phone etiquette for recruiting purposes


Hi ___________ my name is____________________ from Faith Community Church. I’m calling on behalf of the ____________________ ministry at Faith.


We are looking for some help with______________________________

Where and When

We will be holding an informational meeting on _________________at____o’clock in the ___________________________room.


The purpose for this meeting is to give you information regarding this need, the time commitment and the expectations.

Follow-up in person or with direct phone contact

Can we count on you being able to make that meeting?

Follow-up if leaving a message

Please give me a call at your earliest convenience at _________________ again my name is_____________from Faith Community Church.

Reminder calls generalized etiquette


This is just a friendly reminder


My name is ________________ from Faith Community Church. I’m calling on behalf of the ________________________ministry.


We have you signed up as a volunteer for___________________duty.

Where and When

Your week is coming up for service. We will need you to be at the __________ before or at____________o’clock.

Generalized form for event planning communication etiquette


Hi ___________ my name is____________________ from Faith Community Church. I’m calling on behalf of the ____________________ ministry.

What and Why

We wanted to make you aware of a gathering the _________team will be having for the purpose of celebration. This is an opportunity to fellowship and to thank you for your act of servant hood.

Where and When

We holding the celebration at_________________the time will be____o’clock.

What to bring

We would ask that you bring_______________________________.

Choose one statement following that applies

o Your whole family is invited

o this celebration is for adults only

o this celebration is strictly for those who have served on the ___________team.

Follow-up in person or with direct phone contact

We would love to see you there.

Follow-up if leaving a message

If there are any further questions please don’t hesitate to give me a call at __________ . Hope to see you there.