Gregory L. Callan, Ph.D., HSPP

Ball State University

Department of Educational Psychology,

515 Teachers College, Muncie, IN, 47304


Updated on: 8/27/2017

Education & Licensure

2016 Licensed Psychologist, Heath Service Provider in Psychology (HSPP), Indiana

(License#: 20042976A; August, 2016), Indiana Professional Licensing Agency

2014 Ph.D., Educational Psychology

APA Accredited & NASP Accredited

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI

Dissertation Title: Self-regulated learning (SRL) microanalysis for mathematical problem solving: A comparison of a SRL event measure, questionnaires, and a teacher rating scale.

2009 M.S., Educational Psychology

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI

2008 B.A. Bachelor of Arts

Major/Minor: Psychology/Sociology

Saint Norbert College

DePere, WI

Professional appointments

Ordered by date:

2015- Assistant Professor, Ball State University, (Muncie, IN). Department of Educational Psychology and School Psychology Core Faculty, Teachers College.

2014-2015 School Psychologist, Virginia Beach City Public Schools, (Virginia Beach, VA).

Completed a postdoctoral experience under the direct supervision of Dr. Thomas Sugden, LPC. Services provided included therapy for children and adolescents enrolled in Virginia Beach City Public Schools with a particular focus on intensive therapy with students enrolled in the STEP program and provided psychological and psycho-educational assessment for school-aged children and adolescents. Completed 2000 hours.

Supervisors: Thomas Sugden, Psy.D.

2013-2015 Doctoral Intern in Professional Psychology. Virginia Beach City Public Schools, (Virginia Beach, VA). Provided psychological and psycho-educational assessment for school-aged children and adolescents. Provided school-based therapy for children and adolescents. Provided parent and teacher consultation. Provided crisis intervention to students and school staff.

Supervisors: Deborah Edwards, Psy.D., & Clifford Hatt, Ph.D.

2012-2013 Dissertation Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, (Milwaukee, WI).

Awardee of a fully funded fellowship to focus my full attention on my dissertation.

2011-2012 Research Assistant and Project Administrator, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, (Milwaukee, WI). Organized and coordinated an inter-departmental National Science Foundation (NSF) research team that included the School of Education and the College of Engineering and Applied Science. Developed and facilitated research internships for high school teachers in University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Engineering and Applied Science professors. Supported the development of instructional curriculum for high school students based on teacher research internship experiences.

2011-2012 Advanced Practicum Student, Aurora Psychiatric Hospital: Child & Adolescent Day Treatment, (Waukesha, WI). Lead group and individual therapy sessions. Co-facilitated family therapy sessions. Worked as part of a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, and school liaisons. Completed psychological and intake assessments.

Supervisor: Munther Barakat, Psy.D.

2010-2011 Advanced Practicum Student. Medical College of Wisconsin: Pediatric Neuropsychology Waukesha, WI. Administered and scored assessments designed to measure neuropsychological, cognitive academic, behavioral, and social-emotional functioning. Prepared formal behavioral observations and psychological reports of assessment findings. Provided feedback to clients and client guardians.

Supervisor: Jennifer Koop, Ph.D.

2009-2011 Graduate Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.

Responsible for generating intervention tools, provided intervention services, collected and analyzed data for grant funded research projects.

2009-2010 School Psychology Practicum Student. Milwaukee Public Schools, Milwaukee, WI.

Provided school psychological services for elementary, middle school, and high school aged students. Administered, scored, and interpreted psycho-educational assessments. facilitated meetings for special education service eligibility. Provided individual and group intervention services (Mental Health or behavioral, academic, life-skills). Consulted with teachers, parents, and school staff. Participated on crisis management team

Supervisors: Jennifer Schiefer, Eds & Michael Crossot, Eds

2008-2009 Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, (Milwaukee, WI).

Lead five discussion sections per week, prepared and graded assignments, quizzes, exams. Proctored exams.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Ordered by date:

Callan G. L., Marchant G. J., Finch W. H., & Flegge L. (2017). Student and school SES, gender, strategy use, and achievement. Psychology in the Schools. Impact factor = 1.035.

Pierson E. E., Callan G. L., & Pierson S. K. (2017). An overview of special education law, 504, FERPA, and issues relevant for pediatric neuropsychologists. Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology. doi:10.1007/s40817-017-0039-y

Callan, G. L., & Cleary, T. J. (2017) Multi-dimensional assessment of self-regulated learning with middle school math students. School Psychology Quarterly. Impact factor = 3.286

Callan, G. L., Marchant, G. J., Finch, H. W., & German, R. L. (2016). Metacognition, strategies, achievement, and demographics: Relationships across countries. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 16, 1485 – 1502. Impact factor = 0.369.

