Electronic Thesis/Dissertation Uploading Instructions

Provided by: The Graduate School of Clemson University


October 2008


ETD Uploading Instructions

Creating an Account and Logging in

Note: In order to begin the electronic thesis/dissertation submission process, your completed GS-7 form must be submitted to Enrolled Student Services in 104-D Sikes Hall indicating that your committee has accepted your manuscript as complete in content and formatting.

Step 1. Go to www.etdadmin.com

Step 2. Click on the “Submit my dissertation/thesis” link.

Step 3. Select “Clemson University” from the list of institutions.

Step 4. If you are a new user, click on the “Create an account” link.

Note: If you have already created an account, enter your email address and password in the login box and click “Login” to access your account.

Step 5. Fill in the required fields (marked with *). When completed, click on “Sign Up.”

Step 6. After creating an account, an email will be sent to the address that you provided. Within this email is a confirmation link. Click the link to finalize the account setup process.

Submitting Your Completed Thesis/Dissertation

Step 1. Read over the instructions, and then click the “Continue” button.

Step 2. Reference www.grad.clemson.edu/manuscript/upload.php before selecting a publishing type and any restrictions. Click the “Save and Continue” button.

Step 3. Review the publishing agreement and then click the “Accept” button if you are satisfied with your choice. If not, click on the previous step (“Publishing Options”) on the left of the screen.

Step 4. Enter your contact information. Be sure to fill in all required fields (marked with *).

Step 5. Enter your dissertation/thesis information. Be sure to fill in all required fields (marked with *).

Step 5. Your file must be uploaded as a PDF. If you haven’t converted your file already, you can use the conversion tool provided by UMI (at the top of the “PDF” page) or you can visit www.grad.clemson.edu/manuscript/convert.php for other free conversion tools.

Step 6. Once your file is a PDF, click the “browse” button, locate your file, and click the “open” button. Once the file is selected, click the “Save and Continue” button.

Step 7. If you have any supplemental content to include with your manuscript (i.e. audio files of interviews with research subjects, digital images, a collection of slides), click the “Browse” button, locate the file(s), and click the “Open” button.

Note: If you do not have any supplemental files, click on the “Continue” button.

Step 8. If you have any notes for the administrator (manuscript reviewer), enter the information, and click the “Save and Continue” button.

Note: If you do not have any notes to the administrator, click on the “Continue” button.

Step 9. Select whether or not you would like UMI to file for a copyright on your behalf.

Note: Just by writing your manuscript, you have a copyright on the text. If you want to have written evidence of this, UMI can file for you, but a $65.00 fee will be added to your total fee.

Step 9. Select the number of copies you’d like (if any), and then click the “Continue with order” button.

If you do not want any copies, click the “Decline – do not order” button.

Important: As of August 12, 2006, the Graduate School no longer requires you to order any printed copies unless you want them for yourself or your committee members. Some departments still require bound copies, though. To determine whether your department requires a bound copy, see the list at www.grad.clemson.edu/manuscript/boundcopies.php.

Note: Bound copies from UMI do not look like the bound copies previously produced by Clemson (UMI copies have green covers, title on the front only instead of the front and spine, cannot be printed in color, and some other differences). Some students who have ordered manuscripts in past semesters were not completely satisfied with the end result from UMI. If you would like to have your manuscript bound at a different location to ensure your satisfaction, and you have approval from your department to do so, feel free to do so.

Step 10. This is the final step of the submission process. Click the “Submit Dissertation/Thesis” button then on the next screen, click the “Done” button.

Your initial part in the manuscript submission process is complete. Check your e-mail regularly as you will hear from an editor one to two business days after your submission regarding any revisions you need to make before your manuscript is approved.


ETD Uploading Instructions