[Description of the Volume]
Abbott, Daniel, family of, 447
Abbott, Jacob, family of, 447
Additions to town, 193
Albany, road to, 351
Alexander, Joseph, family of, 447
Allis Genealogy, 447
Alvord Genealogy, 448
Amherst, division of lands in, 281; settlement of, 412; inhabitants of, 292; first meeting house in, 413; first minister of, 414; members of first church in, 415; second minister of, 416; second church in, 410; first minister of, 416; incorporated as a District, 417; Justices of the Peace in, 418; schools in, 421; representatives of, to General Court, 420, 627; poor of, 421; innkeepers of, 422; highways in, 422; physicians of, 422; inhabitants, 424; representatives to Congress, 626; Counsellors. 626; State Senators, 626; Presidential Elector, 626; College graduates, 628.
Amsden Genealogy, 448
Animals, domestic, pasturing of, 110
Apples, 372 Arms Genealogy, 448
Arnold, John, 241
Arnold, Thomas, family of, 449
Atchison, John, family of, 449
Atherton, Rev. Hope, first minister of Hatfield, 92; family of, 449.
Atherton, Jonathan, 376, 421
Atwell, Oliver, family of, 449
Ayres, Samuel, family of, 449
Backus, Rev. Simon, 407
Bacon, Andrew, family of, 449
Baker, Elijah, family of, 449
Baldwin Genealogy, 449
Ballantine, Wm. G., 421
Ballard, Joshua, family of, 450
Baptisms, 337
Bardwell, Robert, family of, 450
Barley, 363
Barnard, John, family of, 451
Barnard, Francis, and descendants, 450
Barns, Wm., family of, 451
Bartlett, Daniel, and descendants, 451
Bartlett, Levi, family of, 45)
Bartlett, Nicholas, family of, 451
Bartlett, Oliver, family of, 451
Bascom, Thomas, family of, 452
Bass, Samuel, family of, 606
Beaman, Rev. Warren H., family of, 606
Beans, 363
Bears, 353
Beavers, 355
Beebe, James, family of, 452
Beer, 374
Bees, 383
Bedient, Mary, family of, 452
Beers, Ephraim, family of, 452
Bell, Reuben, family of, 459
Bells, 50, 323
Belding, Daniel, family of, 452
Belding, Joshua, family of, 452
Belding, Samuel, descendants of, 452
Belding, Stephen, family of, 453
Berries, 385
Bi-centennial Celebration, 610
Bissell, Dr. Elihu, 412
Billings Genealogy, 454
Blackbirds, 354
Blake, William, family of, 606
Blye, John, family of, ' 455
Boards, 438
Bodman, Joseph, family of, 455
Boltwood Genealogy, 455
Boltwood, Robert, 48; Robert, Jr., 273; Samuel, 48, 273; Ebenezer 422; Solomon, 422.
Bonney, Oliver, family of, 458
Bounds, 193
Bracy, Thomas, family of, 458
Bradstreet, Simon, contest with, 27
Bridges, 45
Brookfield, destruction of, 138
Brooks, John, family of, 458
Brooks, Joseph, family of, 458
Broom corn, 368
Brooms, 368
Brown, James, family of, 458
Brown, Lemuel, family of, 458
Brown, William, family of, 459
Buckwheat, 364
Burnham, James, family of, 459
Burr, Timothy, family of, 459
Burying ground, 249
Butter, 384
Candlewood, 302
Catamounts, 354
Carriages, 390
Carrier, Isaiah, family of, 459
Catlin, Samuel, descendants of, 459
Cattle. 376
Chamberlain, Joseph, family of, 459
Chandler, John, 411
Chapin, Dr. Perez, 412
Chapman, Rev. Benjamin, 406
Chauncey, Rev. Isaac, 320, 336; descendants of, 459.
Chauncey, Rev. Nath’l, family of, 459
Cheese, 384
Church, 55
Church, First, pastors of, 52, 326, 609
Church Genealogy, 460
Church, Richard, murder of by Indians, 263
Cider, 372
Clapboards, 108
Clapp, Preserved, family of, 462
Clark, Israel, family of, 462
Clark, John, and descendants, 463
Clark, Noah, family of, 463
Clark, Seth, family of, 463
Clark, Simeon, family of, 463
Clarke, Mr. Henry, 463
Clary Genealogy, 461
Clearing land, 441
Coats, Reuben, family of, 464
Coit, Dr. Daniel, 412
Cole, Stephen, family of, 473
Coleman, Dr. Seth, 423
Coleman Genealogy, 464
Colony bills, 309
Colt, Benjamin, family of, 465
Committee appointed by General Court to lay out a town at Norwottuck, 21.
