Unit Title:
/ I’m Safe When Moving My BodyWhy is it important to keep our bodies healthy when it is changing?
· HEALTH UNIT: Students discuss safe and unsafe situations, road safety and safe use of medicines.
· PHYSICAL UNIT: Student explores the elements of movement (speed, level, and shape) and plan and performs a sequence of movement in responds to music. They will identify and describe how their body responds to movement.
Achievement Standard / Prep
5-6 / · By the end of Foundation Year, students recognise how they are growing and changing. They identify and describe the different emotions people experience. They recognise actions that help them be healthy, safe and physically active. They identify different settings where they can be active and how to move and play safely. They describe how their body responds to movement.
· Students use personal and social skills to include others in a range of activities. They demonstrate, with guidance, practices and protective behaviours to keep them safe and healthy in different activities. They perform fundamental movement skills and solve movement challenges.
· Students will be given the opportunity to engage in movement and physical activity. Students will be aware of the importance of physical activity in daily life.
HPE Content Strands
/Content Descriptions
/Assessment (A)
HealthPersonal, social and community health
Being healthy, safe and active
Communicating and interacting for health and well being
Contributing to healthy and active communities
Movement and physical activity
Moving our body
Understanding movement
Learning through movement / Knowledge and Understandings
Being healthy, safe and active - Identifypeople anddemonstrateprotective behaviours that help keep themselves safe and healthy(ACPPS003)
Contributing to healthy and active communities - Identifyactions that promote health, safety andwellbeing(ACPPS006)
Moving our body - Practisefundamental movement skillsandmovement sequencesusing different body parts and in response to stimuli(ACPMP008)
Understanding movement - Explore how regularphysical activitykeeps individuals healthy and well(ACPMP010) Identifyanddescribehow their body moves in relation to effort, space, time, objects and people(ACPMP011) / · Frequent and informal questioning, anecdotal notes with written comments will be made each week during the Health and Physical lessons.
· At the of the Dance component students will be individually assessed on their development. Dance Rubric
· At the end of the Health component the students will use the App Telligami. The will create an avatar and give 30sec pretention on the importance of road safety and keeping their bodies safe. Health Rubric
HPE Focus Areas
Alcohol and other drugs (AD)
Food and nutrition (FN)
Health benefits of physical activity (HBPA)
Mental health and wellbeing (MH)
Relationships and sexuality (RS)
Safety (S) / Active play and minor games (AP)
Challenge and adventure activities (CA)
Fundamental movement skills (FMS)
Games and sports (GS)
Lifelong physical activities (LLPA)
Rhythmic and expressive activities (RE)
Learning Framework / Community Contributor
Leader and Collaborator / Active Investigator
Effective Communicator / Designer and Creator
Quality Producer
Cross Curricula Priorities / Catholic Ethos
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures / Social Emotional Learning
Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia / Inclusive Education
Sustainability Education
General Capabilities / Literacy
Numeracy / ICT
Critical and Creative Thinking / Personal and Social Competence
Ethical Understanding
Intercultural Understanding
Links to other Learning Areas
Links to other Learning Areas: Australian Curriculum: HPE
SEL and Religion
Learning and Teaching Strategies
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10Cross Curricular Priorities
General Capabilities / Literacy, Critical Thinking, Personal and Social Capability and intercultural Understanding
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Engage / Resources
Lesson 1 / Physical - Time 60 mins
Dance – the students use dance competent to explore and communicate through movement. The students move indifferent directions e.g. forward, backwards, high, low, slow fast, run, hop, crawl jump and skip. It is important to set ground rules before students start dancing. Students dance on their own unless stated by teacher, no bumping or students sit out. Establish cues to listen and stop etc.
Introduction: play song “Come On Let’s Dance” explore different styles of dance movements to the song.
Beat: Students walk to the beat of the clock and create their own movement. Different tempo “Hickory Dock” Have the students create an inside and outside circle making a ostinato type of movement for “ Tick Tock”
“Chicken Dance” model movements of the Chicken Dance, especially focus on the skipping and changing.
“Bow to Your Partner” in a circle formation where they learn to bow stamp turn 180 degrees then work with a new partner.
As a reward for listening and positive behaviour during dance session – the children are allowed free dance and freeze time. Teacher create some music which the students favourite music.
Lesson 1/ Health - Time 60 mins
Exploring safe and unsafe places
Students explore areas where they should be aware of safety – personal, road, water, sun, and when using medicines at home.
Students need to be aware of behaviours, people and situations that can make them feel unsafe. It is important they know people who they can talk with if they feel unsafe. Although “stranger danger” is essential to be aware of, people that students may also make them feel unsafe.
Discussion Points
· What makes you safe?
· What makes you feel unsafe?
· Who can you go to when you feel unsafe?
· How can you keep yourself safe?
1. Relate various situations where students have to decide what need to be done to stay safe. Students could contribute their own situations for discussions. Students draw pictures to show how to stay safe in the situation. Refer to work sheet 1 “Safe and Unsafe”.
2. Discuss situations that make you feel safe and unsafe. Relate some personal situations and ask students what they would do. Talk about ways they can feel safe. Students to draw or write things that make them feel safe and unsafe. Refer to worksheet 2 “Safe and Unsafe”. / Primary Health Values
R.I.C Publications
1 “Safe and Unsafe” – worksheet
2 “Safe and Unsafe”.
CD You Can Dance
Glossary Link / Assessment Opportunities
Safe, unsafe, road, water, sun, medicines, home, rehearse, speed, level, shape, plan, perform, sequence, movement, and create
Reflection / · Student’s roles – play and act out various situations where they feel unsafe.
