Grade 7 Language Arts
Mrs. Nockowitz
Peer Relations Unit Final Project
For this project you will be creating a glog. A glog is an interactive poster that you create online. I will provide you with your own “space” and your own password for your own glog dashboard.
Go to:
Put in your nickname and password (given to you by me) and log in.
You may edit your profile if you want, or you can get to work right away on your glog. Keep your nickname and password somewhere safe!!!
Glog requirements:
1. At least one photo
2. One audio clip (song, voice recording, etc.)
3. At least two sections (stickers) of text about you and your peer relationships
4. A link to an article or video about The Outsiders (not a plot summary or teacher activity!) You may write/create something yourself.
5. Your six word peer relations memoir
6. A title
Glog options:
-graphics; animated graphics
-change glog wall and/or page wall (You may import your own graphic for this if you want)
-change colors of fonts, graphics, etc.
-extra photos or text
***Note: When you attach a link, you will not be able to see that it’s attached until you publish your glog.
Your glog should address the guiding questions for this unit:
*What are the costs/benefits for conformity/nonconformity to a peer group? (For this, you can talk about your own personal experience with conformity/nonconformity.)
*How does a person’s relationship with his or her peers affect the kind of person he/she will become?
The glog can look however you want it to look as long as there are no inappropriate images, references, etc.