Connecticut River, early settlements on, 9
Controversy with Hatfield in 1707, 195
Cook Genealogy, 465
Cook, Samuel, family of, 471
Cooledge, Nath'l, Jr., family of, 606
Cooley, Samuel, family of, 47.
Corkins, William, marriage of, 471
Counsellors, 618 .
Courtship, 247
Cowles, Dr. Chester, 412
Cowles Genealogy, 474
Cowles, Silas, family of, 606
Courts of Justice, 24
Courts of Justice, expenses of, 101
Courts of Justice, Hadley cases in, 96
Crack road, 408
Craft Genealogy, 473
Crafts, Joseph, family of, 474
Crank, the, 288
Crouch, Dr. Richard, 412
Crow Genealogy, 474
Crow, Rebecca, 243
Crowfoot, Daniel, family of, 474
Crowfoot, Samuel, family of, 474
Crows, 354
Curtis, Rev. Joseph W., family of, 606
Cutler, Dr. Robert, 424; family of, 474
Dale, Mehitable, family of, 475
Dana, Amariah, family of, 475
Davis, Hermon, family of, . 475
Davis, Sarah, 475
Dean, Faxon, family of, 475
Deer, 356
Deerfield abandoned, 150
Deerfield, destruction of, 272
Deputies, 619
Dickinson Genealogy, 475
Dickinson, Jonathan, descendants of, . 475
Distilling, 74, 408
Divorce, 247
Dogs, 280
Domo, Comfort, 404
Domo, Peter, 297; family of, 488.
Downing, John, family of, 606
Dress, law regulating, 99
Drinks in seventeenth century, 73
Drury, John, family of. 606
Dunakin, Andrew, family of, 606
Dwight, Dr. Elihu, 412
Dwight, Nathaniel, family of, 606
Dyeing, 388
Eastman Genealogy, 489
Edwards, Jonathan, family of, 492
Elgarr, Thomas, 242
Engagement to remove to Massachusetts, 19
Equivalent land, 298
Evens, John, family of, 492
Falls fight, 170
Falls Woods, 287
Fellows, Richard, family of, 492
Fences, 42, 46, 439
Ferry, Noah, descendants of, 492
Field Genealogy, 492
Fish, 313
Fisheries, 315
Flat hills, 423
Flax, 367
Flax seed, 385 Floods, 429
Foote, Nathaniel, family of, 494
Foote, Samuel, descendants of, 495
Fortifications, 159, 187
Fox, Abraham, descendants of, 495, 607
Fox, Joel, family of, 495
Fox, Nathaniel, family of, 495
Franklin, Henry J., family of, 496
Frary, Eliezer, descendants of, 496
Frary, Sampson, descendants of, 496
Freemen, 77
French neutrals, 351, 404, 421
Funerals, 247
Fur trade, 355
Gamwell, Dr. Samuel, 424
Gardens, 374
Gardner, Jacob, family of, 496
Gardner, Joseph, family of, 496
Gardner, Samuel, family of, 497
Gaylord Genealogy, 497
Geese, 381
Gillett, Joseph, family of, 498
Gillett, Samuel, descendants of, 498
Goffe, Wm., 145, 214
Golding, Peter, family of, 498
Goodell, Isaac, family of, 498
Goodman Genealogy, 498
Goodrich, Aaron, family of, 500
Goodwin, Mr. William, family of, 500
Gould, Solomon, family of, 500
Grain, prices of, 102; used to pay taxes, 210.
Granby, division of lands in, 285; Church organized, 407; pastor settled, 407; incorporation, 407; Baptist
church, 408; settlers, 411.
Granger, Holcomb, family of, 500
Grains, Edward, family of, 500
Grant of 1673, 103
Grant of 1683, 194
Grant of 1727, 195
Graves Genealogy, 501
Green, Eliphalet, family of. 504
Green. Timothy, family of, 504
Grey, James, family of, 505
Gridley, Rev. Elijah, 408
Grover, Hosea, family of, 505
Gull, William, family of, 505
Gunn, Moses, family of, 505
Gunn, Samuel, family of, 505
Hadley named, 25
Hale, Thomas, family of, 505
Haley, John, family of, 505
Hammond, Timothy, family of, 505
Hampshire county, establishment of, 93; churches in, prior to 1700, 94; courts, in, 94; treasurer of, 95; house of correction in, 95; prison in, 95; number of persons slain in, 188; buildings burnt in, 188; war taxes in, 190; colony expenses in, 190; troop, 227.
