October 16, 2017
562. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance.
The regular meeting of the Marion City Schools was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Grant Media Center by President Mr. Steve Williams. The pledge was given by all those present.
563. Roll call
Mr. Iams, Mr. McCreary, Mr. McKinniss, Mrs. Schneider and Mr. Williams answered roll call.
564. Superintendent Report
Mr. Fujii:
1. Board Committee work
2 Central Oho Compact – MCS Showcased
3. Tri-Rivers Strategic Planning Event – Questions on enrollment.
565. Assistant Superintendent
Mrs. Lawson reported on:
1. Final week of 1st nine weeks
566. Treasurer Report
A) Mr. Iams moved, seconded by Mr. McCreary to approve the work session board meeting minutes for September 5, 2017 and regular board meeting minutes for September 18, 2017.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. Iams, Mr. McCreary, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. Williams, and Mr. McKinniss
Noes: None
Vote: 5-0
B) Mr. McKinniss moved, seconded by Mrs. Schneider to approve the September, 2017 financial statements.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. McKinniss, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. Williams, Mr. Iams, and Mr. McCreary
Noes: None
Vote: 5-0
C) Mr. McCreary moved, seconded by Mr. Iams to approve the Five-Year Forecast.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. McCreary, Mr. Iams, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. McKinniss, and Mr. Williams
Noes: None
Vote: 5-0
567. Hearing of the Public
Pastor Jackie – Thank you to Mr. Fujii and Mrs. Lawson for conversation with North Union High School concerning the HS incident.
568. Agenda Confirmation
Mr. Iams moved, seconded by Mrs. McKinniss, to approve the agenda as presented.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. Iams, Mr. McKinniss, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. McCreary, and Mr. Williams
Noes: None
Vote: 5-0
569. Old Business – None
570. New Business:
A) Donations
Mr. Iams moved, seconded by Mrs. Schneider, to approve the following donation:
· $3,000 donation from Gary and Denise Iams for the turf project.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. Iams, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. McCreary, Mr. McKinniss, and Mr. Williams
Noes: None
Vote: 5-0
B) Agreements
Mr. McKinniss moved, seconded by Mr. Iams to approve the following agreement:
1. An agreement between Rushmore Academy and the Marion City Schools, governing authority, to transition to close Rushmore Academy, community school, effective June 30, 2018 and transition Rushmore alternative programming into Marion City Schools as presented.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. McKinniss, Mr. Iams, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. McCreary, and Mr. Williams
Noes: None
Vote: 5-0
C) Ticket Booth Bid
Mr. McKinniss moved, seconded by Mr. McCreary to approve accepting a bid from Quality Masonry and Alternate 1 for a total cost of $84,910.00 for ticket booth project.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. McKinniss, Mr. McCreary, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. Iams, and Mr. Williams
Noes: None
Vote: 5-0
D) Consent Calendar (1-4)
All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion unless members of the Board, staff, or the public request specific items to be discussed and removed from the Consent Calendar. The Superintendent and administrative staff recommend approval of all Consent Calendar agenda items.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. McKinniss, Mr. Iams, Mrs. Schneider, and Mr. Williams
Abstained: Mr. McCreary,
Noes: None
Vote: 4-0
1. Reassignment
Richard Fogle to be reassigned from MCDA administrator to a teaching continuing contract – MA15-23 $73,343 with 138 days remaining on contract X $398.60 per day = $55,006.80, effective October 19, 2017.
2. Letters
Michael Bodine Retirement District Maintenance December 31, 2017
Ida Miller Retirement Secretary at Rushmore December 31, 2017
Loretta Gast Resignation Substitute cook September 13, 2017
3. Classified Transfers
Samantha Adams from a 5/3 cook to a 7-hour head cook at Hayes, Step 4, $13.70 per hour, 30-day probationary period effective October 2, 2017
Darlene Knipp from a 6-hour custodian at McKinley to an 8-hour custodian at Harding, Step 3, $17.55 per hour, 30-day probationary period effective September 25, 2017
4. Employment of the following personnel pending BVI/FBI and Certification if applicable for the 2017-2018 school year.
Miranda Breece Step 0 $11.82/hr. 3-hour cook at Grant 120-day probation 10/9/17
Sara McKenney Step 0 $11.75/hr. Bus Aide 120-day probation 10/2/17
Sherri Tackett Step 0 $11.82/hr. 3-hour cook at Taft 120-day probation 9/18/17
Cassandra Versyn Step 0 $11.75/h Bus Aide 120-day probation 9/26/17
10 additional vacation days for the 2017-2018 school year, accrued as of October 17, 2017 for Jennifer Lawson.
