xbox app from new accounts created afterwards)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*xboxapp*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

3. When finished, you can close PowerShell if you like.


To Remove All Windows Apps Except Store Specific from All Users in PowerShell

1. Do step 2 (all apps your account), step 3 (all apps specific account), step 4 (all apps new accounts), or step 5 (all apps all accounts) below for what you would like to do.

2. To Remove All Apps except Store from Your (current) Account

A) Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog, type powershell.exe, and click/tap on OK.
B) Copy and paste the command below into PowerShell, press Enter, and got to step 7 below. (see screenshot below)
Get-AppXPackage | where-object {$ –notlike “*store*”} | Remove-AppxPackage

3. To Remove All Apps except Store from Specific User Account

A) Open an elevated PowerShell.
B) Type the command below into PowerShell, press Enter, and got to step 7 below. (see screenshot below)
Get-AppXPackage -User UserName | where-object {$ –notlike “*store*”} | Remove-AppxPackage


Substitute UserName with the actual user name of the account you want to uninstall all apps from.

4. To Remove All Apps except Store from New Accounts Created Afterwards

A) Open an elevated PowerShell.
B) Copy and paste the command below into PowerShell, press Enter, and got to step 7 below. (see screenshot below)


Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –notlike “*store*”} | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online

5. To Remove All Apps except Store from All Accounts

A) Open an elevated PowerShell.
B) Copy and paste the command below into PowerShell, press Enter, and got to step 7 below. (see screenshot below)
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | where-object {$ –notlike “*store*”} | Remove-AppxPackage

6. When finished, you can close PowerShell if you like.


To Uninstall Desktop Apps in Programs and Features


You must be signed in as an administrator to be able to do this option.

1. Open the Control Panel (icons view), and click/tap on the Programs and Features icon.
2. Do step 3, step 4, or step 5 below for how you would like to uninstall a program.
3. Click/tap on a program (ex: 7-Zip) that you want to uninstall, and go to step 6 below. (see screenshot below step 5)
4. Right click or press and hold on a program (ex: 7-Zip) that you want to uninstall, click/tap on Uninstall, and go to step 6 below. (see screenshot below step 5)
5. Select (highlight) a program (ex: 7-Zip) that you want to uninstall, click/tap on Uninstall in the toolbar, and go to step 6 below. (see screenshot below)