prof. Fausto Giunchiglia

Head of the Department of Information

and Communication Technology

Via Sommarive, 14

38050 Povo di TRENTO (Italy)

Tel.: +39 0461 882092


prof. Dario Petri

Dean of the Doctorate School

Secretariat of the ICT International Doctorate School

Department of Information and Communication Technology

Via Sommarive, 14

38050 Povo di TRENTO (Italy)

Tel: +39 0461 882059 / 883936


Relationships with companies - Divisione Rapporti con le Imprese

Administrative Department of Services and Communication
Molino Vittoria, Via Verdi 6 - 3° piano

38100 Trento

Tel. +39 0461 883200
Fax +39 0461 882921


I am delighted to present the first edition of “Diventare Professionisti dell’IT”. This publication has been designed above all as a means of introducing the first PhD graduates from the ICT International Doctorate School of the Department of Information and Communication Technology, and to facilitate contact between them and companies or institutes that wish to invest in top-level professional resources. “Diventare Professionisti dell’IT” is therefore destined for Human Resource Managers in companies, centres, institutions and organizations dealing with R & D in the field of ICT.

Indeed, while it is our duty to offer the scientific community, society and, naturally, the students leading edge training and research, based on the constant extension of the international network of top-level partners and close contacts with the industrial sector, we must also monitor and assist the professional future of our graduates.

This publication contains an appraisal of the first PhD graduates from the School, including individual curriculum vitae and abstracts of the research projects that led to their doctoral theses. It also briefly describes the School and the University Department that sponsors it.

I trust that this guide will become a regular and valued annual appointment, contributing to the dialogue and the cooperation between the University of Trento and the ICT community.

Finally, my thanks go to all those who have contributed to the preparation of this publication, and to those who wish to make suggestions for future editions.

prof. Dario Petri

Dean of

ICT International Doctorate School


Sono lieto di poter introdurre questa prima edizione del “Diventare Professionisti dell’IT”, una pubblicazione che vuole essere soprattutto uno strumento per presentare i primi dottori di ricerca della ICT International Doctorate School del Dipartimento di Informatica e Telecomunicazioni e facilitare il contatto tra questi e quanti intendono investire in profili professionali di alto livello. .”Diventare Professionisti dell’IT” si rivolge quindi ai Responsabili delle risorse umane di imprese, centri, enti e istituti che nel settore dell’ICT si occupano di Ricerca e Sviluppo.

Infatti, se il nostro primo impegno verso la comunità scientifica, la società e naturalmente gli studenti è quello di offrire formazione e ricerca di alta qualità, basate anche su un costante ampliamento della rete internazionale di partner di eccellenza e su strette relazioni con il mondo industriale, non possiamo trascurare di monitorare e favorire il futuro professionale dei nostri studenti.

La pubblicazione contiene una rassegna dei primi dottori di ricerca della Scuola, e ne riporta nello specifico il curriculum vitae e un abstract del lavoro di ricerca, sfociato nella tesi di dottorato. Inoltre illustra sinteticamente le caratteristiche della Scuola e del Dipartimento che la promuove.

Mi auguro che questo strumento divenga un tradizionale e apprezzato appuntamento annuale e contribuisca ad avviare e a favorire il dialogo e la collaborazione tra l’Ateneo trentino e la comunità dell’ICT.

Infine un sentito grazie a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito alla realizzazione della pubblicazione e a quanti vorranno dare suggerimenti per le prossime edizioni.

prof. Dario Petri

Coordinatore della

ICT International Doctorate School

The University of Trento in numbers

For some years the University of Trento has headed the Censis annual ranking of Italian universities, being particularly appreciated for the

close relationship with the region;

contacts with the working world;

international dimension;

quality of the services and the structures available to students.

There are 7 faculties:



Art and Philosophy,



Cognitive Sciences (newly founded),

Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. (foto di ciascuna)

More than 14,000 undergraduates, with approximately 3,500 new students in the academic year 2003-2004.

More than 1,800 degrees awarded in the academic year 2002-2003.

474 lecturers and 623 technical and administrative staff.

The range of courses offered at degree and postgraduate level is the result of a constant dialogue with the world of business and includes:

29 three-year degree courses, 27 specialist degree courses, 4 masters, 2 centres of excellence, 3 schools of specialization, 16 doctorates (active in the academic year 2003-2004), of which 6 in the scientific-technological field; amongst which the ICT International Doctorate School.

13 Departments, of which 7 in the scientific-technological area. Amongst these the Department of Information and Communication Technology (Dipartimento di Informatica e Telecomunicazioni - DIT).