Hampshire towns, scheme to bring the five into two, 167
Harrison, Isaac, family of, 505
Harvard College, contributions to, 104
Harwood, Benjamin, family of, 505
Hastings, Benjamin, family of, 505
Hastings, Thomas, descendants of, 506
Hasty pudding, 365
Hartford, controversies in church at, 11
Hatfield homelots, 39; separation of from Hadley, 76; how purchased, 119; attack on, 135; attack on, 175; attack on in 1677, 183; names of those killed and captured by Indians, at, in 1677, 184.
Hawkes Genealogy, 509
Hawley Genealogy, 509
Hawley, Levi, family of, 607
Hayes, Kev. Joel, 402
Hay grasses, 369
Hemp, 367
Henderson Genealogy, 510
Henry, James, family of, 510
Hens, 381
Hubbard Genealogy, 510
Highways, 42, 289
Hickson, Walter, family of, 511
Hill, Rev. Abraham, 419
Hilliard or Hillyer Genealogy, 511
Hillier, John, 242
Hinsdale Genealogy, 511
Hitchcock, Charles, family of, 512
Hockanum, 296; 3 men slain at, 165
Hodge, Benjamin, family of, 512
Hodge, George, and descendants, 512
Hodge, John, family of, 607
Homelots, 31, 190, 198
Honey, 383
Hooker, Joseph, family of, 607
Hopkins Grammar school, 56; teachers of, 66.
Hopkins, Rev. Samuel, 332, 336; descendants of, 513.
Hopkins, Timothy, family of, 514
Horse blocks, 323
Horses, 375
Hovey, Joseph, family of, 514
Hovey, Thomas, descendants of, 514
Hoyt Genealogy, 514
Hubbard, John, descendants of, 515
Hubbard, Hezekiah, family of, 515
Hunter, Stephen, family of, 517
Hunters, 357
Indians, selling liquors to, 71; land burnings by, 106; near Connecticut river, 122; entertainment of, 132; Attack of, repelled by Gen'l Goffe, 135; assault of, 178; friendly, 191; troubles with the Albany, 259.
Indian bottom, 37
Indian corn, 36
Indian deeds, remarks on, 112
Indian war, first, 135; second, 256; fourth, 339; fifth, 342; sixth, 345; men engaged therein, 347.
Ingram Genealogy. 517
Ingram, William, family of, 519
Inhabitants, occupation of, 80; of 1681, 211; changes in, 213; inhabitants in 1731, 291; inhabitants in 1770, 431. Inn-keepers. 70
Inner Commons, division of, 290
Intervals, manner of distributing, 32
Island, in Connecticut river, 308
Jack, a negro, execution of, 269
Jennings, Stephen, family of, 519
Johnson, Stephen, family of, 607
Judd, Asahel, family of, 520
Judd, Reuben, descendants of, 520
Judd, Thomas, descendants of, 521
Kellogg, Dr. Giles C., 412
Kellogg, Giles C., family of, 529
Kellogg, Joseph, descendants of, 527
Kellogg, Samuel, descendants of, 529
Kelsey, Matthew, family of, 529
King, Elisha, family of, 529
King, Thomas, family of, 530
King, William, family of, 530
Kittredge, Dr. William, 423
Kneeland, Edward, Jr., family of 530
Knight, Benjamin, family of, 530
Lancaster, destruction of, 159
Land, of little value to the Indians, 112; purchases of, in Norwottuck valley, 114; price paid Indians, for Hadley, 121; speculation, 299.
Lane Genealogy, 530
Lathrop, Capt., and his company slain at Bloody Brook, 147
Lawrence, John, family of, 530
Lawrence, Stephen, family of, 530
Lewis Genealogy, 530
Lights, 387
Locke, Dr. William, 192
Logs, 439
Longmeadow, ambuscade near, 164
Loomis, John, family of, 531
Loomis, Thomas, family of, 531
Lord's supper, 337
Lotridge, James, family of, 531
Loveland, or Loveman, William, family of, 531
Lyman, Elijah, family of, 531
Lyman, Gideon, family of, 532
Lyman, Israel, family of, 532
Lyman, John, family of, 532
Lyman, Phinehas, descendants of, 532
Lyman, Zadoc, family of, 607
McDaniel, Jacob, 422
Malt-houses, 74
Maple sugar, 386
Markham, William, family of, 532
Marriages, 243
Marsh Genealogy, 532
Marsh, Calvin, family of, 607
Marsh, Timothy, family of, .607
Massachusetts, application of dissatisfied Connecticut men, to, for land, 18
Matthews, Silas, family of, 535
Mattoon Genealogy, 535
Meacham, James, family of, 536
Meadow, Forty Acre, 35; Skirts of Forty Acre, 200; Great, 35; Fort, 36: Skirts of, 201; Hockanum, 36; Skirts of, 201; North, or Upper, 37; Little, 37; South, or Great Pansett, 37; South-west, or Little Pansett, 37.
