32. Are You Prepared?
The Course
Key Verse: Psalm 119:105 – Where can I find the best directions for my life?
Psalms 119:105; Ephesians 6:11; 1 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 1:3, 20-21
The Goals
As a result of this lesson the children will:
1. Know that God’s Holy Word is sufficient for their life.
2. Feel the need to know God’s Word.
3. Become active in their quiet time and in Scripture memory.
The Equipment Room
For the following lesson you will need:
1. Props for the camping skit:
a. Lanterns
b. Sleeping bags
c. Fold-up tent
d. Coolers
e. Water jugs
f. A small bag
g. Other items that would give the appearance of preparing for a camping trip.
2. A book with a cover reading “How to Prepare for a Camping Trip”
3. Two coaches [or see 2 Small Group adaptation]
4. Scripts [Given at least two weeks in advance]
5. Visuals #1-3 [As PowerPoint]
6. A coach to share a personal testimony [should be asked in advance]
The Warm-up
Snack: Make S’more Bars to pass out either when the children are coming into Olympians or after Personal Training time.
S’more Bars
½ cup margarine
½ cup brown sugar
Cream together then add:
1 cup flour
½ cup Graham Cracker Crumbs
Press mixture into a 9x13 greased pan.
Sprinkle the following ingredients on to top.
2 cups miniature marshmallows
6 oz. chocolate chips
½ cup walnuts [optional]
Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes. [Note: If using a dark color pan, reduce heat to 325 degrees.] Cool then cut into squares and serve. This will make 24 squares.
Activity: Follow the Leader – Have the children follow each other with only the lead person holding a small light through a darkened room.
Scripture Memory Review Game: For Scripture Memory Review you will need: Paper plates and Memory verse written on poster board
Challengers Only: Write the words to the memory verse on paper plates. Write one or two words on each plate. Write the verse on a poster board. Above each word on the poster board, make a different color line. Make a line of the same color on the coinciding paper plate so they won’t have to be able to read to play the game. Scatter the paper plates on the other side of the room. As a noncompetitive game, have the Challengers take turns running to retrieve the paper plates and place them in the correct order on the floor. Have coaches nearby to help. When all the plates are in order, read the verse aloud together.
Conquerors and Champions Only: Write the words to the memory verse on paper plates. Write one or two words per plate. Each team must have a set of plates with the words from the verse written on them. Scatter the plates on separate sides of a nearby room. Clearly label the sides for Team 1 and Team 2. Divide the group into teams and line them up in relay lines. Give each team a copy of the verse so they will know what word they are looking for. On your signal, the first person from each team must run into the other room, find the next word in their verse, bring it back, and place it in the correct order. When he finishes, he will tag the next person in line who will repeat the process for the next word. When the verse is complete, the entire group will review it together.
Opening Ceremonies
Songs: Make Me; Go for the Gold [See Olympian CD Tracks 4, and 9.]
Bible Lesson Review: Since this lesson involves camping, use a marshmallow and toss it out to the group. The one who catches it gets to answer the question. Give a S’more Bar, pack of fruit snacks, or a piece of fruit for correct answers.
The Coach’s Corner
( 2) ( 5) ( 8a) ( 9)
Coach #1: [sorting through the props] I wonder if we have everything for our trip.
( 8b)
Logan: Hi, Coach ______[Coach #1’s name]! I’m ready to go. I am so excited to go on this camping trip! I can’t wait until we leave. Oh, the things we are going to do and the things we are going to see! This trip is going to be so much fun!
Coach #1: Logan, do you have everything you need to go on this trip?
Logan: Yes, I do, right here in my bag [holds up a small little bag].
Coach #1: What’s that? Please don’t tell me that you think everything you need is going to fit in that little bag!
Logan: [stammering] Well, I think so.
Coach #1: Where’s your sleeping bag?
Logan: Oops!
Coach #1: Let me ask you: do you have the basics? A toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, towels, comb, shirts, pants, a jacket? You know, the basics.
Logan: [A little sheepishly] Well, I didn’t think I needed a toothbrush or toothpaste because I brushed my teeth last week. I know I don’t need soap or a towel, because I never use those! And I’m pretty sure my clothes are clean, so why would I need more clothes?
Coach #1: Oh, Logan! Let me ask you another question. Do you have anything to help you find your way, like a compass or a flashlight?
Logan: No, I don’t have either one of those.
Coach #1: How about food? Certainly you brought some food.
Logan: I sure did!!!
Coach #1: That’s great! What did you bring?
Logan: I brought some gumballs and gummy bears.
Coach #1: You can’t survive on gumballs and gummy bears. You need food that has protein, vegetables, and stuff that will keep you strong.
Logan: [Looking sad] But I have some scratch and sniff stickers and a comic book.
Coach #1: [Sighs, and then reluctantly says] You are not ready for this trip at all.
Logan: That sounds like the story of my life.
Coach #1: What do you mean?
Logan It may sound funny to you, but it seems that whatever I do in life, I’m not really ready. I always find myself in situations that I am not prepared for, and many times, I don’t make the right decisions.
Coach #1: Logan, how do you think I knew all the things I was supposed to bring and do to prepare for the camping trip?
Logan: I don’t know.
Coach #1: [Pulls out a book and hands it to Logan] I read this.
Logan: [Looks at the book and reads the title] “How to Prepare for a Camping Trip.” Hey, that’s cheating! You had help!
Coach #1: It’s not really cheating, Logan. And neither is using another book that has all the help you’ll ever need to prepare you for life and help you make the right decisions. That book is the Bible.
[Coach #1 and Logan exit.]
Was Logan prepared for the camping trip? [Wait for a response.] Coach ______[coach #1’s name] told Logan that there was another book that could help us make right decisions and be prepared for life. Who remembers what the name of that book is? [Allow children to respond; The Bible.]
