April 1, 2001, April 7, 2002

1. As soon as you get back from the Holocaust trip, YOU MUST contact the Holocaust Museum at least 11 months in advance to reserve tickets. You can go online at www.ushmm.org.

2. By 4 months before the trip, you must call a busy company to reserve a bus. For 2001 and 2002 we have reserved a bus through Safely Bus. Their phone number is (856) 665-2662. When you call, they will say that for 13 hours (the length of the bus trip from pick-up to drop-off) the bus (which includes a VCR and bathroom and holds 49 passengers) will cost $800. When they say that, tell them that for the past 2 years you have received a JCC discount and ask if you can get the discount again. I believe the first year we paid about $750 and the second year is $768.

3. Apply for a Grant at least 4 months before the trip!! Either talk to someone at the JCC in Cherry Hill or search the Internet for something.

4. The itinerary for the past two years have been this:

Pick up location: Front of Robinson Building

Load Time: 9:00 am

Departure Time: 9:15 am

Destination: Holocaust Museum in Washington DC

Arrival Time: 12:15 pm

Lunch: 12:30pm in the Café in the Museum

Tour: 1:30pm

Departure Time from Museum: 5:15pm

Return Point: Front of Robinson Building

Arrival Time at Rowan: 8:15pm

5. About 3-4 months before the trip, call the Café at the Holocaust Museum and tell them that our group would like to have lunch there at 12:30pm. (This year I spoke to Charles Thomas at (202) 488-6151). For the past 2 years, when I have called, the person I spoke to told me that they are not definitely sure if they could hold our group in the Café, and that if they couldn’t there are benches right outside the Museum that people could eat their lunches.

When you call, they will ask you to choose 3 of the 4 types of sandwiches. Make sure you tell the person you speak to that you want to order the BOX LUNCHES (these include: sandwich, drink and I believe a cookie or chips).

For the lunches, you will have to report back to the Museum Café at least one week before the event to tell them the kind of sandwiches everyone wants. As for the payment, the will ask you to bring a check to the Café the day of the trip. (I believe last year, the cost was around $8.00/person).

6. About a month before the trip, call Safety Bus and the Holocaust Museum to be sure they have our reservations and make sure the times are all right.

7. A couple of weeks before the trip, buy snacks for the bus ride. Last year we got sodas and cookies and granola bars. Jennie bought them from Sam’s Club.


1. Put a huge banner in the Student Center Pit about the event around a month before the actual trip.

2. Send out emails to JSU members first about buying tickets. Also, do a phone chain here. This should take place over a month before the event.

3. Around a month before the event, by the time the banner goes up, speak to Doral Lau in the Student Center. Doral is in charge of the Student Center. You will ask her to sell the tickets for the vent at the Info Desk. She will ask you to give her the printed tickets so they can hand them out.


1. Before the trip, yo should hold two meetings. Everyone attending the trip must attent one of the meetings. These meetings should be about 30 minutes to an hour long. At the beginning of the meeting, explain the trip, the times and anything they need with them (their TICKET). Also, at the meeting bring in a video or something to show them background information about the Holocaust. Last year I brought a documentary video about the Holocaust. At the end of the meeting be sure to get everyone’s sandwich orders!


Based on your budget, and if we get a grand for the bus, you can figure it out each year. In 2001, we charged $10. In 2002, because we do not have a grant, we will charge $15.


1. Make sure you have a tip for the Bus Driver

2. Make sure you bring the snacks for the trip. BRING A TRASHBAG FOR THE WRAPPERS AND CANS!

3. Have the check for the Café! One of you will have to go to the Café as soon as you get there and handle everything.

4. Bring your group ticket confirmation to get into the Museum.

5. Bring a couple of videos to bring on the bus. It will be a 3-hour trip to and from Washington, so bring 2-3 movies.


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW

Washington, DC 20024-2126

Main # 202-488-0400

Safety Bus Service, Inc.

7200 Park Avenue

Pennsauken, NJ 08109


TICKET NUMBER ____________

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C.

Sponsored by Rowan University Jewish Student Union

DATE: Sunday, April 7, 2002

TIME: Bus Leaves Rowan at 9am, returns around 8:15pm

BUS LOCATION: In front of the Robinson Building

COST: $15.00


Be sure to take this paper to the meeting because you MUST have one of the e-board members sign this paper to go on the trip. Each meeting should only be an hour.

Date attended meeting__________________________________

E-board Member /signature_______________________________

JSU Holocaust Museum Trip: April 1st, 2001


9:00 am Bus Loads, outside the front of Robinson Hall

· Cheryl gives bus driver check (and gets a receipt )

· Cheryl tells driver that the group may need to eat lunch on the bus depending on the fullness of the cafeteria and the weather.

