8th Grade Language Arts Syllabus for 2016-2017

Mrs. Stephanie Lindgren

Email address:

Blog: http://cobblearning.net/mrslindgren/


Students will apply knowledge of subject area content through formative and summative performance tasks that require higher order thinking utilizing English Language Arts Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). Vocabulary, reading across the curriculum and language convention standards will be integrated within each unit of study. Language conventions will be taught within the context of writing and speaking. Since the standards for language conventions are recursive in nature, many of the standards will be revisited in different units throughout the year.


In the Common Core units, all work is based on a particular theme. Each semester, the theme will change. The first unit is on Building a Foundation. In each of the units, we will work on reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language relating to the theme. Assessments will be both formative and summative utilizing tests/quizzes, essays, journals, speeches/debates, and performance tasks. Students will be expected to complete homework assignments and class work also.



Major Assessments 40%

Minor Assessments 30%

Classwork 10%

Homework 5%

Vocabulary 15%


HTMS Agenda Replacement $10.00

Grammar for Writing Workbook (McDougal Littell) $10.00

Vocabulary Workshop Level C (Sadlier) Replacement copies can be ordered

On-line at http://sadlieroxford.com

Students are also responsible for books checked out from teachers or the media center.

GRADE RECOVERY: Students scoring below a 70% on Summative Assessments will be given remediation and the opportunity to reassess. If a student does not complete the remediation work assigned in the time allotted, reassessment is not an option. Grade recovery does not apply to End of Course or End of Grade assessments.

HOMEWORK POLICY: To maximize student learning, homework should be completed on time and it is expected on the day that it is due. A zero will be given for any missing homework assignments. For classwork and long-term assignments, late work will be penalized ten points per day.

MAKE-UP POLICY: For excused absences, assignments should be made up within the same number of days as the student was absent, and they must be made up within two weeks of the student’s return to school, unless there are exceptional circumstances. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain, complete, and turn in any work missed due to absence.

(Continued on back)

NOTE: This syllabus is subject to change to meet the needs of students. Any changes that become necessary will be announced to students as far ahead as possible.


To encourage dialogue about books, this year we will be creating accounts for Goodreads and Gmail as vehicles for conversations about and investigations of various works of literature.

Please take a moment to view these educational websites and indicate below if your student has permission to create an account.



My student _____________ does have permission to sign up for Goodreads and Gmail.

My student _____________ does NOT have my permission to sign up for Goodreads and Gmail.

____________________________________ _______________________________________