Measuring land, 40
Medicines, 612
Meekins Genealogy, 536
Merrick, James, family of, 537
Meeting-house, first, 50; second, 318
Meslin, 363
Mighill, Samuel, family of, 537
Militia, their postures and arms, 223; of Hadley, 226.
Mills, grist, 47, 192; bolting, 48; saw, 49.
Ministers, salaries of, 54; wood for, 339.
Mohawks, The, 128; their cannibalism, 128; in Hampshire county, 129; talks with, at Albany, 132; presents to, 132, 280.
Money, coined, 203
Montague Genealogy, 537
Moody Genealogy, 540
Morton Genealogy, 542
Mount Holyoke, 437
Mourning, 247
Murray Genealogy, 543
Muskrats, 356
Names, Christian, 252
Narragansetts, war with the, 161
Nash Genealogy, 543
Negro slaves, 393, 410, 426
New England, division of lands in, 30; schools of, 63; intemperance in, 75; lands in, prior to settlement by English, 104.
New style, 254
Newton, Francis, family of, 549
New towns, 299
Nipmucks, Importance of, 136
Northampton, assaulted, 163
Northfield, men slain at, 145; Capt. Beers and his party cut off at, 145; deserted, 145.
North Hadley, 433; Religious Society at, 609.
Northam, Samuel, family of, 549
Norwottuk, origin of the name, 121
Norwottucks, The, 122, 144
Nuts, 386
Oats, 363
Old style, 254
Old tenor, 312
Osborn, Richard, family of, 549
Oxen, 376
Palisades, 268
Panton or Panthern, Alexander, family of, 549
Paper money, 309
Parker, Eli, family of, 549
Parsons, Rev. David, 414; his wood, 415; descendants of, 549
Parsons, Rev. David, D. D., 416
Partridge Genealogy, 550
Partridges, 360 Peas, 363
Pendergrass, Peter, 404
Perkins, Elisha, descendants of, 551
Perry, John, family of, 552
Petition, to General Court in favor of right of resisting the orders of King Charles II., 81; against the impost or customs, 83; in reference to God's displeasure, 85.
Petty, John, family of, 552
Phelps, Charles, descendants of, 552
Philip, erroneous notions respecting, 135
Physicians, 412, 423, 612
Pierce, John, family of, 552
Pierce, Josiah, 421; family of, 552
Pigeons, 359
Pixley, William, family of, 553
Planting, 399
Plowing, 399
Plimpton, or Plympton, Peter, family of, 553
Pocomtucks, The 144
Pomeroy. Ebenezer, descendants of, 553
Poor, 241
Pound, 79
Porter Genealogy, 553
Porter, James B., family of, 608
Porter, Jonathan E., family of, 608
Posts, 192
Potash works, 394
Potatoes, 366
Potter, Ephraim, family of, 557 '
Prior, Nathaniel C., family of, 557
Preston Genealogy, 557
Proprietors, change of, 35
Province bills, 309
Prutt, Arthur, family of, 557
Pumpkins, 366
Quabaug, garrison at, 191
Queen, Hugh, 409
Raccoons, 356
Rafts, 306
Rates, war, 207; money, 207; how paid, 208; for 1681, 211; for 1686, 211.
Rattlesnakes, 360
Raulf, Benjamin, family of, 558
Rawson, Rev. Grindall, 396: family of, 558.
Raymond, Josiah, family of, 558
Representatives, 619
Revolutionary war, 405, 407, 418
Reynolds, Samuel, family of, 558
Reynolds, Thomas, family of, 558
Richmond, David, family of, 558
Rider, Stephen, family of, 558
Riot, 98
Rood, Simeon, family of, 558
Rooker, William, family of, 558
Ropes, 368
Rosevelt, Jacob, family of, 558
Rowe, John, family of, 558
Rowlandson, Mrs., taken captive, 162
Rugg, Samuel, descendants of, 558
Russell, Rev. John, the first minister, 52; plan of his dwelling house, 220; inscription on his monument, 330.
Russell Church and Society, 610
Russell Genealogy, 559 Rye, 363
Salmon, 313
Sampson, Phinehas, family of, 559
Schenectady, destruction of, 258
School books, 69
School committee, 68
Schools and scholars, 65
School houses, 66
Scott, Edward, family of, 559
Scott, William, descendants of, 560
Scovil, Ebenezer, family of, 500
Selden, Joseph, family of, 561
Selden, Thomas, descendants of, 561