General Course Information:
Course Title: Advanced Biology I & II
Year: 2007-8
Course Description: A lab-based science course following the successful completion of 9th/10th grade Biology. Class content is aligned with PCC courses Bio 101 and 102. Students earning grades of B or higher earn 4 college credits each semester.
Room Number: A9
Periods Taught: 4, 6, 8
Faculty Name:
Amy Lindahl
Grinnell College, Bachelor of Arts,
Major: Biology, ‘99
UC Riverside, Masters in Biology, ‘02
Lewis and Clark College, Master of
Arts in Teaching, ‘04
Course/Faculty Website:
Additional Contact Information:
Phone: 503-916-5241
Office Hours:
Periods 2-3 and Wednesdays until 4pm
Introduction to Course: Welcome to Advanced Biology at Biztech High School! This course is a special opportunity to earn transferable college credit while attending a high school core class. This class will fulfill the 3rd year science requirement. Expect a challenging and enjoyable class!
Note to Parents/Guardians: Advanced Biology is a hands-on, lab-based class. We will be attending several field trips in the coming year, and your volunteer and chaperone help is welcome. If you are interested in helping with these activities, please call or email to express your interest.
Learning Outcomes:
Course Objectives: This course will provide both review and in-depth exploration of major topics in biology. These topics include: genetics, ecology (with a focus on NW salmon), cellular biology, energy transformation, properties of life, development, evolution, and environmental issues.
Reading Strategies and Objectives: Students are expected to use their textbooks as a homework tool and as a review source for exams. They will develop strategies for reading scientific text and finding key information.
Writing Strategies and Objectives: Students will practice scientific writing in lab reports and written reviews of scientific issues. They will work on developing writing that is appropriate for different audiences. Scientific writing styles will be emphasized.
Required Text:
Campbell, N. A., Reece, J. B., & Mitchell., L. G. 1999. Biology 5th Edition. Benjamin/Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Replacement fee: $66
Optional/Suggested Text:
Other texts will be provided by the school and/or teacher. These primarily include field guides to NW species.
Grading & Plagiarism:
Grading Categories & Percentages:
Content knowledge (55%)
Knowledge of course material: demonstrated on tests, lab reports, and some in-class assignments
Work ethic (35%)
Professionalism: warm-ups, homework completion, some in-class assignments, persistence, lab safety, organization
Collaboration (5%)
Group-work skills: works well and communicates well with group, adopts group roles
Written communication (3%)
Scientific writing: use of grammar and spelling, logic, organization
Oral communication (2%)
Clear communication skills: primarily assessed during presentations
Grading Scale:
A+ = 98-100
A = 93-97
A- = 90-92
B+ = 87-89
B = 83-86
B- = 80-82
C+ = 77-79
C = 73-76
C- = 70-72
D+ = 67-69
D = 63-68
D- = 60-62
F = less than 60
Late-Work Policy: If an absence is excused, students will have the number of days they were absent to make up work with no negative effect on their grades (example: 2 days excused absence, 2 days to make up work). Late work past this point, or after an unexcused absence, will be lowered 10% per day after the due date.
Make-up Work Policy: In the rare case of an extended, excused absence, students will make private arrangements with me to make up work. Students should not expect to be given make-up work after a suspension.
Plagiarism Policy: I take academic dishonesty seriously. Both the plagiarizer and the student whose work was copied may receive zeros on assignments if plagiarism is suspected. Protect your work, especially your homework, and consider it valuable, personal property. Do not leave it lying around on a table. Plagiarized assignments and those assignments that were copied will be thrown away. Students will not be allowed a make-up assignment.
I teach students about how to use web and text resources in an appropriate manner. Assignments with unaltered and plagiarized text may receive zeroes.
Course Schedule/Outline:
Fall Semester (Advanced Biology I/PCC Biology 101)
1. NW salmon (Salmon Watch curriculum and field trip)
2. The scientific approach
3. Research skills
4. Biological chemistry
5. Cells
6. Biomes and ecosystems
7. Nutrient cycling and ecosystem dynamics (focus on climate change)
8. Population ecology
9. Community ecology
Spring Semester (Advanced Biology II/PCC Biology 102)
1. Ecology field study with Wolftree
2. DNA structure
3. Protein synthesis
4. Cell cycle
5. Mendelian genetics
6. Modern genetics
7. Microevolution
8. Macroevolution
9. Animal reproduction and development
Classroom Conduct:
Each student has the right to be in a classroom that supports his/her learning and the learning of others.
These few, basic rules will help us to accomplish this goal:
· Speak politely and treat others kindly
· Follow teacher requests
· Be prepared for class (bring 3-ring binder, pen/pencil, and homework)
· Make a good effort and request help when you need it
· No food in class (bottled water is allowed)
· Non-academic computer use is not allowed (NO email, gaming, etc.)
· Use of electronic devices (cell phones, music players, etc.) is not permitted and these items will be collected by the teacher if they are used or seen in class
Student Signature
I have read and understand the course requirements, policies, and expectations.
Parent/Guardian Signature
I have read and understand the course requirement, policies, and expectations.
Contact information:
Parent/Guardian name:_____________________
Phone number (work):______________________
Phone number (home):______________________
Cell number:______________________________
Additional contact name:____________________
Phone number (work):______________________
Phone number (home):______________________
Cell number:______________________________
Please let me know if there is any information that will help me teach and support your student. Is there anything that has worked really well for your child in the past? Any information you can provide about how your student learns best would be extremely helpful. Thank you!