Group Meeting Outline/Methodology

1) Thank Rep/Staffer for meeting with us

2) Introduce ourselves (briefly) How much time do you have for this meeting?

3) Acknowledge, Appreciation, Respect and Graditude

4) Our purpose (to create the political will for a stable climate)

5) Our request: Support or introduce legislation that puts a fee on carbon based fuels and returns the revenue to American households. We have more to say on that but we would really like to know what your (Rep) priorities are for climate/energy policy.

- Possible Questions you could ask to further the discussion:

What did you like/dislike about Boxer/Kerry, Waxman/Markey Bill or Cantwell/Collins from the 111th congress?

What do you think would be the fastest way for the United States to become the leader in creating renewable, clean jobs?

Do you view reducing our dependence on foreign oil as a national security issue?

Do you think our current policies regarding clean air and clean water reflect good stewardship of the planet?

Note: Please anticipate from your research what you think the Rep's responses might be

6) Our request: Support or introduce legislation that puts a fee on carbon and returns the revenue to American households. We have additional materials, would you like them hard copy or electronic? How and when should I follow up?

8) Who do you work with on the other side of the aisle?

9) Thank you for your time






Follow up material*