Cleary, T. J., Callan, G. L., Malatesta, J., & Adams, T. (2015). Examining the level of convergence among self-regulated learning microanalytic processes, achievement, and a self-report questionnaire. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33(5), 439-450. doi:10.1177/073428915594739. Impact factor = 1.054.

Callan, G., L., & Cleary, T.J. (2014). Self-regulated learning (SRL) microanalysis for mathematical problem solving: A comparison of a SRL event measure, questionnaires, and a teacher rating scale. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 10789).

Cleary, T. J., & Callan, G. L. (2014). Student self-regulated learning in an urban high school: Predictive validity and relations between teacher ratings and student self-reports. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 32(4), 295-305. doi:10.1177/0734282913507653. Impact factor = 1.054.

Cleary, T. J., Callan, G. L., & Zimmerman, B. J. (2012). Assessing self-regulation as a cyclical, context Specific phenomenon: Overview and analysis of SRL microanalytic protocols. Education Research International, vol. 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/428639.

Manuscripts Submitted for review

Ordered by Date:

Rubenstein, L. D., Callan, G. L., & Ridgley, L. M. (Submitted for review). Anchoring the creative process within a self-regulated learning framework. Submitted for Educational Psychology Review. Impact Factor = 4.33.

Gubi, A. A., Bocanegra, J. O., Callan, G. L., Espinal, J. M., Giordano K. (Submitted for review). Post-secondary School Psychologists as “Diversity Recruiters.”

Rubenstein, L. D., Ridgley, L. M., Callan, G. L., Karami, S., & Ehlinger, J. (Submitted for review). How teachers perceive factors that influence creativity development: Applying a Social Cognitive Theory perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education. Manuscript in review.

Manuscripts In Preparation

Ordered by Date:

Callan, G. L., & Cleary, T. J. An examination of the cyclical model of SRL and a comparison of self-regulated learning (SRL) microanalysis, trace observations, and self-report questionnaires. Manuscript in preparation.

Callan G. L., Rubenstein, L. D., & Ridgley, L.M. Measuring the creative process with SRL microanalysis. Manuscript in preparation.

Rubenstein, L. D., Callan, G. L., & Ridgley, L. M. Strategy use during the creative process. Manuscript in preparation.

Callan, G. L., & Shim, S. S. Teachers perceptions of self-regulated learning. Manuscript in preparation.

Book Chapters

Cleary, T. J. & Callan, G. L. (2017). Measurement of self-regulated learning with SRL microanalysis. In J. Greene & D. Schunk (Eds.), Handbook of Self-Regulation.

Book Chapters In Preparation

Cleary, T. J. & Callan, G. L., Pawlo, E. Self-regulated learning in school contexts. To be published in F. Worrell (Ed.), Handbook of School Psychology (2018).

Other Publications

Ordered by date:

Callan, G. L. (Accepted). Self-Regulation. In Sage Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.

Callan, G. L. (2014, Summer). 2014 Graduate Student Research Award Paper: The validity of a self-regulated learning microanalytic protocol for mathematical problem solving. American Educational Research Association – Studying and Self-Regulated Learning Special Interest Group newsletter, pp. 3.

Callan, G. L., (2013, Fall). Measuring self-regulated learning during mathematical problem solving with SRL microanalysis. American Educational Research Association – Studying and Self-Regulated Learning Special Interest Group newsletter, pp. 12-14.

Presentations at national and international professional meetings

Ordered by date:

Callan, G. L., Rubenstein, L. D., McCall, J., & Ridgley, L. M. (2018, May). Measuring the creative process: Examining a SRL microanalysis protocol for creative problem solving. Paper submitted to the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY.

Rubenstein, L. D., Callan, G. L., Ridgley, L. M., Henderson, A., & Terwillegar, M. W. (2018, May). Exploring students’ strategy use while engaging in a creative problem solving task. Paper submitted to the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY.

Henderson, A., Terwillegar, M. W., Ridgley, L. M., Callan, G. L., & Rubenstein, L. D. (2018, February). Predicting creativity with real-time measurements of creative self-efficacy. Presentation submitted for the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists.

Callan, G. L., & Shim, S. S. (2017, August). Teachers perceptions of effective and ineffective self-regulated learning. Paper accepted for the American Psychological Association Conference, Washington D.C.

Callan, G. L., Rubenstein, L. D., Ridgley, L. M., McCall, J., Henderson, A., Ashcraft, S., & Johnston, C. (2017, August). The effect of strategy use and self-efficacy on creative problem solving. Paper presented at annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.

White T., Caugherty N., Flegge L., & Callan G. L. (2017, February). Social influences on math strategy use. Presentation accepted for the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologist, San Antonio, TX.

