Recently, (October 2009) President Obama issued an Executive Order to all Federal agencies. It's calledFEDERAL LEADERSHIP IN ENVIRONMENTAL, ENERGY,AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE.
One of the stated goals of the order is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the Order specifically states that the agency should "Pursue opportunities with vendors and contractors to address and incorporate incentives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (such as changes to manufacturing, utility or delivery services, modes of transportation used, or other changes in supply chain activities);"
Waste Link service WILL reduce the frequency of trash pick ups which translates into reduces greenhouse gas emissions and a good way to comply with the executive order!
Since 1994, Waste Link® Corporation (WLC) has been saving money for it’s customers.
As the monitor optimizes pick-up frequency, our environment benefits from decreased diesel emissions and the facility will save money relating to fuel surcharges, which most haulers pass on to their customers.
Problematic History:
Typically, waste compactors are picked-up by solid waste haulers using two, very different methods. In either case, the facility is charged a fee each time a container is picked-up. Problems may arise for the waste generator when either of these methods is used:
1. Pre-determined intervals such as Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday
· Research reveals that compacted refuse containers are picked-up when the container is less than full 80% of the time
· Sites pay more for solid waste removal than is necessary because they are being over-serviced
· Premature pulls
2. “On-call” service
· Facilities have little choice but to guess when the compactor is ready for pickup
· Pressure gauges and indicator lights will misinterpret common jams and surges as a “COMPACTOR FULL” condition as they record only a SINGLE threshold reading
· Potential for packed-out or too-heavy containers
· Expensive and unnecessary weekend or holiday pickups
Solution and Technology:
Our technology has resulted in the availability of a waste monitoring system that records every compaction cycle and measures compactor ‘fullness’ based on the hydraulic draw. The waste monitor can be installed onto any existing compactor and the capacity of the compactor is continuously monitored. When fullness reaches a level that the facility specifies, the system sends the waste hauler an automated message to empty the compactor. With the installation of a compactor monitor, a facility can convert from a pre-determined or “on-call” pick-up schedule to an as-needed pick-up schedule resulting in proven cost savings ranging from 10% to 40%.
Pricing for GSA contract GS-10F-0236T
SIN 899-4 and SIN 899-4RC
Basic Service – Customer provides, maintains and owns their on-site monitoring equipment
Ø $500.00 per monitor per quarter
Standard Service – Waste Link Corp. provides, maintains and retains ownership of the on-site patented monitoring equipment
Ø $1,000.00 per monitor per quarter
Monitor installation Services - Compactor Monitor installation can usually be completed by on-site engineering or maintenance staff but Waste Link Corp. will perform installation of monitor, AC power and phone line at the request of the customer.
Ø $500.00 per monitor
Compactor Monitoring Details and Case Studies
Facility responsibility:
1. Installation of the monitor (usually can be accomplished by facility or engineering staff)
2. A “clean” 120v AC power line or access to the compactor power pack
3. Waste Link Corp. will handle the installation for a nominal fee if requested
Waste Link, Corp. included services:
1. Compactor Monitor with e-mail/fax/pager option and advisory light which indicates that the system has made a successful pick-up call
2. Regular detailed management reports which will detail compactor fullness, pickup history and operating/activity status
3. Warranty for the duration of signed contract period
Case Studies:
A Product manufacturer reduces waste removal costs by 25%
Prior to the Waste Link® program, this Consumer Product Manufacturer used a 35-yard container with 11 pick-ups per month on demand. Data breakdown is based on actual results projected as follows:
Before Waste Link / After Waste Link / Waste Link SavingsAnnual pick ups: 132 / 99 / 33 Annual Reductions
Monthly Pick-Ups: 11 / 8 / 3 Monthly Reductions
RESULTS: Waste Link® is providing a 25% reduction in hauling frequency with annual savings of over $12,420.
A Food Service manufacturer reduces waste removal costs by 35%
Prior to the Waste Link® program, this Food Service manufacturer used a 35-yard container with 11 pick-ups per month. Data breakdown is based on actual results projected as follows:
Before Waste Link / After Waste Link / Waste Link SavingsAnnual pick ups: 132 / 90 / 42 Annual Reductions
Monthly Pick-Ups: 11 / 7.5 / 3.5 Monthly Reductions
RESULTS: Waste Link® is providing a 32% reduction in hauling frequency with annual gross savings of over $14,500. This program also eliminated the management burden of determining fullness levels leaving management more time to concentrate on higher priority business issues.