Help this student solve his career mystery!
Steven was a high school sophomore who loved sports and who planned to play baseball in college. The academic picture, however, was unclear. He had no idea of what he wanted to study.
Steven has high verbal memory, which means he learned best when reading. He also discovered that he had a strong design memory. He finds that doodling and drawing pictures of what teachers are saying helps him remember classroom information.
Steven learned he works best on short term projects and is happiest when performing from a position in which he is an expert; he doesn’t like to work in groups. Steven has not used all of the resources in SDMyLife, specifically the Career Matchmaker, nor has he explored any other resources.
What is Steven’s next step?
Help this student solve her career mystery!
Mandy comes to your classroom/office after school, on the advice of her best friend. Mandy is a senior at your school. It is fall semester and she is feeling anxious about to do after high school graduation this spring.
Mandy has been active in high school activities while a student at your school. She has been involved in high school drama club, with leading roles in two of the fall plays in which she has participated. She has also participated in the high school cross country team and spring track. She has a part-time job at the local grocery store, where she enjoys working in the deli; her favorite part of that job is creating new salad recipes for the deli counter, which the deli manager allows her to do.
Academics have been somewhat challenging for Mandy. She has been diagnosed with dyslexia and she struggles to comprehend what she reads. Her Career Matchmaker results indicate she has strong interests in Hospitality and Tourism career areas, specifically in the Restaurant/Food and Beverage Services Pathway. All of Mandy’s friends plan to go to four-year colleges or universities. Mandy is not confident she can succeed in college and her parents are pushing her to make a decision about a post high school plan.
What is Mandy’s next step?
Help this student solve her career mystery!
Jane is a high school junior who has a strong interest in law. She has decided she wants to become a lawyer. Jane plans to go to a four-year college, where she hopes to study pre-law, business management or political science.
She describes herself as being outgoing and determined. She reports that she hates to read, work and clean.
Jane has used the Career Matchmaker, which reinforced her interest in law. However, her best courses in high school, academically, have been in areas not very congruent with law: nutrition, Spanish, art, and interior design.
What is Jane’s next step?
Help this student solve his career mystery!
Joel is a high school senior who is working as a certified nursing assistant (CNA). He wants to be a nurse but can’t decide if he should attend nursing school in the fall.
He and his parents have discussed his educational expenses. They are concerned he would have little time to work to pay for his education. In addition to having to work to pay for school, Joel is also concerned about having enough time to study and spend time with friends.
What is Joel’s next step?
Help this student solve his career mystery!
Scott is a senior in high school and is interested in the medical field. He has gotten involved in the local medical industry. He enjoys spending his time at this part-time job and volunteering at the local nursing home.
Both of his parents have military careers and he admires their passion for their careers and supporting America. His parents are insistent that he should follow their footsteps and look into the military, but his boss and coworkers are interested in helping him get an education and return to their facility – which he loves.
What plans should Scott make for his future?