District Supplementals
Name Duty Range/Step Salary
Tabatha Varner District Media Coordinator IX-5 $1,474
21st CCLC Site Coordinators paid through 21st CCLC
Tanya Foulk – Grant $11,500
Mellissa Johnson – Grant $12,500
Cortlyn Mitchell $20,000
Michael Watson $20,000
21st CCLC Co-Managers
Janet McCreary – Elementary $12,000
L. Catherine Shade – Elementary $12,000
21st CCLC Support Staff paid $22.00 per hour on an “as needed” basis
Victoria (Paige) Aleshire
Jennifer Coleman
Brandy Davis
Hanna Hashman
Hayley Hepp
Gayle Holback
Bradford Lautar
Jessica Morris
Crystal Pratt
Julia Sayre
Kennedy Walls
Stephanie Watson
Caitlynn Wood
After School Supper Program paid $5,000.00 quarterly
Tonya Mosher Harding High School 9/11/17
Chad Franklin Grant Middle School 9/18/17
Teena Crowell George Washington 10/23/17
Jamie Walker-Williams Garfield 10/23/17
Classified Substitutes on an “as needed” basis
Tara Cain Substitute cook 10/9/17 $9.00/hr.
Harley Coldiron Substitute bus driver 10/10/17 $13.00/hr.
Jeffrey Guider Substitute custodian 9/25/17 $9.00/hr.
Ron Ratliff Substitute custodian 9/19/17 $9.00/hr.
WHEREAS, the Marion City Board of Education has posted supplemental positions as being available to employees of the district who hold educator licenses, and no such employee meeting all of the Board’s qualifications has applied for, been offered, and accepted such positions, and
WHEREAS, the Marion City Board of Education then advertised these positions as being available to licensed individuals not employed by this District, and no such person meeting
all of the Board’s qualifications has applied for, been offered, and accepted such position,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following non-licensed individual(s) be employed as indicated:
Harding High School Supplementals
Name Duty Range/Step Salary
Richard Baird Rufus Director VII-5 $2,396
Shane Coe Harding Singers Choreographer VIII-5 $2,027
Regan Endsley Assistant Varsity Volleyball IV-1 $2,764
Alexander Freeman Marching Band Drill Team Director VII-5 $2,396
Dustin Rawlins Musical Set Director VIII-3 $1,659
Kristi Wink Musical Choreographer VIII-5 $2,027
571. Committee Reports
A Athletics Mr. Williams and Mr. McCreary
§ Student Leadership for North Union, facilities, etc.
§ Spring- to in paid, etc.
B. Buildings and Grounds Mr. Williams and Mr. McCreary
C. Charter School Sponsor Mr. McKinniss and Mrs. Schneider
D. Communications Mrs. Schneider and Mr. Iams
§ Newsletter
E. Curriculum Mr. McCreary and Mr. McKinniss
F. Finance/Insurance Mr. Iams and Mr. McKinniss
G. Policy Mr. McCreary and Mr. McKinniss
H. Legislative Liaison Mr. McKinniss
I. Student Achievement Mr. McCreary
J. Tri-Rivers Mr. McCreary
§ Thursday – Committees for Tri-Rivers
572. Information and Discussion Items - None
573. Board Announcements
Work Session October 2, 2017 7:00 PM Grant Media Center
Regular Session October 16, 2017 7:00 PM Grant Media Center
574. Other Authorizations, Resolutions, Etc.
A) Mr. Iams moved, seconded by Mr. Mrs. Schneider to go into Executive Session for the purpose of personnel.
Roll Call
Ayes: Mr. Iams, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. McCreary, Mr. McKinniss and Mr. Williams
Noes: None
Vote: 5-0
The Board adjourned to executive session at 8:10 p.m.
The Board returned from executive session 9:08 p.m.
575. Being no further business, Mr.Iams moved, seconded by Mr. McCreary to adjourn the
Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. Iams, Mr. McCreary, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. McKinniss, and Mr. Williams.
Noes: None
Vote: 5-0
576. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
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