Sensory Stations

Grade Level: 8th grade English


Students will use the senses that are experienced in furthering their descriptive skills

Students will incorporate their descriptions in a poem

Students will understand the different perspectives of the same object

Academic Standards:

8.3.7 Recognize and understand the significance of various literary devices, including figurative language, imagery, allegory (the use of fictional figures and actions to express truths about human experiences), and symbolism (the use of a symbol to represent an idea or theme), and explain their appeal.

8.4.3 Use precise language, action verbs, sensory details, and appropriate modifiers.


1-2 bags (depending on size of class) of assorted candy; a “creation” with a crunchy/squishy inside and fabric covering it; an assortment of 5-10 scenery pictures; a scented candle; a worksheet with provoking questions to describe objects


1) 2 minutes: Introduction to sensory stations: explain importance of elaborating on details and not just one word descriptions; explain that the descriptions they write will go towards writing a poem; explain how the sensory stations will work; tell students how much time will be allotted for each object and then have the teacher assign groups. Give the groups the worksheet;

2) 16 minutes (4 minutes for each object): Inform the students that they have 4 minutes to “experience” the object and to answer the questions about that specific object. The teacher wanders around asking random questions while they are touching/smelling/tasting the object. The teacher keeps track of time and tells the groups to switch after 5 minutes.

3) 3 minutes: Regroup as a class and ask what the students thought about the stations, what was their favorite object to describe and ask for some unusual descriptions that they came up with.

4) 8 minutes: Instruct the students to write a poem based on one of the objects that they “experienced” incorporating some observations from the worksheet. Inform them that they will share their poems in a small group.

5) 1 minute: The teachers divide the class in groups according to the object they wrote the poem about.

6) 5 minutes: The teacher instructs students share their poem within their group and talk about the differences that appear throughout each other’s poems.

7) Remaining time: additional instructions or homework

Sensory Stations Worksheet

Directions: Answer all of the questions for each station thoroughly.

*The object of these activities is to brainstorm material that you will use in a poem, so take it seriously and I do not recommend one word descriptions. Be creative and use your imagination! And have fun!

Touchy-Feely Station: (*Rotate both of the objects)

1. What does the outside feel like? Does it remind you of anything?

2. What do you think is inside it? How do the objects inside feel (rough, smooth, etc)?

What’s That Smell… Station:

1. What does each of the candles smell like to you? Do they remind you of anything (type of season, a type of food or someone’s house, etc.)?

2. What would these smells taste like?

Tastes Like… Station:

1. What flavor did you pick? Does it match the color?

2. What does the flavor remind you of? How would you describe its smell or texture?

Picture Perfect Station:

1. What is the picture of? Do you think this place is imaginary or real?

2. If you were there right now, what would the weather be like? How would you describe it to someone who has never been there before?

*When you are done think about which object you liked the most and pick one to write about in a poem.