L’Università degli Studi di Trento: alcuni numeri

Da diversi anni ai primi posti nelle graduatorie annuali del Censis sulle Università italiane, l’Ateneo di Trento è particolarmente apprezzato per:

lo stretto rapporto con il territorio

l’apertura al mondo del lavoro

la dimensione internazionale

la qualità dei servizi e delle strutture a disposizione degli studenti

7 le Facoltà che caratterizzano l’Università di Trento: (foto di ciascuna...)



Lettere e Filosofia



Scienze Cognitive (di nuova istituzione)

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali

Oltre 14.000 gli iscritti, di cui circa 3.500 gli immatricolati nell’anno accademico (2003-2004).

Oltre 1800 i laureati nell’anno 2002-2003

474 il personale docente e 623 il personale tecnico amministrativo

La selezionata gamma di proposte formative e di specializzazioni, frutto di un costante dialogo con il mondo dell’economia e del lavoro, si struttura in:

29 corsi di laurea triennale, 27 corsi di laurea specialistica, 4 master., 2 centri di eccellenza, 3 scuole di specializzazione, 16 dottorati (attivi nell’anno accademico 2003-2004), di cui 6 nell’area scientifico – tecnologica. Tra questi l’ICT International Doctorate School.

13 i Dipartimenti, di cui 7 nell’area scientifico-tecnologica. Tra questi il Dipartimento di Informatica e Telecomunicazioni (DIT)

The Department of Information and Communication Technology

The Department of Information and Communication Technology (DIT) was founded in January 2002 in order to develop the prospects offered in Italy and internationally in the field of information technology, to integrate and extend the competencies available in the various University faculties and to develop the activities and the research laboratories, and at the same time, make the most of the capacity for attracting investment.

The structure of the Department is similar to the innovative configuration used in English-speaking countries and is at present only experimental in Italy.

The interdisciplinary and international approach, the emphasis on the technological transfer of the methodologies and the prototypes developed are key aspects of DIT.

The research activities are designed to encourage integration between the three disciplines: computer sciences, telecommunications and electronics, traditionally linked to different scientific communities. DIT aims to exploit the complementary experiences present in the various research areas in order to develop innovative methods and technologies, applications and advanced services.

From the teaching point of view, the DIT is an inter-faculty structure, gathering almost all the lecturers in information technology from the faculties of Economics, Engineering, Science and Sociology. It therefore has a role of coordination and aggregation in the teaching sphere of information technology (Telecommunications Engineering, Computer Science, Information and Business Engineering, NetEconomy).

These concepts are the founding principles of the ICT International Doctorate School.

Il Dipartimento di Informatica e Telecomunicazioni

Il Dipartimento di Informatica e Telecomunicazioni (DIT) è nato nel gennaio 2002 per mettere a frutto le prospettive offerte a livello italiano e internazionale dalle discipline dell’informazione, per integrare e ampliare le competenze disponibili presso le diverse facoltà dell’Ateneo e per sviluppare le attività e i laboratori di ricerca, sfruttando la capacità di attrazione di investimenti.

La struttura dipartimentale richiama l’impostazione innovativa adottata nel mondo anglosassone e solo a livello sperimentale presente in Italia.

L’interdisciplinarietà, l’internazionalizzazione e l’attenzione al trasferimento tecnologico delle metodologie e dei prototipi sviluppati sono gli aspetti qualificanti che maggiormente caratterizzano il DIT.

L’attività di ricerca si sviluppa favorendo l’integrazione tra le tre aree disciplinari dell’Informatica, delle Telecomunicazioni e dell’Elettronica, tradizionalmente legate a differenti comunità scientifiche. Il DIT punta infatti a sfruttare le complementarietà delle esperienze presenti nelle diverse aree di ricerca per dare vita a metodiche e tecnologie innovative, ad applicazioni e servizi avanzati.

Sul versante della formazione il DIT si configura come una struttura interfacoltà, riunendo la quasi totalità dei docenti del settore dell’informazione provenienti dalle facoltà di Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze e Sociologia. Svolge pertanto una funzione di coordinamento e di aggregazione nell’ambito della didattica nel settore dell’informazione (Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, Informatica, Ingegneria dell’Informazione e dell’Organizzazione, NetEconomy).

E’ partendo da queste premesse che il DIT ha voluto e organizzato l’ICT International Doctorate School.

ICT International Doctorate School

The ICT International Doctorate School was founded to offer training for professionals capable of developing cutting edge, quality information technology systems suitable for resolving complex problems, and therefore students acquire high-level competencies in specific and collateral research sectors.

