Grace United Learning Center
April 2017 Newsletter
Office Notes:
The summer activity fee of $50 is due this month. This fee is applicable to all children attending our camp and helps cover field trip expenses and extra activities that make our summer camp fun and exciting for the children. We already have many extras planned to make this summer great! Re-registration fees of $50 are collected for our preschool and kindergarten prep students that have re-enrolled for the 2017-2018 school year. You can expect to see these charges on your tuition statement. Also, please note that your account must be paid in full in order to attend Summer Camp or re-enroll for the fall. The Learning Center has recently added new tuition payment options. You may now access a parent portal and pay online. This feature is called MyProcare. Registration links were sent out via email last month. If you did not receive a registration link or would like a new link contact Ms. Katie in the office. Additionally, we now accept automatic tuition payments through your bank. If you’d like to set up automatic tuition payments, you may fill out a form available on the parent table or see Ms. Katie.
It is that time of year when we begin thinking about preschool graduation. We are so happy with how much your child has grown during their time here, whether it be one year or three. We are very proud to announce our 7th Annual Graduation Ceremony scheduled for June 9th. Please make sure you have purchased your cap & gown. Please note, Graduation is for children entering kindergarten in the Fall of 2017 only!
On April 10th & 11th at 10:00am we will have individual and class photos taken at the center by Pictures-R-Us. Extra order forms are available on parent tables. Picture schedules have been placed in each classroom, contact your child's teacher if you have questions.
Thank you for your support with the Claire’s Gourmet fundraiser!!! We are very excited to announce that we have saved up enough funding to move forward with the playground resurfacing project! Weather permitting, the new surfacing will be installed Thursday, April 13th. We will have a group of volunteers working on removing existing surfacing starting Monday, April 10th. Please be advised, there will be large equipment in use. Be vigilant as you are entering and exiting the building with your child(ren).
Church News:
· April 8th: 1:00 pm. Easter Egg Hunt. Please sign up on parent board.
· April 21st: Basket, Bag & Cash BINGO at Taneytown Activities Building. More information can be found on parent board.
· April 30th: Church Program at 10:15am, arrive by 10:00am.
Classroom Notes:
Since the weather will be getting warmer we would like to remind you to dress your child in tennis shoes and a jacket for outdoor play and walks. Also, double check that your child’s extra clothes supply is appropriate for the season.
Please be advised, CCPS are closed for Spring Break from April 13th - April 18th. As a result, all preschool and kindergarten prep classes will be closed. Classes will resume April 19th. We hope you enjoy your time off!
Important Dates:
· April 5th- CCPS early dismissal. K-Prep dismisses as 11:30am. No afternoon preschool
· April 10th & 11th -Picture Day at 10am, see classroom schedules.
· April 11th – Claire’s Gourmet delivery!
· April 12th –Scholastic book orders due.
· April 13th-18th-CCPS closed. No Preschool or K-Prep classes
· April 14th-GULC Closed. Good Friday.
Month’s Themes: Month of the Young Child
Color: Blue Shape: Teardrop
Sign Language: Rain Spanish: Rain, weather
Letters: W, X, Y, Z Numbers: 16, 17, 18
Week 1-Farm Animals/Farmer Week 2-Easter - Egg hunt
Week 3- Earth Day Week 4- Insects
April Birthdays:
April 1st Happy Birthday to Brayden 5 years old
April 11th Happy Birthday to Jack 5 years old
April 14th Happy Birthday to Everett 7 years old
April 14th Happy Birthday to Owen 3 years old
April 16th Happy Birthday to Trace 4 years old
April 18th Happy Birthday to Brooklyn & Colton 4 years old
April 19th Happy Birthday to Ms. Crystal V.
With Care of Children ,
Ms. Katie, Ms. Crystal B, Ms. Natalie, Ms. Christine, Ms. Naomi, Ms. Jackie,
Ms. Melissa, Ms. Crystal V & Ms. Kati
Spring Time Fun!!! Get your kids moving outside!!
Spring is finally here so now is the time to get your kids outside and moving!! Here are some ideas…
*Plant your flowers and vegetables
*Have a picnic at the park
*Visit the farm and see the animals
*Take a hike
*Play ball
*Ride your bike