OnTheMap - Exercise Questions

Area Profile and Area Comparison

1. What are the characteristics and distribution of workers employed and living in Del City, Oklahoma in 2010?

· How many workers are employed in the city? Where are the highest concentrations of employment?

· What are the three most dominant industries by employment in the city? Are the spatial distributions of employment in these industries different?

· How many workers live in the city? How do the characteristics of working residents compare to the characteristics of workers?

2. How does Del City’s employment compare to other cities in the Oklahoma City Metro area in 2010?

· Is Del City in the Top 10 in employment among the metro area’s cities?

· Is Del City in the Top 10 in share of employment among the metro area’s cities in Manufacturing? What about Accommodation and Food Services?

Distance/Direction and Destination

3. To what direction and distance do Del City residents commute?

· What direction do most city residents commute? What percentage of workers commuting in that direction travel between 10 and 24 miles to work?

· What percent of commutes greater than 50 miles are to the NE? Any guesses where these Del City residents are employed?

· Identify one of the census blocks in downtown Oklahoma City that employs a large number of Del City residents. How many workers are employed there? How many high-wage workers are employed in that block?

4. Let’s change our focus from Del City to the Oklahoma City Central Business District (CBD). Determine the boundary of the CBD and create it as your selection area. Where do workers employed in the CBD live?

· What are the Top 5 ZIP codes that commute in to the CBD to work? How many results must be shown for a ZIP code in the CBD to appear in the results?

· What percent of workers commute from the Edmond Public School District to work in the CBD? Where is the Edmond School District located in relation to the CBD?


5. What are the worker flows in, out, and within Oklahoma City’s CBD?

· How many workers flow into the CBD to work? How many workers flow out of the CBD to work?

· What percent of workers living in the CBD are also employed in the CBD? What percent of workers employed in the CBD also live in the CBD?

· Is this area a net job importer or exporter? Are workers flowing in or out more likely to be under the age of 30? What about workers earning more than $3,333 a month?

· Flow characteristics are not available at the NAICS Sector level. How could we use the industry segment data available for each flow to guestimate which “All Other Services” NAICS Sectors workers are employed in?

Paired Area

6. What are the characteristics and distribution of workers living in Del City and working in Oklahoma City’s CBD?

· How many workers live in Del City and work in the CBD? What is the most dramatic Labor Market Segment breakout for this set of workers?

· What census block has the most employment? What census block has the most workers residing in it?

· Are workers living and working in the selected Paired Area more likely to be high-earners than workers living in Del City? What about compared to workers employed in the CBD?

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