The doctorate offers students a range of study opportunities, which takes advantage of the multi-disciplinary nature of the teaching staff and the availability of the laboratories. Students can attend basic or advanced courses in all the sectors offered: from technologies for design and construction of software to technologies for implementation of hardware; from data elaboration methods to infrastructures for data distribution on telematic networks.

The distinctive characteristics of the School

The ICT International Doctorate School is principally characterised by two factors: the international scope and the strong links with the working world.

The international scope is guaranteed by:

- lecturers and students come from differing backgrounds and different countries;

The students taking courses at the School now number 90 altogether and more than half are from foreign countries.

1. 17 from Bielorussia

2. 6 from Bulgaria

3. 6 from Vietnam

4. 6 from India

5. 5 from China

6. 3 from Romania

7. 1 from Turkey

8. 1 from Ukraine

9. 1 from Brazil

10. 1 from Algeria

11. 1 from Australia

The lecturers and experts who hold courses and seminars (each academic year 30 courses and at least 40 short seminars are activated) are chiefly non-Italians, who come from situations such as:

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Institut Pasteur of Paris, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Thomas M. Siebel Center for Computer Science, Pontificial Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, University of Toronto, North Carolina State University, University of British Columbia, University of Haifa, University of Texas at Dallas, Queen's University in Canada, Columbia University, Vrjie Universiteit in Amsterdam, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, University of Toronto, University of Oslo, University of California, Northwestern University, AT & T Labs, University of Illinois at Chicago, National University of Singapore, NEC System Laboratories, University of Maryland, National Science Foundation - Washington, DC, University of Waterloo, Caltech - Pasadena, Telecom Modus Ltd., Munich University of Technology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and University of Essex.

- the possibility for every student to spend a period of at least 3 months in a foreign university or research institute, in particular in the USA;

- the use of English as the sole official language of the School. Foreign students are offered the opportunity to learn Italian to the standard needed for employment in our country.

Links with the working world are encouraged by the teaching programme and the opportunities for research finalised in the acquisition of the competencies needed in planning and R & D, not only at the university, but above all in public and private research institutes, centres and industries.

The close links with the industrial sector, in particular, is encouraged by diverse factors:

- the lecturers’ are all business professionals;

- the research topics cover a continuum between theoretical research and innovative applications;

- the practical-operative activities carried out by the doctoral students in companies;

- the work-experience projects organized in companies;

How the School is organized


Admission to the PhD courses is by public competitive examination. Candidates must have a specialist degree or equivalent academic title awarded abroad.

Admission to the ICT International Doctorate School is subject to a selection procedure with evaluation based on qualifications, and a discretionary oral examination, where specified in the call for applicants.

Duration of the courses

The School’s teaching programme requires a minimum undertaking of 3 years.

At the beginning of the first year each student, who is assigned a tutor, must draw up a study plan that includes attending and passing a minimum of five courses, of at least 20 classroom hours. The doctoral student may include in the study plan courses held at the School, and courses held in national and/or international doctorate schools recognized by the International ICT PhD School. Students are also encouraged to attend internal and external specialist seminars. During the first year the doctoral student must also apply to the Teaching Committee for the assignment of a dissertation advisor and, with his/her assistance, define the specific topic for the dissertation research project.

The second year is dedicated to research, in view of the preparation of the dissertation without, however, neglecting participation in national and international conferences, congresses and seminars.

The third year is dedicated completely to the preparation of the dissertation, which illustrates the results of the research project. The teaching programme of the ICT I.D.S. concludes with the discussion of the dissertation, which must be written in English and, above all, be innovative in content.


As well as passing the examinations foreseen by each course (with only one opportunity to re-sit each examination), the students must also undergo two assessments. Specifically:

in order to enter the second year they must:

- pass the Comprehensive Examination, which is designed to assess the examinee’s basic knowledge in the three areas of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications;

- acquire at least 15 credits;

- receive a satisfactory report from their tutor.

in order to enter the third year they must:

- pass the Qualifying Examination (or Research Proposal); i.e.: prepare and present to a specific Commission the dissertation proposal, which will be evaluated by the Commission on the basis of the opinion of external experts;

- acquire at least 24 total credits;

- receive a satisfactory report from their advisor.

L’ICT International Doctorate School

L’ICT International Doctorate School si pone l’obiettivo specifico di istituire un percorso idoneo alla formazione di professionisti capaci di sviluppare sistemi informatici di elevata qualità e di tipo innovativo adatti alla soluzione di problemi complessi, per questo i suoi studenti acquisiscono competenze di alto livello in settori specifici e collaterali di ricerca.