Callan G. L., Marchant G. J., Finch W. H., & Flegge L. (2017, February). How strategies relate to SES, gender, and achievement. Presentation accepted for the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, San Antonio, TX.

Callan G. L., Marchant, G. J., Finch W. H. (2016, August). Student and school SES, Strategy Use, and Achievement. Presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.

Marchant, G., Callan, G., & Finch, H. W. (2016, May). The mediating effects of metacognitive and learning strategies on relationships between SES and achievement. Presented at the annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.

Callan, G., (2016, May). Measuring self-regulated learning in classrooms: Optimizing Predictive Utility and Ecological Validity. In J. C. Cassady, Defining, assessing, and supporting self-regulation skills: Disciplinary differences and similarities. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.

Callan G., & Cleary, T. J. (2016, February). The Predictive Validity of self-regulated learning measurement formats. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.

Callan G., & Cleary, T. J. (2016, February). The convergence of self-regulated learning measurement formats. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.

Callan, G., Cleary, T. J., & Kaminski, A. (2015, April). The convergence and predictive value of four self-regulated learning measurement formats. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Callan, G., & Cleary, T. J. (2014, April). The validity of a SRL microanalytic protocol for mathematical problem solving. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Cleary, T. J., & Callan, G. (2014, April). Using self-regulated learning (SRL) microanalysis to examine relations among cyclical-phase SRL processes. In M. K. DiBenedetto, Research evidence on the dynamic and cyclical nature of self-regulated learning. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Callan, G., Cleary, T.J., Reynolds, C.E., Looser, J., Schumaker, C., Rollo, K. (2014, February). Self-Regulated Learning Microanalysis for Math Problem Solving. Presented at the annual convention of The National School Psychologist Association, Washington D.C.

Bocanegra. J., Callan, G., Newell, M. (2012, August). Analysis of multicultural competency within School Psychology Quarterly journals from 1992—2008. Presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association.

Callan, G., & Cleary, T. A teacher rating scale to examine student self-regulation in math contexts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, (2012, April) Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Avdeev, I., Berg, C., Callan, G. Lovell, M., Posnanski, T., & Piechowski, M. (2012, March). RET site: Milwaukee regional energy education initiative. Presented at the National Science Foundation Engineering Education Programs Awardees Conference, Washington, D.C.

Callan, G., & Cleary, T. (2012, February). Differential Effects of Self-Regulation Across Achievement Levels and Gender. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.

Hernandez, M., Bocanegra, B., VanGrinsven, L., & Callan, G. (2012, February). Examining the state of diversity research. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.

Hernandez, M., Van Grinsven, L., Callan, G., and Stoiber K. (2011, August) Predictors of Drop-Out Risk in African-American Youth. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual conference, Washington D.C.

Van Grinsven, L., Hernandez, M., Callan, G., & Stoiber, K. (2011, August). The Impact of Small Learning Communities on Dropout Risk in Urban Youth. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual conference, Washington D.C.

Cleary, T., Callan, G., & Peterson, J. (2011, April). Using Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Microanalysis in an Academic Context: Conceptual and Empirical Advantages. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Cleary, T., Callan, G., Adams, T., & Peterson, J. (2010, March). Best practices in implementing self-regulation interventions in school settings. Paper session presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.

Cleary, T., Adams, T., Peterson, J., Callan, G. (2010, March). Development and validation of a microanalytic self-regulation interview. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.

Presentations at State and Regional Meetings

Ordered by date:

Callan, G., Cleary, T., Reynolds, C., & Looser, J. (2013, May). Measuring self-regulated learning (SRL) during mathematical problem solving with SRL microanalysis. Presented at the annual University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Doctoral Student Research Session, Milwaukee, WI.

Bocanegra, J., Petersen, J., Callan, G., and Gubi, A. (2010, May). Preliminary findings: An overview of racial/ethnic minority research in school psychology. Presented at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Multi-Cultural Research Forum, Milwaukee, WI.

Callan, G., Adams, T., Peterson, J., & Cleary, T. J., (2010, March). Psychometric features of the self-regulation microanalytic Assessment Interview. Poster session presented at the annual University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Education research convention, Milwaukee, WI.

Teaching Experience

Fall 2015- Ball State University

Present Assistant Professor:

Courses taught: EdPs 653 Cognitive Assessment, EdPs 390 Educational Psychology, EdPs 393 Educational Psychology for Elementary Education, EdPs 654 Academic Assessment and Intervention, EdPs 791 Internship in School Psychology, EdPs 792 Internship in Professional Psychology, Group Supervision for 786, 791, and 792, and Individual Supervision.