Guildwood Village Community Association 2

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes ‒ December 8, 2015

Guildwood Village Community Association

Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting

Chartwell Guildwood, December 8, 2015

Present: Dave Arnold, Judy Baribeau, Andy Douglas, Audrea Douglas, James Gilchrist, Tina Villeneuve, Sherry Mikelic, John Mason, Donna Milovanovic, Timo Puhakka, Bruce Villeneuve, Jim Whitney, Kathleen Wolfe, Reg Wolfe, Leslie Hetherington, Bob Taylor-Vaisey

Regrets: Shelley Angus, Anne Marie Johnson, Andrew Macklin, Julia Lakats

1. Dave Arnold called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

2. M/S to adopt the amended Agenda. Carried.

3. Introductions - none

4. Approval of Minutes: M/S to adopt the amended Minutes of November 10, 2015. Carried.

5. Treasurer’s Report: Jim Whitney - nothing to report. Audrea did report having received a few more membership payments, to be deposited.

6. Items for Discussion & Approval

6.1 2016 Backyard Tree Project – After careful consideration of the varying options, Jim Whitney recommended that we use Sheridan Nurseries as our tree provider for the program. This recommendation was based on Sheridan Nurseries 2 year tree guarantee, strong administrative support (to include a dedicated website) and discount prices on all tree species offered to the homeowners.

M/S to select Sheridan Nurseries as the supplier partner of the Guildwood Tree Planting program. Carried.

Dave Arnold then discussed the idea of seeking additional sponsorship from the local Real Estate community to match the GVCA’s contribution to the Project which would allow for an additional rebate of $25.00 for a total of $50.00 saving per GVCA member for their purchase of a first tree to a maximum of 500 total trees. Those Realtors participating in the program would be given recognition through program signs, flyers and articles in the News & Views. Discussion of this suggestion centered on how to select the realtors to be involved in the program. The resulting agreement was to offer the opportunity to those realtors who have regularly advertised in the News & Views first and then if necessary ask other realtors who work in the area.

M/S to seek a minimum of 7 additional sponsors for the program from within the local realtor community, with each contributing up to $1,800 for a total of $12,500. Carried.

6.2 News & Views Editorial Guidelines – Judy Baribeau prepared a draft Guideline, which was reviewed by the Executive. Minor adjustments to the wording are to be made by Judy and submitted to Executive members to be voted on ahead of next month’s meeting, enabling Judy to post the full article on the website and an abbreviated version in the next News & Views to be published.

7. Items in Progress

7.1 Droneography Proposal update – Dave met with Trevor Crawford to determine what he was hoping to receive for the free aerial videography that he was offering and to discuss the video in more detail. Trevor has suggested that he could record the gardens of the Guild Inn, gates, bluffs and recreation trails in the community over the course of 2016, in order to provide a multi season perspective. The GVCA would have full rights to the resulting 5 minute clip. In return, Trevor is requesting 4 quarter page ads in the News & Views. Discussion ensued as to the timing of the advertisements and the possibility of providing Trevor with a list of general shots that he might record. John Mason agreed to compile the list of shots and the Executive agreed to publish the first advertisement in the Summer 2016 issue of the News & Views, which would then provide Trevor with 2 spots in 2016 and 2 in 2017.

M/S to proceed with the Droneography proposal in which Trevor Crawford would film through a variety of seasons during 2016, in order to provide a multi season clip of the Guildwood area for use by the GVCA. Carried.

7.2 Member E-mail Repository – Bob Taylor-Vaisey reported that the Centennial Community and Recreational Association’s website hosted a Google form which they utilized to collect email addresses. Bob contacted Janice Bennink, who explained that this form then populates a spreadsheet, enabling the Association to track the addressee’s information. To ensure that this will provide the GVCA with the information desired and would be possible on our website, it was agreed that Bob would follow up with Janice, and then speak with Andrew Macklin about the addition.

7.3 GVCA Information package for new residents – Leslie reported that a draft Welcome letter had been prepared and that Angela was in the process of contacting community businesses for support for the initiative. Dave confirmed that Julia Lakats was able to provide closing date information for homes in the area. Some minor changes in the letter format were suggested.

