Grade 7 Mathematics

Web Assignment

Bias Sampling

Name: _________________________________ Class: _______ Date:________

Outcome F1: Students shall communicate through example the distinction between

biased and unbiased sampling…

In this assignment you will be responsible for researching the term “bias” as it relates to statistics, and in particular, “bias sampling” and “statistical bias”. Using the web sites provided to you below, decide on a concise definition of the term and provide several examples of bias as it relates to mathematics.

Use the search engine to find articles and lessons on “bias”

Search word “bias” or “statistical bias”

Online dictionary. Find definition and / or example of “bias” and “biased sample”

Assessment Rubric: Excellent Needs Work Incomplete

3 2 1


Has the student demonstrated an understanding of the term “bias” ____

as it relates to data management?

Does the example provided correspond directly to the definition? ____


Did the student complete the assignment to the best of his/her ____



Did the student give due credit to the source of information? ____