How to create a poster with words

  1. Create a new document in Photoshop with 1000 x 1000 pixels.
  2. Use the bucket to fill your background black.
  3. Select the horizontal type tool Myriad Pro 12 and place any text (white color, caps on) filling all background as the picture above. Do not create a text box. Just start typing. Once you have a few rows of text. Highlight and copy/paste to fill space.
  4. Rotate your text using Edit>Free transform so that it is diagonal on the page.
  5. Edit-Free Transform to stretch text to fill space.
  6. Select a colored picture and copy-paste it on the text layer.
  7. Make sure your picture fills the background. Edit>Free transform to make it fit.
  8. Click the eye off of the colored picture in your layers box.
  9. Click on your text layer and use the magic wand to select the black surrounding your text.
  10. Click the eye on again so the colored picture layer will be visible.
  11. Then click on your colored picture layer.
  12. Hit the delete key on the keyboard.
  13. Ctrl-D to deselect. View your poster. If it looks okay, continue to step 14
  14. Click on text layer. Right click and select delete layer.
  15. Select Layer- Flatten image
  16. File – Save As – Save to your student drive on the K drive. Save as your nameposter.jpg

Ex: lucasgoodsonposter.jpeg