7.4 GVCA Storage Review – Bruce reported that both U-Haul Moving and Storage (4095 Kingston Rd) and All Canadian Self Storage (135 Beechgrove Dr) had space available for approximately $260/month. Both locations also offered a discount should the GVCA require the space for a full year. Other options considered included renting a POD, utilizing the basement of Maritime Travel or looking into space at one of the underutilized schools in the area. It was concluded that no further effort could be put into this issue until the time frame involved was identified.

7.5 Archival Records – Bob Taylor-Vaisey reported that he had defined what was appropriate to keep, but was still looking into how to locate all the material and also how and where it might be stored.

Follow up: Bob to provide the definition for an archive and further information at the January 12th meeting.

8. New Business

8.1 2016 AGM Meeting Agenda – Leslie confirmed that the church was available on March 22nd for the AGM. Dave led a discussion about the meeting format and potential speakers to be invited. All members agreed that Metrolinx should be invited to speak about the future changes impacting the Community. Further discussion centered on the information to be presented at the meeting by the Executive and how and when it should be delivered. John suggested that providing sub-committee reports ahead of the meeting and then providing time for a Q & A session could be a means of improving the communication of the group.

Follow up: Dave to present a new AGM meeting format at the January 12th meeting, for review

8.2 Highland Creek Biosolids EA issue – Dave reported that he and Angela had attended the most recent public consultation meeting regarding the Environmental Assessment of alternatives for the handling of Biosolid waste at the Highland Creek Treatment Plant. As the incinerators at the plant are nearing the end of their useful life, the Ministry of the Environment has been considering 3 alternative options for the future handling of waste. These include new fluidized bed incinerators, biosolids haulage off-site and pelletization of biosolids for off-site haulage. Of the 3 options, the Environmental Assessment has concluded that the use of a new fluidized bed incinerator is the most reliable, minimizes the use of energy, provides the best on-going staff working conditions and has the least impact on the quality of life. This option has also been supported by the neighbouring communities, who in turn are requesting that the GVCA support them in this process. A brief discussion by members resulted in an agreement to send a letter to show the GVCA’s unanimous support for the incineration option.

M/S to send a letter to Josie Franch, Public Senior Public Consultation Coordinator, City of Toronto advising the GVCA’s strong position in support of Alternative 1, the installation of a new fluidized bed incinerator at Highland Creek Treatment Plant. Carried Unanimously.

8.3 Guildwood Refugee Action Commitee – Leslie requested, on Angela’s behalf, that the GVCA support the Refugee Committee by posting a housing survey on the GVCA website. All members agreed to this and Leslie will follow up with Andrew Macklin.

9. Committee Reports

9.1 CPLC – Reg reported that the police were taking concerns of speeding motorists on Guildwood Parkway seriously.

9.2 Friends Of Guild Park – John reported that the tree lighting event went well with about 150 -200 people in attendance. He also identified a need to identify new names for both buildings in the park and rooms in the new Dynamic facility, with the focus being on names that supported a legacy naming initiative that is in place.

9.3 Community Affairs – Bob reported that he had been in contact with Metrolinx with respect to the upgrade of the rail lines through the Guildwood area. This project is still in the Assessment and Consultation Phase with an Environmental Assessment scheduled to occur in Spring 2016. He suggested that an overview of the project be included in the next News & Views. In addition, Bob mentioned that St Ursula Catholic School is to be expanded starting in March 2016 and that Borden High School could be closing. He added that the Accommodation Review plan for the public schools was to occur in 2019, which would prevent any Junior Public schools from closing before this date. Bob closed by stating that he had managed to secure a meeting with Paul Ainslie on February 1st, 2016 to discuss the Community Affairs Committees agenda.

9.4 Membership – Dave raised a few changes that he felt might be made to the GVCA Membership Drive page drafted for the News & Views. John Mason agreed to rewrite the ‘How you can help’ paragraph. Audrea agreed to follow up with Darcy Bullock with respect to having Membership and Tree program information tables at Valu-mart on March 26th and April 2nd. Dave suggested that the Membership Committee meet at the beginning of January to look at the next steps.

10. Communication & Correspondence: Emails received and responded to by the Association Executive are reviewed by the GVCA board members at each meeting.

11. Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 12th, 2016, 7:30 p.m.

12. Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Villeneuve