Member Pledge of Commitment

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Lutheran Education Scholarship

We are asking you to enter into a commitment with Hope Lutheran Church to provide your child a Christian education. To document and confirm your commitment, we ask you to complete this Scholarship Application. In this form you promise to support the ministries of Hope Lutheran Church thorough your Family’s attendance and involvement. Please complete and sign this form and return all pages to the Church Office no later than May 1st for consideration of a full-year scholarship (10 mo.) or no later than October 1st for a half-year scholarship (5 mo.).

Parent(s) Names: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Phone (Res) ________________________ (Cell) ________________________ (Bus) ___________________________________

E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student(s) Names Grade in Fall Tuition

_____________________________________________________________ ____________ _______________________

_____________________________________________________________ ____________ _______________________

_____________________________________________________________ ____________ _______________________

_____________________________________________________________ ____________ _______________________

_____________________________________________________________ ____________ _______________________

Total Tuition _______________________

Note: Tuition shall not include registration or other school imposed fees of any kind.

Name of the Lutheran School(s) that your family will be attending:



Member Pledge of Commitment

As a Christian parent, I believe it is my responsibility to provide for my child/children a Christian education. The Congregation of Hope Lutheran Church has developed Scholarships to assist with this vitally important responsibility. I understand that by taking part in these programs I am entering into a commitment with my Church, wherein my family has obligations in the support and growth of the other various Ministries at Hope.

MY FAMILY and I PLEDGE TO SUPPORT, THROUGH OUR INVOLVEMENT, THE VARIOUS MINISTRIES OF HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH, AS FOLLOWS: (After each; please state how you, as a family unit, will meet or exceed the following obligations)

A. CHURCH ATTENDANCE: Since children ultimately imitate the example set by their parents, if they see them going to church on a regular basis, it will encourage the children to do the same as they grow older. Also, bringing the children to church, even at a young age, helps keep them spiritually fed and strong. Hope requires at least 50% church attendance at Hope, over the course of 52 weeks. This applies to each member parent and participating student(s) and will be monitored throughout the year.




B. BIBLE STUDY AND SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: In this sinful world in which we live keeping ourselves spiritually fed is critical. Our spirits must be maintained even as we maintain our physical bodies. Although some education is achieved in church, the most prodigious gains in Christian knowledge and wisdom are achieved during Bible studies. While Christians can maintain their faith and set a good example by only coming to church, so much more can be gained by attending Bible study. Hope requires at least 50% Bible Study attendance at Hope, over the course of 52 weeks. This applies to each member parent and participating student(s) and will be monitored throughout the year.




C. INVOLVEMENT AND SERVICE TO HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH: In response to God’s Love, a Christian will want to assist the Church with their time and talents. After prayerful consideration and review of family members’ schedules and spiritual gifts, your family should make their commitment to serve the Lord at Church. This could be in the Youth ministry, Choirs, or any one of the other ministry options available. Hope expects at least one (1) church activity or commitment, all year. This shall apply to each member parent and student participating in either the Lutheran Secondary or Elementary Education Programs and will be monitored, throughout the year.





We willingly and lovingly make these commitments because we understand that they are consistent with our Christian responsibilities to be an involved member of the Body of Christ at Hope. To attend a Christian school and not be involved in Word and Sacrament is a contradiction. We wish to be a responsible, faith motivated family who reflects well our Christian learning and sets a God-pleasing example for others.

Therefore, as Christian parents, we pledge to be faithfully involved in and supportive of the ministries of Hope Lutheran Church. We understand and fully accept our spiritual responsibilities and if we fail to keep these commitments, we understand we will forfeit our Lutheran Education Scholarships. As a representatives of our family and on their behalf, we commit our time and our resources in the fulfillment of the requirements stipulated above.

Signatures (Parents – Both Member and Non-Member Parents must sign):

· Mother: _______________________________________________________________________

By: (print name): ________________________________________________________________

· Father: _______________________________________________________________________

By: (print name): ________________________________________________________________

· Student: ______________________________________________________________________

By: (print name): _______________________________________________________________

· Student: ______________________________________________________________________

By: (print name): ________________________________________________________________

· Student: ______________________________________________________________________

By: (print name): ________________________________________________________________

· Student: ______________________________________________________________________

By: (print name): ________________________________________________________________

· Pastor: ______________________________________________________________________

By: John Duerr, Pastor, or Dan Howard, Pastor

Date: ______________________________