How To Save an Inventor File in .STL Format

1. Click the inventor Icon

a. Click Export

i. Click CAD Format


2. Choose .STL in the ‘Save Type As” Dropdown

3. If you drew in metric, skip this step. Choose the options button before hitting Save. You want to change the units from centimeters to inches. Hit save.


4. Open “MakerWare”

a. Should look like this

5. Click the add button on top of the screen and load the .STL file you just created. The next steps will occur if your Inventor file was drawn in inches.

a. This popup will appear. Click Keep Size.


c. Click Move to Platform


e. Click the Scale option on the left hand side.

6. Click on the Inchesà MM button. Your object should rescale.

7. Now rotate and place your object for an optimal print using the Turn tool.

8. You are now ready to print, click Make at the top. If it asks you to move to platform, click yes. Click the advanced options dropdown in the window.

9. Depending on your object, you may need supports and a higher infill. Consult me before you print to discuss your options.