Turn in your Bible to 2 Peter 1:20-21. I would like to teach you some very important facts about the Word of God. [Read 2 Peter 1:20-21.] These verses tell us that the Word of God was not just written by men, but authored by God Himself. The Word of God is 100% true. [Display Visual #1.] Therefore, the Bible is a place where we can go to find the information we need to make right decisions. Let’s read 2 Peter 1:3. [Read 2 Peter 1:3.] God has given us everything we need in order to make right decisions in our everyday life.
Let me ask you a question: Did your mom or dad ever ask you to do something that you didn’t want to do? God’s Word tells us that we should obey our parents, but how should we obey? [Display Visual #2.] Should I pout and grumble under my breath about doing the things I was asked to do? Philippians 2:14 tells us that we should not grumble, whine, or complain. God rewards us with joy in our life when we respond the way His Word told us to.
Listen as we learn what God’s Word has to say about how you should treat others. [Read Ephesians 4:32.] This verse tells us that we should be kind to others and that we should remember that we should forgive others because Jesus has forgiven us. You see, the Bible does have the answers for our everyday life.
Do you remember in our skit when Coach ______[coach #1’s name] asked Logan about taking the basics supplies? He asked Logan if he had food, clothing, and directions. The book he had on camping told him just what he needed to know. [Display Visual #3.] The Bible can do the same thing. As Christians, we need spiritual food. [Read 1 Peter 2:2.] This verse tells us that if we want to grow as Christians then we will desire God’s Word just like a baby desires milk. Does anyone have a baby at their house? [Allow children to respond.] How often does a baby want to drink milk? Just like a baby has to drink to grow so we need to be in God’s Word each day.
The Bible also talks about a type of spiritual clothing that we should wear. [Read Ephesians 6:11.] This verse lets us know that the Word of God can be like clothing that will protect us from all the bad things that the devil would have us do. The Bible also acts like a compass, or a flashlight. [Read Psalm 119:105.] This verse clearly points out that God’s Word will guide us through our life like a light on a dark path. ( 1)
God’s Word gives us everything we need to think and act the way God wants us to. I want you to realize that we all struggle with things in our lives. Even we coaches sometimes struggle to apply God’s Word to our lives. We would like to help you when you are struggling with trying to understand how God’s Word applies to your life.
[Have a coach share short personal testimony. If someone other than yourself is sharing this testimony, it is suggested that you ask for the testimony to be written out in advance and given to you. This will give you an opportunity to review it prior to Olympians to make sure it meets the objective you are looking for. Share with the children a personal struggle that you have faced in your life. Share what God’s Word has to say about that struggle and how God gave you the victory over that struggle. In the testimony, you should share an appropriate Scripture verse that gave you direction on how to handle the situation you were facing. Once the testimony is finished, thank the coach for sharing his or her personal story.]
Running the Race
Mostly Unchurched Children / Mostly Churched ChildrenGod’s Word, the Bible, can make a difference in our lives if we read and obey it. That is why we stress having a quiet time each day in Olympians. A quiet time helps you to understand and apply what you have read in your Bible to your life.
Memorizing the Bible is also important to help us grow in our lives. As you memorize the verses in Olympians, make sure you know what they mean and how to apply them to your life. This will help you to grow closer in the Lord and to keep you from doing things that displease the Lord.
In Personal Training Time, your coach will ask you to share some of the struggles that you have been facing. Together we can look into God’s Word to find out what God would have you do.
[Close in prayer.] / Sometimes when we grow up hearing the Bible in church, Sunday School, or Olympians and we can start thinking that we know all about the Bible. It is important to know what the Bible says but it is crucial that you obey what it tells you to do. If you just fill in your Olympian Quiet Time but you never take the Bible passage and apply it to your life, it will not do you any good. Can anyone share from this past week’s quiet time something God has taught them? [Allow children to respond.] It is important that we are doers of the Word and not hearers only.
Memorizing the Bible is also important to help us grow in our lives. As you memorize the verses in Olympians, make sure you know what they mean and how to apply them to your life. This will help you to grow closer in the Lord and to keep you from doing things that displease the Lord.
In Personal Training Time, your coach will ask you to share some of the struggles that you have been facing.
[Close in prayer.]
Personal Training Time
1. Why is God’s Word important?
2. What are some ways reading your Bible and memorizing verses can help you?
3. How are you doing at applying what you have learned through your quiet time or Scripture memory verses? Are you using what you have learned? How?
The Big O’vent
Flashlight Flag [See Big O’vent Mega CD, page 164.] Just like the flashlight showed the way, so the Word of God lights and directs our path.
Closing Ceremonies
Remember as you have your quiet time this week and work on your Scripture memory verses, to apply what you are learning to your life.
Coach #1: I have a few questions to ask you. They are true or false.
Is it true or false that the moon is purple? [Allow children to respond, false]
Is it true or false that George Washington is our current president? [Allow children to respond, false]
Coach #2: Why are you asking crazy true and false questions?
Coach #1: Because I’m getting the Olympians ready for next week’s lesson.
Coach #2: How is asking silly questions getting them ready for next week’s lesson?
Coach#1: You’ll have to be here to find out. See you next week!
Lesson Adaptation Explanations
1 Extra Action: Turn off all the lights in the room so it is dark. Turn on a flashlight and have them follow your around the room. [Note: If you have a large group break them into Personal Training Groups with each leader having a flashlight.] Stress to them how the light is guiding their steps so they can see.
2 Small Group: If you do not have enough people to do the skit have the Bible Coach do the part of Coach #1 and use a Champion age child to participate in the skit. This can also be done as a puppet skit.