· Discuss different people that students could go to and talk with if they are feeling unsafe. Ask them to draw a picture and write a label for each person.
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities
General Capabilities / Literacy, Critical Thinking, Personal and Social Capability and intercultural Understanding
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Explore / Resources
Lesson 2 / Physical - Time 60 mins
Dance – the students use dance competent to explore and communicate through movement. The students move indifferent directions e.g. forward, backwards, high, low, slow fast, run, hop, crawl jump and skip. It is important to set ground rules before students start dancing. Students dance on their own unless stated by teacher, no bumping or students sit out. Establish cues to listen and stop etc.
Introduction: play song “Come On Let’s Dance” explore different styles of dance movements to the song.
Children will move around the room like a spider – acting out “Incy Wincy Spider”. Show students utube clip of a real spider and of a person dancing like a spider.
Starting and stopping, controlled movements “ Dancing Robots”
Students listen to the instructions and move around the room on the required number of body parts.
Children listen to and follow directions to set dance also allows for them to create ways to move. “ Charlie Bear Agadoo”
As a reward for listening and positive behaviour during dance session – the children are allowed free dance and freeze time. Teacher create some music which the students favourite music.
Lesson 2/ Health - Time 60 mins
Road Safety
Students identify road safety and the road rules that need to be followed.
The key message to children is on how to be safe on the roads and in motor vehicles. To support the children understands of road safety: the “Elmo Stays Safe” campaign, developed by Sesame Workshop and Kidsdafe, is designed to prevent child motor vehicle and pedestrian injuries and deaths in Australia.
Discussion Points
· Explain why it is important to keep our bodies safe around traffic.
· Can you think of a time when you did not keep your body safe in the car or around traffic?
1. Read Elmo stay safe story book -
2. Watch Utube clip about Elmo keeping his body safe when walking in public places.
3. Whole class discussion. Students identify safe and unsafe behaviours by Elmo - Staying Safe worksheet – How is Elmo staying safe in each of the pictures.
4. The children keep a weekly diary of how to keep their body safe in the car. Refer to worksheet “safety Chart” the children Place an X on every day they buckle up in the car or hold a grown-up’s hand when crossing the street. /
Road safety – Kids Safe Queensland
Incy Wincy Spider
Peacock Spider
The Spider Milena Sidorona
Glossary Link / Assessment Opportunities
Safe, unsafe, road, water, sun, medicines, home, rehearse, speed, level, shape, plan, perform, sequence, movement, and create
Reflection / Colour in this picture, where Elmo and his friends are staying safe by playing at the playground!
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities
General Capabilities / Literacy, Critical Thinking, Personal and Social Capability and intercultural Understanding
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Explore / Resources
Lesson 3 / Physical - Time 60 mins
Dance – the students use dance competent to explore and communicate through movement. The students move indifferent directions e.g. forward, backwards, high, low, slow fast, run, hop, crawl jump and skip. It is important to set ground rules before students start dancing. Students dance on their own unless stated by teacher, no bumping or students sit out. Establish cues to listen and stop etc.
Introduction: play song “Come On Let’s Dance” explore different styles of dance movements to the song. Review dance lessons from the past two weeks.
Students move around the hall or large space to the song “ Wheels on the Bus”
Teaching the movement walk, trot, gallop and run discuss and students create own movement. “ The Little Red Children’s Horse Race Song”
Students pretend they are cowboys and have free movement around the room: clapping hands, stomping feet and galloping on a horse. “ Rig a Jig Jig”
Teach the students simple Yoga poses and then put them together in a sequence.
Lesson 3/ Health - Time 60 mins
People who keep me safe
Students identify people in their lives that would help to keep them safe in a road situation. This is a good opportunity to invite the local Police into the classroom. The police response to keeping children safe, especially when they are travelling to and from school, out and about or lost and frightened.
The police will use any of the following strategies
1. Walk safely to school
2. Protective behaviours/ protective behaviours & identifying safe adults and safe places.
3. Road safety around schools
Discussion Points
· Why is important to walking safely to school?
· Tell me who is a safe adults
· What does a safe place look and feel like?
· Tell me why we need to keep our bodies safe around the school.
1. Make and create a class chart/ collage “People Who Keep Us Safe Around Our School Community” Children draw pictures of people who keep them safe in our school community.
2. Record on I Pads who the children have drawn and who keeps them safe in the community /
Ring and book local police for incursion
Wheels on the bus
The little Red children Horse Race song
Rig a Jig Jig
Glossary Link / Assessment Opportunities
Safe, unsafe, road, water, sun, medicines, home, rehearse, speed, level, shape, plan, perform, sequence, movement, and create
Reflection / As a whole class watch children’s responses from I pads on smart board or allow sharing time with children’s safety drawing.
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities
General Capabilities / Literacy, Critical Thinking, Personal and Social Capability and intercultural Understanding
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Explain / Resources
Lesson 4 / Physical - Time 60 mins
Dance – the students use dance competent to explore and communicate through movement. The students move indifferent directions e.g. forward, backwards, high, low, slow fast, run, hop, crawl jump and skip. It is important to set ground rules before students start dancing. Students dance on their own unless stated by teacher, no bumping or students sit out. Establish cues to listen and stop etc.
Introduction: play song “Come On Let’s Dance” explore different styles of dance movements to the song. Review dance lessons from the past weeks.
Students following directions paying particular attention to left and right. “ Hokey Pokey”