Application to Adopt or Foster

THANK - YOU for your interest in our dogs. We would appreciate your answers to the following questions, so that we can best select the right dog for you. All applicants must have a fenced yard. All information is treated as confidential. Submission of this application does not guarantee that you will receive a dog.


Name: ___________________________________Spouse:_______________Date:_______________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

City: ______________________ County: _________________ State: _________Zip:______________

Home Cell Work

Phone: _____________________ Number:____________________Phone:______________________

Email Email


Place of Employment_______________________ Place of Employment________________________

Job Title __________________________________Job Title: ________________________________

Drivers Date

License:_______VERIFIED UPON ADOPTION, you do not need to list the #of Birth____________

Name & Phone # of

your Veterinarian(s):_________________________________________________________________

Describe the dog you

Want including breed: ________________________________________________________________

Are members of the family home during the day? _________Who:_____________________________

How long would the dog be left alone during your work day or night? ___________________________

List all people living in house

Include age and relationship: __________________________________________________________


Do you live in house, apt., trailer, condo, other, describe: ____________________________________

Do you own, rent or other describe? ____________Does your rental agreement permit pets? _______


How long have If less than 5 years

you lived there?_________ Previous Address:____________________________________________

Is property

Fenced now? ____________ What type of Fence and height? ________________________________

Size of Does fenced area attach or surround

Fenced area__________________________ building where the dog will be housed? ______________

How many hours will the dog be outside a day? _____________

Where will the dog be kept during the day?

(Dog house, shed, barn, kitchen, crate, etc).____________________ Night: ____________________

When you are not home where will the dog will spend it’s time? House, Yard, Garage, Crate _________________________________________________________________________________

Can you afford medically to treat an ill dog if necessary? ____________

Do you know how much does it costs per year to own a dog? How much? _______________________

Why do you want a dog? ____________________________Is the dog a gift?____________________

Have you ever owned this breed? ____________What happened to it? _________________________

Where did you get it? ________________________________________________________________ How long since you’ve owned a dog? ________________________________________

Do you plan on any type of training? If so what type? ________________________________________

Do you know what a puppy mill is? _____________ Have you had any experience with special need dogs? ______________________

Have you placed, lost or euthanized

any dogs in the past, explain________________________________________________________

Do you have any Pets? If so list all

NAME, AGE, BREED & SEX:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are your pets current on vaccinations? Rabies _________DHLPP _________Heartworm___________

Are your pets SPAYED/NEUTERED? _________If not Why? _________________________________

Please give

Are your dogs licensed? ________ license Numbers: _______________________________________

What kind of Canit comfortably

Vehicle do you drive? _______________________ hold a dog?__________________________

List 3 Personal references with Phone numbers (NO RELATIVES OR WORK NUMBERS)

1) _______________________________________________________________________________

2) _______________________________________________________________________________

3) _______________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever applied to adopt from a Rescue

or Humane Society to adopt a dog or cat before? __________Results? ___________________

What orginization? _______________________Phone#_______________________________

If interested in Fostering, what type of fostering interests you most??

Long term_______________Shortterm_________________Special needs____________________

Your signature or electronic signature authorizes us to contact your references and verify all information provided to us on this application. Signature:_________________________________________________