· Verify with the bus driver that you’ll load the bus at 5:00 so you can depart at 5:15.

· Snacks are loaded on to the bus and are not distributed until the trip home.

9:15 am Depart Rowan

While on the bus explain the following to the group:

· Lunch may be in Café and may be on Bus and may be outside (weather permitting), we’ll find out when we get there.

· The group MUST enter the exhibit at the appointed time as a group. We don’t have tickets, just a group admission pass and an assigned time (tell them our time is 1:30 and they should be at the group entrance at 1:20). If we are late they will not let us in!!! We must enter as a group. Once they are in the museum, the tour is self-guided, and group members can tour at their own pace.

· Tell them that when we arrive at the museum, you’ll get off the bus and they’ll stay on the bus while you find out about lunch, and find out where the group needs to meet to begin the tour.

· Tell them you have snacks for the way home (cookies, granola bars, trail mix, cheese crackers, and a bottle of water). If they don’t think this will be enough, they may want to try and buy something at the Café before they leave.

· Tell them the bus will load promptly at 5pm and they should make sure that they are at the bus loading point by then.

12:15 pm Arrive in Washington D.C. at Holocaust Museum

· Cheryl and Faculty/Staff Member work out where you’ll meet the bus for the return trip and

announce that to everyone! Tell them the bus is loading at 5pm.

· Cheryl and Faculty/Staff Member find the group desk (located at the Raoul Wallenberg Place SW (formerly 15th Street) entrance of the museum.

· Once you’ve found it you need to tell the group that this is where they will meet to enter (walk them there, before they go to the Café if you’re eating in the Café. Be SURE to show the group the meeting point before you let them disburse. Everyone MUST gather at 1:20 at this location because there are no tickets, you go in as a group (see group scheduling sheet)

· Cheryl & Faculty/Staff Member (and maybe one or two others to help) go into Museum to find out where to go for lunch, and give check for meals to lunchroom.

· Cheryl gets a receipt for the lunch money. “Charles” is our contact in the Café on Sunday. Cheryl, Faculty/Staff, and Charles scope out the dining room to see if there’s space to eat

12:30 pm Lunch at Holocaust Museum

1:20pm Group meets at group desk. Reservation Number 600632, Time: 1:30 pm,
number of Visitors: 50

You probably want to do another roll call at this point.

1:30 pm Group begins tour of museum

5:00 pm Meet Bus

· Make sure everyone is on the bus. Make sure the snacks are on the bus and not under the bus!

5:15 pm Depart Washington D.C.

8:15 pm Arrive at Rowan

Things Cheryl Must Have With Her

· A copy of the excel list of attendees

· Check for bus driver

· Check for lunch

· Letter from museum (I think our reservation number: 600632 is the critical thing)

· Snack for bus

Safety Bus (Debbie) (our order number is 18393):


Holocaust Museum Operator:

202-488-0400 (Operator)

202-488-6161 (Human)

Joe- 202-488-6151

202/488-0419 or 202/488-0455 (Group Scheduling Office)

Jennie Kay

Office: x4593 Home: 719-0492 Pager: 719-3021

Red English (Jennie’s Husband) Cell: 979-6603

Directions to the Holocaust Museum (from http://www.ushmm.org/)

The Museum is located near the National Mall, just south of Independence Ave. SW, between 14th Street and Raoul Wallenberg Place in Washington, D.C.

Driving directions from:


§ From the south, take 95 N to 395 N to Rte. 1 N to the 14th St. Bridge. There is a parking lot on the right just after the bridge and the Museum is on the left.

§ From the west, take 66 E to Independence Ave. There is a public parking lot at 12th and C Streets and metered parking along Independence Ave.


§ Baltimore: Take 95 S to 495 W, to exit 31 to Georgia Ave. S. Georgia Ave. changes to 7th St. and continues to Independence Ave. There is parking at 12th and C Sts., and metered parking along Independence Ave.

§ Potomac: Take George Washington Memorial Parkway to the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge to Independence Ave. Metered parking is available along Independence Ave. or use nearby lots.

§ Annapolis: Take 50 W to 395 S to the exit marked L'Enfant Promenade/6th and 7th Streets, SW to Independence Ave. Metered parking is available along Independence Ave. and nearby streets.

Specific Info For Buses

Buses can load and unload passengers on the East side of 14th Street, directly across the street from the museum. Once the group has exited the bus at the drop-off point, please cross 14th Street at the light and proceed down the alley on the right side of the Museum. This will bring a group to the groups entrance of the building.
Safety Bus Documentation